解决CentOS系统mini安装后的虚拟机工具(VMware Tools)安装问题


yum -y groupinstall "Perl Support"

yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ automake make kernel-devel



mkdir /mnt/cdrom
mount -o loop /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom

cp VMwareTools*.* /home

umount /mnt/cdrom
rm /mnt/cdrom -rf


cd /home

tar zxvf VMwareTools........tgz

cd vm....../








Searching for GCC...

The path "" is not valid path to the gcc binary.
Would you like to change it? [yes]
# yum install gcc gcc-c++ automake make

Searching for a valid kernel header path...
The path "" is not valid.
Would you like to change it? [yes]
# yum install

成功安装VMware tools时的提示如下,一路回车:
Searching for GCC...
Detected GCC binary at "/usr/bin/gcc".
The path "/usr/bin/gcc" appears to be a valid path to the gcc binary.
Would you like to change it? [no]

Searching for a valid kernel header path...
Detected the kernel headers of the running kernel at
The path "/lib/modules/2.6.32-71.el6.i686/build/include" appears to be a valid
path to the kernel headers of the running kernel.

Would you like to change it? [no]

更多CentOS相关信息见CentOS 专题页面 http://www.linuxidc.com/topicnews.aspx?tid=14

posted @ 2014-10-08 14:46  淡淡的幽情  阅读(370)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报