最近发现由于自己不良的安装软件的习惯,shell的PATH路径包含了很多冗余的项。这里使用shell命令去除PATH的冗余项。export PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g' | sort | uniq | tr -s '\n' ':' | sed 's/:$//g')上面的代码可以去除linux环境变量中的重复项。 最近查看环境变量时,发现PATH中包含了很多... 阅读全文
Add a syscall to kernel and replace linux kernel of RPi.Prepare: Cross compilerLinux Kernel for RPiReference: Official guideFirstly, get the latest kernel: git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/... 阅读全文
In this article, I will use three asynchronous conferencing--select, poll and epoll on serial port to transmit data between PC and Raspberry pi.OutlineCharacter device file of serial portNaive serial ... 阅读全文
Opps, my computer system was broken again... Let's repire it.IntroductionThe system of my PC is broken. I could enter the UEFI setting. So that means I coud start my PC using USB flash drive. But firs... 阅读全文
A few days ago, I have tried to write bare medal program but failed. Now I find that the main mistake is that I have mistake the address of GPIO of BCM 2835(Raspberry Pi 1 for which the sample code is... 阅读全文