
-- 技术部花名册
-- select name as "技术部花名册" from employee where depart_id in (select id from department where name = "技术");
-- 平均年龄大于25的部门名称
-- select id,name from department where id in (select depart_id from employee group by depart_id having AVG(age)>25);
-- 部门人数为0的部门名称
-- select id,name from department where id not in (select depart_id from employee group by depart_id having count(id)>0);
-- select * from department;
-- insert into department (id,name) values (1,"技术"),(2,"人力资源"),(3,"销售"),(4,"运营");
-- insert into department values
-- (200,'技术'),
-- (201,'人力资源'),
-- (202,'销售'),
-- (203,'运营');
-- delete from department;
-- select * from department;
-- select id,name from department where id not in (select depart_id from employee group by depart_id having count(id)>0);
-- select name from department where id not in (select distinct depart_id from employee);
-- 部门内工资最高的员工姓名
-- SELECT depart_id,salary,name from employee where salary = any (select max(salary) from employee GROUP BY depart_id);
-- SELECT depart_id,salary,name from employee where salary in (select max(salary) from employee GROUP BY depart_id);
-- 找出大于任意一个部门平均工资的所有员工信息
-- SELECT depart_id,salary,name from employee where salary > any (select AVG(salary) from employee GROUP BY depart_id);
-- 找出大于所有部门平均工资的员工姓名
-- select * from employee where salary > all (select avg(salary) from employee group by depart_id);
-- 找出小于所有部门平均工资的员工姓名
-- select * from employee where salary < all (select avg(salary) from employee group by depart_id);
-- 找出年龄大于25岁的员工以及员工所在的部门
-- SELECT employee.name,department.name as depart_name from employee inner join department on department.id = employee.depart_id WHERE age > 25;
-- 以内连接的方式查询employee和department表,并且以age>25且年龄字段的升序方式显示
-- select employee.*,department.* from employee inner join department on department.id = employee.depart_id where age > 25 ORDER BY age asc;
-- 查询大于部门内平均年龄的员工名、年龄
-- SELECT employee.name,employee.age from employee inner join (select depart_id,avg(age) as avg_age from employee GROUP BY depart_id) as tt on employee.depart_id = tt.depart_id where employee.age > tt.avg_age;
-- department表中存在dept_id=2,Ture
-- SELECT * from employee where EXISTS (select id from department where id = 2);
-- department表中存在dept_id=5,False
-- SELECT * from employee where EXISTS (select id from department where id = 5);
-- select * from stu where sex = "男" and age in (select age from stu where sex="女");


select 字段 from 表1 inner/left/right 表2 on 表1.字段 =表2.字段;

1.1 交叉链接,不适用任何匹配条件。生成笛卡尔积

select * from department,employee;






mysql> select employee.id,employee.name,department.name as depart_name from employee left join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;



mysql> select employee.id,employee.name,department.name as depart_name from employee right join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;


1.5 全外连接:显示左右两个表全部记录


select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id = department.id
select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id = department.id;


#注意 union与union all的区别:union会去掉相同的纪录


select employee.name,department.name from employee inner join department
    on employee.dep_id = department.id
    where age > 25;


select employee.id,employee.name,employee.age,department.name from employee,department
    where employee.dep_id = department.id
    and age > 25
    order by age asc;



#4)还可以包含比较运算符:= 、 !=、> 、<

3.1 带IN关键字的子查询

select id,name from department
    where id in 
        (select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having avg(age) > 25);

select name from employee
    where dep_id in 
        (select id from department where name='技术');

select name from department where id not in (select distinct dep_id from employee);


not in 无法处理null的值,即子查询中如果存在null的值,not in将无法处理。
# 解决方案如下
mysql> select * from dep where id not in (select distinct dep_id from emp where dep_id is not null);


3.2 带ANY关键字的子查询

#在 SQL 中 ANY 和 SOME 是同义词,SOME 的用法和功能和 ANY 一模一样。

# ANY 和 IN 运算符不同之处1
ANY 必须和其他的比较运算符共同使用,而且ANY必须将比较运算符放在 ANY 关键字之前,所比较的值需要匹配子查询中的任意一个值,这也就是 ANY 在英文中所表示的意义

例如:使用 IN 和使用 ANY运算符得到的结果是一致的
select * from employee where salary = any (
select max(salary) from employee group by depart_id);

select * from employee where salary in (
select max(salary) from employee group by depart_id);

