[Ubuntu] bash shell soft-link error: Too many levels of symbolic links

Please see the command below:


david_lee@david-desktop:/home/david_lee/test$ sudo ln -s test /usr/bin/test
@david-desktop:/home/david_lee/test $ test
/usr/bin/test: Too many levels of symbolic links

That is to say i got the error: Too many levels of symbolic links.


The reason is that, when I creating the symbolic link, I only used the relative path, but not the absolute path.


The solution is to use the absolute path.

david_lee@david-desktop:/home/david_lee/test$ sudo ln -s /home/david_lee/test/test /usr/bin/test



posted @ 2010-09-27 13:51  DavidHHuan  阅读(470)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报