



14.1 编解码器的范围

​ 我们将只实现Memcached协议的一个子集,这足够我们进行添加、检索、删除对象;在Memcached中是通过执行SET,GET,DELETE命令来实现的。Memcached支持很多其他的命令,但我们只使用其中三个命令,简单的东西,我们才会理解的更清楚。

​ Memcached有一个二进制和纯文本协议,它们都可以用来与Memcached服务器通信,使用什么类型的协议取决于服务器支持哪些协议。本章主要关注实现二进制协议,因为二进制在网络编程中最常用。

14.2 实现Memcached的编解码器

​ 当想要实现一个给定协议的编解码器,我们应该花一些事件来了解它的运作原理。通常情况下,协议本身都有一些详细的记录。在这里你会发现多少细节?幸运的是Memcached的二进制协议可以很好的扩展。

​ 在RFC中有相应的规范,并提供了Memcached二进制协议下载地址:http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/BinaryProtocolRevamped。我们不会执行Memcached的所有命令,只会执行三种操作:SET,GET和DELETE。这样做事为了让事情变得简单。

###14.3 了解Memcached二进制协议

​ 可以在http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/BinaryProtocolRevamped上详细了解Memcached二进制协议结构。不过这个网站如果不FQ的话好像访问不了。

14.4 Netty编码器和解码器

14.4.1 实现Memcached编码器


package netty.in.action.mem;
 * memcached operation codes
 * @author c.king
public class Opcode {
	public static final byte GET = 0x00;
	public static final byte SET = 0x01;
	public static final byte DELETE = 0x04;
package netty.in.action.mem;
 * memcached response statuses
 * @author c.king
public class Status {
	public static final short NO_ERROR = 0x0000;
	public static final short KEY_NOT_FOUND = 0x0001;
	public static final short KEY_EXISTS = 0x0002;
	public static final short VALUE_TOO_LARGE = 0x0003;
	public static final short INVALID_ARGUMENTS = 0x0004;
	public static final short ITEM_NOT_STORED = 0x0005;
	public static final short INC_DEC_NON_NUM_VAL = 0x0006;


package netty.in.action.mem;
import java.util.Random;
 * memcached request message object
 * @author c.king
public class MemcachedRequest {
	private static final Random rand = new Random();
	private int magic = 0x80;// fixed so hard coded
	private byte opCode; // the operation e.g. set or get
	private String key; // the key to delete, get or set
	private int flags = 0xdeadbeef; // random
	private int expires; // 0 = item never expires
	private String body; // if opCode is set, the value
	private int id = rand.nextInt(); // Opaque
	private long cas; // data version check...not used
	private boolean hasExtras; // not all ops have extras
	public MemcachedRequest(byte opcode, String key, String value) {
		this.opCode = opcode;
		this.key = key;
		this.body = value == null ? "" : value;
		// only set command has extras in our example
		hasExtras = opcode == Opcode.SET;
	public MemcachedRequest(byte opCode, String key) {
		this(opCode, key, null);
	public int getMagic() {
		return magic;
	public byte getOpCode() {
		return opCode;
	public String getKey() {
		return key;
	public int getFlags() {
		return flags;
	public int getExpires() {
		return expires;
	public String getBody() {
		return body;
	public int getId() {
		return id;
	public long getCas() {
		return cas;
	public boolean isHasExtras() {
		return hasExtras;


package netty.in.action.mem;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext;
import io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder;
import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
 * memcached request encoder
 * @author c.king
public class MemcachedRequestEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<MemcachedRequest> {
	protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MemcachedRequest msg, ByteBuf out)
			throws Exception {
		// convert key and body to bytes array
		byte[] key = msg.getKey().getBytes(CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
		byte[] body = msg.getBody().getBytes(CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
		// total size of body = key size + body size + extras size
		int bodySize = key.length + body.length + (msg.isHasExtras() ? 8 : 0);
		// write magic int
		// write opcode byte
		// write key length (2 byte) i.e a Java short
		// write extras length (1 byte)
		int extraSize = msg.isHasExtras() ? 0x08 : 0x0;
		// byte is the data type, not currently implemented in Memcached
		// but required
		// next two bytes are reserved, not currently implemented
		// but are required
		// write total body length ( 4 bytes - 32 bit int)
		// write opaque ( 4 bytes) - a 32 bit int that is returned
		// in the response
		// write CAS ( 8 bytes)
		// 24 byte header finishes with the CAS
			// write extras
			// (flags and expiry, 4 bytes each), 8 bytes total
		//write key
		//write value

