




     * Reads a line of text.  A line is considered to be terminated by any one
     * of a line feed ('\n'), a carriage return ('\r'), or a carriage return
     * followed immediately by a linefeed.
     * @return     A String containing the contents of the line, not including
     *             any line-termination characters, or null if the end of the
     *             stream has been reached
     * @exception  IOException  If an I/O error occurs
     * @see java.nio.file.Files#readAllLines
    public String readLine() throws IOException {
        return readLine(false);



     * Reads the next line of text from this file.  This method successively
     * reads bytes from the file, starting at the current file pointer,
     * until it reaches a line terminator or the end
     * of the file.  Each byte is converted into a character by taking the
     * byte's value for the lower eight bits of the character and setting the
     * high eight bits of the character to zero.  This method does not,
     * therefore, support the full Unicode character set.
     * <p> A line of text is terminated by a carriage-return character
     * ({@code '\u005Cr'}), a newline character ({@code '\u005Cn'}), a
     * carriage-return character immediately followed by a newline character,
     * or the end of the file.  Line-terminating characters are discarded and
     * are not included as part of the string returned.
     * <p> This method blocks until a newline character is read, a carriage
     * return and the byte following it are read (to see if it is a newline),
     * the end of the file is reached, or an exception is thrown.
     * @return     the next line of text from this file, or null if end
     *             of file is encountered before even one byte is read.
     * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.

    public final String readLine() throws IOException {
        StringBuffer input = new StringBuffer();
        int c = -1;
        boolean eol = false;

        while (!eol) {
            switch (c = read()) {
            case -1:
            case '\n':
                eol = true;
            case '\r':
                eol = true;
                long cur = getFilePointer();
                if ((read()) != '\n') {

        if ((c == -1) && (input.length() == 0)) {
            return null;
        return input.toString();


posted @ 2019-03-03 14:43  dedication  阅读(701)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报