bugzilla 安装问题

I am trying to install Bugzilla on my Centos server. but I got this error:

Checkingfor   DateTime-TimeZone(v0.71)    not found 


    COMMANDS TO INSTALL REQUIRED MODULES (You*must* run all these commands
    and then re
-run this script):
/usr/bin/perl install-module.pl DateTime::TimeZone

If I run: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl DateTime::TimeZone

then I get this:

    CPAN:Storable loaded ok (v2.15)Reading'/root/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Sun,09Oct201117:27:24 GMT
InstallingDateTime::TimeZone version 1.39...
:Module::CoreList loaded ok (v2.56)
DateTime::TimeZone is up to date (1.39).

How can I fix this?



I was having the same problem when upgrading. The DateTime::TimeZone module appeared to be installed but the Bugzilla checksetup.pl script always reported that it was not found. The following fixed the problem for me (run from the Bugzilla install dir):

$ perl install-module.pl Params::Util
$ perl install
-module.pl Module::Runtime

I found this by writing a two line perl script to simulate the check done by Bugzilla:

use lib qw(. lib);

and then running it to see the errors:

perl /tmp/foo.pl

After installing the above modules the foo.pl script passes and so does Bugzilla checksetup.pl.

posted @ 2012-04-07 12:24  dapachong  阅读(360)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报