14.4.2 实现Memcached解码器


package netty.in.action.mem;
 * memcached response message object
 * @author c.king
public class MemcachedResponse {
	private byte magic;
	private byte opCode;
	private byte dataType;
	private short status;
	private int id;
	private long cas;
	private int flags;
	private int expires;
	private String key;
	private String data;
	public MemcachedResponse(byte magic, byte opCode, byte dataType, short status,
			int id, long cas, int flags, int expires, String key, String data) {
		this.magic = magic;
		this.opCode = opCode;
		this.dataType = dataType;
		this.status = status;
		this.id = id;
		this.cas = cas;
		this.flags = flags;
		this.expires = expires;
		this.key = key;
		this.data = data;
	public byte getMagic() {
		return magic;
	public byte getOpCode() {
		return opCode;
	public byte getDataType() {
		return dataType;
	public short getStatus() {
		return status;
	public int getId() {
		return id;
	public long getCas() {
		return cas;
	public int getFlags() {
		return flags;
	public int getExpires() {
		return expires;
	public String getKey() {
		return key;
	public String getData() {
		return data;


package netty.in.action.mem;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext;
import io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder;
import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
import java.util.List;
public class MemcachedResponseDecoder extends ByteToMessageDecoder {
	private enum State {
		Header, Body
	private State state = State.Header;
	private int totalBodySize;
	private byte magic;
	private byte opCode;
	private short keyLength;
	private byte extraLength;
	private byte dataType;
	private short status;
	private int id;
	private long cas;
	protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out)
			throws Exception {
		switch (state) {
		case Header:
			// response header is 24 bytes
			if (in.readableBytes() < 24) {
			// read header
			magic = in.readByte();
			opCode = in.readByte();
			keyLength = in.readShort();
			extraLength = in.readByte();
			dataType = in.readByte();
			status = in.readShort();
			totalBodySize = in.readInt();
			id = in.readInt();
			cas = in.readLong();
			state = State.Body;
		case Body:
			if (in.readableBytes() < totalBodySize) {
			int flags = 0;
			int expires = 0;
			int actualBodySize = totalBodySize;
			if (extraLength > 0) {
				flags = in.readInt();
				actualBodySize -= 4;
			if (extraLength > 4) {
				expires = in.readInt();
				actualBodySize -= 4;
			String key = "";
			if (keyLength > 0) {
				ByteBuf keyBytes = in.readBytes(keyLength);
				key = keyBytes.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
				actualBodySize -= keyLength;
			ByteBuf body = in.readBytes(actualBodySize);
			String data = body.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
			out.add(new MemcachedResponse(magic, opCode, dataType, status,
					id, cas, flags, expires, key, data));
			state = State.Header;

14.5 测试编解码器


package netty.in.action.mem;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.channel.embedded.EmbeddedChannel;
import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
 * test memcached encoder
 * @author c.king
public class MemcachedRequestEncoderTest {
	public void testMemcachedRequestEncoder() {
		MemcachedRequest request = new MemcachedRequest(Opcode.SET, "k1", "v1");
		EmbeddedChannel channel = new EmbeddedChannel(
				new MemcachedRequestEncoder());
		ByteBuf encoded = (ByteBuf) channel.readOutbound();
		Assert.assertEquals(request.getMagic(), encoded.readInt());
		Assert.assertEquals(request.getOpCode(), encoded.readByte());
		Assert.assertEquals(2, encoded.readShort());
		Assert.assertEquals((byte) 0x08, encoded.readByte());
		Assert.assertEquals((byte) 0, encoded.readByte());
		Assert.assertEquals(0, encoded.readShort());
		Assert.assertEquals(2 + 2 + 8, encoded.readInt());
		Assert.assertEquals(request.getId(), encoded.readInt());
		Assert.assertEquals(request.getCas(), encoded.readLong());
		Assert.assertEquals(request.getFlags(), encoded.readInt());
		Assert.assertEquals(request.getExpires(), encoded.readInt());
		byte[] data = new byte[encoded.readableBytes()];
		Assert.assertArrayEquals((request.getKey() + request.getBody())
				.getBytes(CharsetUtil.UTF_8), data);

14.6 Summary


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