python+freetype+opencv 图片中文(汉字)显示 详细图文教程和项目完整源代码









pip install freetype-py





所有常用中英文ttf字体包,包含几个手写字体包括:times new roman,中山行书百年纪念版,calibri,Christopherhand,DejaVuSansMono,方正兰亭黑,James Fajardo,Monaco,微软雅黑,仿宋,黑体,楷体,宋体,yahei_mono,仿宋_GB2312,楷体_GB2312,迷你简行楷碑。


#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import cv2

import ft2


img = cv2.imread('pic/lena.jpg')

line = '你好,我是 lena'


color = (0, 255, 0)  # Green

pos = (3, 3)

text_size = 24


# ft = put_chinese_text('wqy-zenhei.ttc')

ft = ft2.put_chinese_text('msyh.ttf')

image = ft.draw_text(img, pos, line, text_size, color)


name = u'图片展示'


cv2.imshow(name, image)




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-      





# tools                                          #


# draw chinese text using freetype on python2.x  #                  #

# 2017.4.12                                      #




import numpy as np

import freetype

import copy

import pdb


class put_chinese_text(object):

    def __init__(self, ttf):

        self._face = freetype.Face(ttf)


    def draw_text(self, image, pos, text, text_size, text_color):


        draw chinese(or not) text with ttf

        :param image:     image(numpy.ndarray) to draw text

        :param pos:       where to draw text

        :param text:      the context, for chinese should be unicode type

        :param text_size: text size

        :param text_color:text color

        :return:          image


        self._face.set_char_size(text_size * 64)

        metrics = self._face.size

        ascender = metrics.ascender/64.0


        #descender = metrics.descender/64.0

        #height = metrics.height/64.0

        #linegap = height - ascender + descender

        ypos = int(ascender)


        if not isinstance(text, unicode):

            text = text.decode('utf-8')

        img = self.draw_string(image, pos[0], pos[1]+ypos, text, text_color)

        return img


    def draw_string(self, img, x_pos, y_pos, text, color):


        draw string

        :param x_pos: text x-postion on img

        :param y_pos: text y-postion on img

        :param text:  text (unicode)

        :param color: text color

        :return:      image


        prev_char = 0

        pen = freetype.Vector()

        pen.x = x_pos << 6   # div 64

        pen.y = y_pos << 6


        hscale = 1.0

        matrix = freetype.Matrix(int(hscale)*0x10000L, int(0.2*0x10000L),\

                                 int(0.0*0x10000L), int(1.1*0x10000L))

        cur_pen = freetype.Vector()

        pen_translate = freetype.Vector()


        image = copy.deepcopy(img)

        for cur_char in text:

            self._face.set_transform(matrix, pen_translate)



            kerning = self._face.get_kerning(prev_char, cur_char)

            pen.x += kerning.x

            slot = self._face.glyph

            bitmap = slot.bitmap


            cur_pen.x = pen.x

            cur_pen.y = pen.y - slot.bitmap_top * 64

            self.draw_ft_bitmap(image, bitmap, cur_pen, color)


            pen.x += slot.advance.x

            prev_char = cur_char


        return image


    def draw_ft_bitmap(self, img, bitmap, pen, color):


        draw each char

        :param bitmap: bitmap

        :param pen:    pen

        :param color:  pen color e.g.(0,0,255) - red

        :return:       image


        x_pos = pen.x >> 6

        y_pos = pen.y >> 6

        cols = bitmap.width

        rows = bitmap.rows


        glyph_pixels = bitmap.buffer


        for row in range(rows):

            for col in range(cols):

                if glyph_pixels[row*cols + col] != 0:

                    img[y_pos + row][x_pos + col][0] = color[0]

                    img[y_pos + row][x_pos + col][1] = color[1]

                    img[y_pos + row][x_pos + col][2] = color[2]



if __name__ == '__main__':

    # just for test

    import cv2


    line = '你好'

    img = np.zeros([300,300,3])


    color_ = (0,255,0) # Green

    pos = (3, 3)

    text_size = 24


    #ft = put_chinese_text('wqy-zenhei.ttc')

    ft = put_chinese_text('msyh.ttf')

    image = ft.draw_text(img, pos, line, text_size, color_)


    cv2.imshow('ss', image)



  1. 文字绘制---cv::putText   IndexError: index 374 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 341
    1. 解决方法:注意不同图片的分辨率,根据不同图片的分辨率设置text_size(分辨率高(1000+)的图片字体设置为100左右,较低的字体大小设置为30左右)






#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

import cv2

import numpy as np


# cv2读取图片

img = cv2.imread('shishi.jpg') # 名称不能有汉字

cv2img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # cv2和PIL中颜色的hex码的储存顺序不同

pilimg = Image.fromarray(cv2img)


# PIL图片上打印汉字

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pilimg) # 图片上打印

font = ImageFont.truetype("simhei.ttf", 20, encoding="utf-8") # 参数1:字体文件路径,参数2:字体大小

draw.text((0, 0), "Hi,我是诗shi", (255, 0, 0), font=font) # 参数1:打印坐标,参数2:文本,参数3:字体颜色,参数4:字体


# PIL图片转cv2 图片

cv2charimg = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pilimg), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

# cv2.imshow("图片", cv2charimg) # 汉字窗口标题显示乱码

cv2.imshow("photo", cv2charimg)


cv2.waitKey (0)



开发环境配置opencv+opencv_contrib 人脸识别和检测



报错 AttributeError: module 'cv2.face' has no attribute 'createEigenFaceRecognizer'

原因:版本问题,未成功安装opencv_contrib,所以model = cv2.face.createEigenFaceRecognizer() 行找不到face






posted @ 2019-04-08 17:18  大头swag  阅读(10824)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报