随笔分类 - WCF
摘要:Visual Studio Prompt
摘要:svcutil.exe http://服务地址/?wsdl /out:客户端类.cs /config:配置文件.config
摘要:(flightServiceClient.Endpoint.Binding as BasicHttpBinding).MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue;
摘要:1. 什么是REST? Rest的全称是Representational State Transfer, 普通的WCF使用SOAP,而使用REST构建的WCF服务使用其他数据传输方式,例如JSONRest的四种操作:GET - Requests a specific representation of a resource PUT - Creates or updates a resource with the supplied representation DELETE - Deletes the specified resource POST - Submits data to be p.
摘要:1. Two Ways to create template WCF ServiceThere are a few built-in WCF service templates within Visual Studio 2010; twoof them are Visual Studio WCF Service Library and Visual Studio WCF ServiceApplication.
摘要:Conception Overview:It is a better option to host a WCF service within Internet Information Services Server(IIS) because IIS provides a robust, efficient, and secure host for the WCF services.IIS also has better thread and process execution boundaries handling (in additionto many other features) com
摘要:1. Hosting the service in a managed applicationWe can create a .NET managed application and host a WCF service inside theapplication. The hosting application can be a command-line application, a WindowsForms application, or a web application. This hosting method gives you full controlover the lifeti
摘要:1. 构建服务层 新建一个空白解决方案,增加一个项目用来存放WCF服务-HelloWCF.Service 确保该项目引用System.Model 1) 构建服务契约 新建一个接口usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.Linq;usingSystem.Text;usingSystem.ServiceModel;namespaceHelloWCF.Service{[ServiceContract]interfaceIHelloWorldService{[OperationContract]StringGetMessage(S
摘要:1. What is WCF?WCF is the latest technology from Microsoft for building services, including webservices.WCF is the acronym for Windows Communication Foundation. It is Microsoft'slatest technology that enables applications in a distributed environment tocommunicate with each other.WCF is an umbre
摘要:1. What is SOA?SOA is the acronym(缩略语) for Service Oriented Architecture.Basically, SOA states that every component of a system should be a service, and the system should be composed of several loosely-coupled services. A service here means a unit of a program that serves a business process. Loosely
摘要:The ServiceHost class gives you access to the WCF hosting infrastructure on the server side, whereas theChannelFactory class gives you access to the WCF hosting infrastructure on the client side.ServiceHost Sample:usingSystem;usingSystem.ServiceModel;usingQuickReturns.StockTrading.ExchangeService;us