/************************************************************************* > File Name: maze.cpp > Author: Darin > Mail: dyy726@qq.com > Created Time: 2013年06月08日 星期四 06时36分24秒 ************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; #define orientationNum 4 int MazeMapLineNumber = 0; typedef struct Position { int xcoordinate; int ycoordinate; }POSITION; typedef struct Node { POSITION Pos; struct Node *pNext; }NODE,*PNode; class CStack { public: PNode pTop; PNode pBottom; public: CStack(); bool IsNull(); void Push(POSITION pos); void Pop(); POSITION GetTop(); void clear(); void ShowWay(); ~CStack(); }; CStack::CStack(){ pTop = pBottom = new NODE; pTop->pNext = NULL; } bool CStack::IsNull() { if (pTop == pBottom) return true; return false; } void CStack::Push(POSITION pos) { PNode p = new NODE; p->Pos = pos; p->pNext = pTop; pTop= p; } void CStack::Pop(){ if(!IsNull()) { PNode p = pTop; pTop = p->pNext; delete(p); } else cout<<"The stack is null "<<endl; } void CStack::ShowWay() { PNode p = pTop; while(p->pNext != pBottom) { cout<<"("<<p->Pos.xcoordinate<<","<<p->Pos.ycoordinate<<") -> "; p = p->pNext; } cout<<"("<<p->Pos.xcoordinate<<","<<p->Pos.ycoordinate<<")"; } POSITION CStack::GetTop() { return pTop->Pos; } void CStack::clear() { while(!IsNull()) Pop(); } CStack::~CStack() { clear(); } bool isOutOfborder(POSITION pos) { if(pos.ycoordinate<0 || pos.ycoordinate>=MazeMapLineNumber ||pos.xcoordinate<0 || pos.xcoordinate>=MazeMapLineNumber) return true; return false; } bool isequal(POSITION pos1,POSITION pos2) { if(pos1.xcoordinate == pos2.xcoordinate && pos1.ycoordinate == pos2.ycoordinate) return true; return false; } void PassMaze(int **map,POSITION Inpos,POSITION OutPos) { CStack *MazeWay = new CStack(); POSITION CurPos = OutPos; POSITION NewPos; int i =0; bool IsFind = false; MazeWay->Push(CurPos); while((!MazeWay->IsNull())&&(!isequal(CurPos,Inpos))) { //(!isOutOfborder(CurPos)) CurPos = MazeWay->GetTop(); IsFind = false; for(i=0;i<orientationNum;i++) { if(0 == i) { //right NewPos.xcoordinate = CurPos.xcoordinate; NewPos.ycoordinate = CurPos.ycoordinate+1; } if(1 == i) { //down NewPos.xcoordinate = CurPos.xcoordinate+1; NewPos.ycoordinate = CurPos.ycoordinate; } if(2 == i) { //left NewPos.xcoordinate = CurPos.xcoordinate; NewPos.ycoordinate = CurPos.ycoordinate-1; } if(3 == i) { //up NewPos.xcoordinate = CurPos.xcoordinate-1; NewPos.ycoordinate = CurPos.ycoordinate; } if(!isOutOfborder(NewPos) && map[NewPos.xcoordinate][NewPos.ycoordinate]) { IsFind = true; CurPos = NewPos; map[NewPos.xcoordinate][NewPos.ycoordinate] = 0; break; } } if(IsFind) { MazeWay->Push(CurPos); } else MazeWay->Pop(); } if(MazeWay->IsNull()) { cout<<"There is no way to go out of the maze"<<endl; } else MazeWay->ShowWay(); } int main() { int i=0,j=0; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); cout<<"Please input the row of the maze map:"; cin>>MazeMapLineNumber; POSITION inpos; POSITION outpos; int **pMap = new int *[MazeMapLineNumber]; for (i=0;i<MazeMapLineNumber;i++) { pMap[i] = new int [MazeMapLineNumber]; } for (i=0;i<MazeMapLineNumber;i++) { for (j=0;j<MazeMapLineNumber;j++) { pMap[i][j] = rand()%2; cout<<pMap[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<"\n"; } // for (i=0;i<MazeMapLineNumber;i++) { // for (j=0;j<MazeMapLineNumber;j++) { // cout<<pMap[i][j]<<" "; // } // cout<<"\n"; // } cout<<"Please input inpos.x :"; cin>>inpos.xcoordinate; cout<<"Please input inpos.y :"; cin>>inpos.ycoordinate; cout<<"Please input outpos.x :"; cin>>outpos.xcoordinate; cout<<"Please input outpos.y :"; cin>>outpos.ycoordinate; PassMaze(pMap,inpos,outpos); return 0; }