REPORT ztest_zip. TYPES: BEGIN OF bin_file, name TYPE string, size TYPE i, data TYPE solix_tab, END OF bin_file . DATA: lv_filename TYPE string, wa_bindata TYPE bin_file, it_bindata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bin_file, oref_zip TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip, lv_zip_xstring TYPE xstring, lv_xstring TYPE xstring, lv_path TYPE string, it_filetab TYPE filetable, lv_retcode TYPE i, v_usr TYPE i, v_zip_size TYPE i, it_zip_bin_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF raw255, v_dest_filepath TYPE string. DATA lv_filesize TYPE i. DATA wa_filetab LIKE LINE OF it_filetab. "create object CREATE OBJECT oref_zip. "upload cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog( EXPORTING window_title = 'Select files that you want to ZIP' multiselection = 'X' CHANGING file_table = it_filetab rc = lv_retcode user_action = v_usr ). LOOP AT it_filetab INTO wa_filetab. lv_filename = wa_filetab-filename. cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload( EXPORTING filename = lv_filename filetype = 'BIN' IMPORTING filelength = wa_bindata-size CHANGING data_tab = wa_bindata-data ). CALL FUNCTION 'SO_SPLIT_FILE_AND_PATH' EXPORTING full_name = lv_filename IMPORTING stripped_name = wa_bindata-name EXCEPTIONS x_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. APPEND wa_bindata TO it_bindata. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT it_bindata INTO wa_bindata. CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING' EXPORTING input_length = wa_bindata-size IMPORTING buffer = lv_xstring TABLES binary_tab = wa_bindata-data. oref_zip->add( name = wa_bindata-name content = lv_xstring ). ENDLOOP . lv_zip_xstring = oref_zip->save( ). CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' EXPORTING buffer = lv_zip_xstring IMPORTING output_length = v_zip_size TABLES binary_tab = it_zip_bin_data. cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog( EXPORTING window_title = 'SELECT THE LOCATION TO SAVE THE FILE' file_filter = '(*.ZIP)|*.ZIP|' CHANGING filename = lv_filename path = lv_path fullpath = v_dest_filepath ). cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = v_zip_size filename = v_dest_filepath filetype = 'BIN' IMPORTING filelength = lv_filesize CHANGING data_tab = it_zip_bin_data ).