1. Library文件 需要的dll文件如下: FluentNHibernate.dll (*) NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll (*) NHibernate.dll (*) Remotion.Data.Linq.dll Antlr3.Runtime.dll Castle.Core.dll Iesi.Collections.dll2. 创建Hibernate访问通用类usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingFluentNHibernate.Cfg;usingFluentNHibernate.Cfg.Db; 阅读全文
1. sudo reboot 2. sudo shutdown -r now 立刻重启(root用户使用) 3. sudo shutdown -r 10 过10分钟自动重启(root用户使用) 4. sudo shutdown -r 20:35 在时间为20:35时候重启(root用户使用) 阅读全文
1. 构建服务层 新建一个空白解决方案,增加一个项目用来存放WCF服务-HelloWCF.Service 确保该项目引用System.Model 1) 构建服务契约 新建一个接口usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.Linq;usingSystem.Text;usingSystem.ServiceModel;namespaceHelloWCF.Service{[ServiceContract]interfaceIHelloWorldService{[OperationContract]StringGetMessage(S 阅读全文
1. What is WCF?WCF is the latest technology from Microsoft for building services, including webservices.WCF is the acronym for Windows Communication Foundation. It is Microsoft'slatest technology that enables applications in a distributed environment tocommunicate with each other.WCF is an umbre 阅读全文
1. What is SOA?SOA is the acronym(缩略语) for Service Oriented Architecture.Basically, SOA states that every component of a system should be a service, and the system should be composed of several loosely-coupled services. A service here means a unit of a program that serves a business process. Loosely 阅读全文
闭包(closure)是Javascript语言的一个难点,也是它的特色,很多高级应用都要依靠闭包实现。下面就是我的学习笔记,对于Javascript初学者应该是很有用的。一、变量的作用域要理解闭包,首先必须理解Javascript特殊的变量作用域。变量的作用域无非就是两种:全局变量和局部变量。Javascript语言的特殊之处,就在于函数内部可以直接读取全局变量。varn=999; functionf1(){ alert(n); } f1();//999另一方面,在函数外部自然无法读取函数内的局部变量。functionf1(){ varn=999; } alert(n)... 阅读全文
A resource in Android is a file (like amusic file) or a value (like the title of a dialog box) that is bound to an executableapplication. These files and values are bound to the executable in such a way that youcan change them without recompiling the application.String ResourcesAndroid allows you to 阅读全文
第一步:下载jdk-7-linux-i586.tar.gz第二步:解压安装cd /usr/libsudo mkdir jvmcd {你的目录jdk压缩文件目录}sudo tar zxvf jdk-7-linux-i586.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/jvm cd /usr/lib/jvm sudo mv jdk1.7.0/ java-7-sun 第三步:修改环境变量vim ~/.bashrc(如果没有安装vim先执行:sudo apt-get install vim)export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-sun export JRE_HOME=${ 阅读全文
按Esc命令行下输入::wq! (保存退出) 阅读全文
Alt + F2输入:gnome-terminal 阅读全文