随笔分类 - Cerification
摘要:PHP BasicThe echo() statement operates similarly to print(), except for two differences. First, it cannot be used as part of a complex expression because it returns void, whereas print() returns a Boo...
摘要:A. PHP hasa large collection of built in functions to handle strings, we’velooked at strings already, let’s look at different ways to interactwith them in greater detail:strlen(), Returnst...
摘要:DesignPattern TheoryDesignPatterns - Some time ago people realized that we were solving thesame problems again and again, they then decided to sit down and comeup with really good solutions to those p...
摘要:Defense inDepth.When you plan with defensein depth, you plan for failure. Rather than internal functionsassuming the data they receive is already validated or escaped, theywill check and confirm..Appl...
摘要:Prior to PHP5 OOPwas a hack on top of the array implementation. PHP5 Changedeverything, in a great way.Objects are treateddifferently from other types of variables. An object is always passedby refere...
摘要:Youwill not be tested on database specific code*InTheory* In reality many cross database experts have stated a beliefthat the exam has a MySQL base.Abasic understanding of SQL and it’s concepts ...
摘要:Forms.GET vs POST. Form Tokens. Default Values. Re-populatingdata.superglobalarray$_GET[]$_POST[]WhenYou Don’t Know How Data Is Sent$_REQUEST[]filledin using data from different sources in an or...
摘要:XML Well Formed– Single rootlevel tag– Tags must beopened and closed properly– Entities mustbe well formed Valid– Well formed– Contain a DTD– Follow thatDTDParsin...
摘要:Two types of streams:One group provides access to a certain type ofstream resource; the standard PHP distribution includes several builtin examples:• php.*—standard PHP input/output•fi...
摘要:Stringsare the most commonly used variable type in PHP, because they areboth central to web development, and the common method of datatransmission from the user.Withinstrings many characters take a sp...
摘要:PHPBasicsPHPBasics refers to a number of things thatarelikely already second nature to you:–Syntax–Operators–Variables–Constants–Control StructuresLanguageConstructs and ...
摘要:The actual examis very easy; it should not difficult for any php user who hascertain level of php development experience. I hope these series oflectures on ZCE can help you prepare, attend and pass t...
摘要:NOTE : The answers That I am NOT sure are marked with "*"Useful website: http://zend-php.appspot.com/81. Consider the following code-snippet, which is taken from a larger application:<?phpfor(/* em...
摘要:NOTE : The answers That I am NOT sure are marked with "*"Useful website: http://zend-php.appspot.com/1. What is the best way to ensure the distinction between filtered / trusted and unfiltered / untru...