Linux arm64的虚拟内存布局



在linux arm64中,如果页的大小为4KB,使用3级页表转换或者4级页表转换,用户空间和内核空间都支持有39bit(512GB)或者48bit(256TB)大小的虚拟地址空间。

用户虚拟地址从高位的63到低位的48都是0,内核虚拟地址则相反,63~48都是1. TTBR x(Translation table base register)的选择是通过虚拟地址的第63 bit位来确定的。swapper_pg_dir只包含内核地址映射,而用户

pgd 只包含用户地址映射,swapper_pg_dir 指向的地址只会写入到 TTBR1,绝不会写入到TTBR0。

AArch64 Linux memory layout with 4KB pages + 3 levels:

Start            End            Size        Use
0000000000000000    0000007fffffffff     512GB        user
ffffff8000000000    ffffffffffffffff     512GB        kernel
AArch64 Linux memory layout with 4KB pages + 4 levels:
Start            End            Size        Use
0000000000000000    0000ffffffffffff     256TB        user
ffff000000000000    ffffffffffffffff     256TB        kernel
AArch64 Linux memory layout with 64KB pages + 2 levels:

Start            End            Size        Use
0000000000000000    000003ffffffffff       4TB        user
fffffc0000000000    ffffffffffffffff       4TB        kernel
AArch64 Linux memory layout with 64KB pages + 3 levels:

Start            End            Size        Use
0000000000000000    0000ffffffffffff     256TB        user
ffff000000000000    ffffffffffffffff     256TB        kernel


Translation table lookup with 4KB pages:
|63    56|55    48|47    40|39    32|31    24|23    16|15     8|7      0|
|                 |         |         |         |         |
|                 |         |         |         |         v
|                 |         |         |         |   [11:0]  in-page offset
|                 |         |         |         +-> [20:12] L3 index
|                 |         |         +-----------> [29:21] L2 index
|                 |         +---------------------> [38:30] L1 index
|                 +-------------------------------> [47:39] L0 index
 +-------------------------------------------------> [63] TTBR0/1
Translation table lookup with 64KB pages:
|63    56|55    48|47    40|39    32|31    24|23    16|15     8|7      0|

|                 |    |               |              |
|                 |    |               |              v
|                 |    |               |            [15:0]  in-page offset
|                 |    |               +----------> [28:16] L3 index
|                 |    +--------------------------> [41:29] L2 index
|                 +-------------------------------> [47:42] L1 index
 +-------------------------------------------------> [63] TTBR0/1


Start            End            Size        Use
0000004000000000    0000007fffffffff     256GB        kernel objects mapped in HYP


posted @ 2017-03-29 10:05  丹西  阅读(4690)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报