结论:也就是说“=ANY”等价于 IN 运算符,而“<>ANY”则等价于 NOT IN 运算符

# ANY和 IN 运算符不同之处2
ANY 运算符不能与固定的集合相匹配,比如下面的 SQL 语句是错误的

FYearPublished < ANY (2001, 2003, 2005)

3.3 带ALL关键字的子查询

# all同any类似,只不过all表示的是所有,any表示任一
select * from employee where salary > all (
select avg(salary) from employee group by depart_id);
select * from employee where salary < all (
select avg(salary) from employee group by depart_id);

查询出那些薪资比任意一个部门的平均薪资低的员工=》薪资在任一部门平均线以下的员工select * from employee where salary < any ( select avg(salary) from employee group by depart_id); 
select * from employee where salary > any (
select avg(salary) from employee group by depart_id);


3.4 带比较运算符的子查询

mysql> select name,age from emp where age > (select avg(age) from emp);
| name | age |
| alex | 48 |
| wupeiqi | 38 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select t1.name,t1.age from emp t1
inner join 
(select dep_id,avg(age) avg_age from emp group by dep_id) t2
on t1.dep_id = t2.dep_id
where t1.age > t2.avg_age;





mysql> select * from employee
    ->     where exists
    ->         (select id from department where id=200);
| id | name       | sex    | age  | dep_id |
|  1 | egon       | male   |   18 |    200 |
|  2 | alex       | female |   48 |    201 |
|  3 | wupeiqi    | male   |   38 |    201 |
|  4 | yuanhao    | female |   28 |    202 |
|  5 | liwenzhou  | male   |   18 |    200 |
|  6 | jingliyang | female |   18 |    204 |

mysql> select * from employee
    ->     where exists
    ->         (select id from department where id=204);
Empty set (0.00 sec)


3.6 in与exists

# exists

# 例
select * from class where exists (select * from stu where stu.cid=class.id)

# exists的执行原理为:
1、依次执行外部查询:即select * from class 
2、然后为外部查询返回的每一行分别执行一次子查询:即(select * from stu where stu.cid=class.cid)

# in
in后跟的都是子查询,in()后面的子查询 是返回结果集的

# 例
select * from stu where sex='男' and age in(select age from stu where sex='女')

# in的执行原理为:


3.7 not in与 not exists

!!!!!!not exists查询的效率远远高与not in查询的效率。!!!!!!

==============================not in==============================
not in()子查询的执行顺序是:
为了证明not in成立,即找不到,需要一条一条地查询表,符合要求才返回子查询的结果集,不符合的就继续查询下一条记录,直到把表中的记录查询完,只能查询全部记录才能证明,并没有用到索引。
==============================not exists==============================
not exists:
select * from class

where not exists

(select * from student where student.cid = class.cid)

not exists的执行顺序是:



create database db13;

use db13

create table student(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(16)

create table course(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(16),
    comment varchar(20)

create table student2course(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    sid int,
    cid int,
    foreign key(sid) references student(id),
    foreign key(cid) references course(id)

insert into student(name) values

insert into course(name,comment) values

insert into student2course(sid,cid) values



# 1、查询选修了所有课程的学生id、name:(即该学生根本就不存在一门他没有选的课程。)
select * from student s where not exists
    (select * from course c where not exists
        (select * from student2course sc where sc.sid=s.id and sc.cid=c.id));

select s.name from student as s
inner join student2course as sc
on s.id=sc.sid
group by s.name 
having count(sc.id) = (select count(id) from course);

# 2、查询没有选择所有课程的学生,即没有全选的学生。(存在这样的一个学生,他至少有一门课没有选)
select * from student s where exists
    (select * from course c where not exists
        (select * from student2course sc where sc.sid=s.id and sc.cid=c.id));

# 3、查询一门课也没有选的学生。(不存这样的一个学生,他至少选修一门课程)
select * from student s where not exists
    (select * from course c where exists
        (select * from student2course sc where sc.sid=s.id and sc.cid=c.id));

# 4、查询至少选修了一门课程的学生。
select * from student s where exists
    (select * from course c where exists
        (select * from student2course sc where sc.sid=s.id and sc.cid=c.id));


posted @ 2020-10-30 22:39  sean_wang  阅读(281)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报