

1 #ifndef WIN32
2   if((argc == 2) && (argv[1][0] != '-'))
3     rc = prefs->loadFromFile(argv[1]);
4   else
5 #endif
//一般启动ntopng的命令: ntopng /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf 上面的代码就是读取配置文件/etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf里的配置信息。
1 prefs->registerNetworkInterfaces();
3   if(prefs->get_num_user_specified_interfaces() == 0) {
4     /* We add all interfaces available on this host */
5     prefs->add_default_interfaces();
6   }

注:ntopng的配置文件跟命令行参数的输入是一样的 这种统一的配置方式非常方便,值得借鉴。
 1  // enable all protocols
 3     ndpi_set_protocol_detection_bitmask2(ndpi_struct, &all);
 4    // NetworkInterface类 初始化了协议检查的所有类型,并提供了报文分析的函数。
 6    if(iface == NULL) {
 7       try {
 8     iface = new PcapInterface(ifName);
 9       } catch(...) {
10     ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to create interface %s", ifName);
11     iface = NULL;
12       }
13     }
14    //ntopng 默认使用libpcap来处理网卡抓包,这里默认使用PcapInterface这个类,PcapInterface继承了NetworkInterface类。
16    iface->setCPUAffinity(core_id);
17    //如果是多核多网卡的服务器,则需要考虑到性能,设置CPU亲和度,保证每个网卡能有对应的CPU处理
19   ntop->start();
20   //至此,进入抓包解析流程

HTTPServer的初始化端口和lua CGI支持

 1  ntop->registerHTTPserver(new HTTPserver(prefs->get_http_port(),
 2                       prefs->get_docs_dir(),
 3                       prefs->get_scripts_dir()));
 4   //这里注册http服务器,以便后续的web监控使用。
 6   callbacks.begin_request = handle_lua_request;
 7   httpd_v4 = mg_start(&callbacks, NULL, (const char**)http_options);
 8   //然后调用第三方的http库,启用多线程的httpserver。
 9   //callbacks包含了处理http中请求lua脚本的功能函数。
11 来到third-party/mongoose/mongoose.c文件, 函数mg_start:
12   // Start master (listening) thread
13   mg_start_thread(master_thread, ctx);
15   // Start worker threads
16   for (i = 0; i < atoi(ctx->config[NUM_THREADS]); i++) {
17     if (mg_start_thread(worker_thread, ctx) != 0) {
18       cry(fc(ctx), "Cannot start worker thread: %d", ERRNO);
19     } else {
20       ctx->num_threads++;
21     }
22   }
23   //master_thread负责监听,并将accept接受的socket缓存到ctx->queue中;
24   //worker_thread负责处理ctx->queue缓存的socket处理http请求。
26   static void prepare_lua_environment(struct mg_connection *conn, lua_State *L)
27   .....
28   // Register "print" function which calls mg_write()
29   lua_pushlightuserdata(L, conn);
30   lua_pushcclosure(L, lsp_mg_print, 1);
31   lua_setglobal(L, "print");
33   // Register mg_read()
34   lua_pushlightuserdata(L, conn);
35   lua_pushcclosure(L, lsp_mg_read, 1);
36   lua_setglobal(L, "read");
37   //上面的代码注册了lua脚本使用的print和read函数。
38   //prepare_lua_environment函数使得httpserver支持lua脚本作为CGI语言。
  //lua又通过lua c api的扩展来获取后面报文分析的结果来填充网页的请求。


下面的代码是在src/ntopng.cpp  start函数:
1 for(int i=0; i<num_defined_interfaces; i++) {
2     iface[i]->allocateNetworkStats();
3     iface[i]->startPacketPolling();
4   }
5 //allocateNetworkStats 初始化网络统计功能
6 //开始抓包
7 //startPacketPolling 注意是一个虚函数,这里是多态,实际是PcapInterface的startPacketPolling 函数。
 1 void PcapInterface::startPacketPolling() { 
 2   pthread_create(&pollLoop, NULL, packetPollLoop, (void*)this);  
 3   pollLoopCreated = true;
 4   NetworkInterface::startPacketPolling();
 5 }
 7 //startPacketPolling函数创建了一个线程,线程主要处理函数是packetPollLoop。
 8 //static void* packetPollLoop(void* ptr), 就定义在PcapInterface.cpp文件里。
10 //packetPollLoop函数开始了报文复制和分析的过程
11     FILE *pcap_list = iface->get_pcap_list();
12     ......
13     hdr->caplen = min_val(hdr->caplen, iface->getMTU());
14     iface->dissectPacket(hdr, pkt, &shaped, &p);


//dissectPacket 是NetworkInterface类的成员函数,里面开始了复杂的报文解析流程。。。
//bool dissectPacket(const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *packet, bool *shaped, u_int16_t *ndpiProtocol);
 1 bool processPacket(const struct bpf_timeval *when,
 2              const u_int64_t time,
 3              struct ndpi_ethhdr *eth,
 4              u_int16_t vlan_id,
 5              struct ndpi_iphdr *iph,
 6              struct ndpi_ipv6hdr *ip6,
 7              u_int16_t ipsize, u_int16_t rawsize,
 8              const struct pcap_pkthdr *h,
 9              const u_char *packet,
10              bool *shaped,
11              u_int16_t *ndpiProtocol);
13 inline void incStats(time_t when, u_int16_t eth_proto, u_int16_t ndpi_proto,
14                u_int pkt_len, u_int num_pkts, u_int pkt_overhead) {
15     ethStats.incStats(eth_proto, num_pkts, pkt_len, pkt_overhead);
16     ndpiStats.incStats(ndpi_proto, 0, 0, 1, pkt_len);
17     pktStats.incStats(pkt_len);
18     if(lastSecUpdate == 0) lastSecUpdate = when; else if(lastSecUpdate != when) updateSecondTraffic(when);
19   };
20 //因涉及到pcap抓包,所以有些常量是pcap定义的
21 #define DLT_NULL    0    /* BSD loopback encapsulation */
22 #define DLT_EN10MB    1    /* Ethernet (10Mb) */
23 #define DLT_EN3MB    2    /* Experimental Ethernet (3Mb) */
24 #define DLT_AX25    3    /* Amateur Radio AX.25 */
25 #define DLT_PRONET    4    /* Proteon ProNET Token Ring */
26 #define DLT_CHAOS    5    /* Chaos */
27 #define DLT_IEEE802    6    /* 802.5 Token Ring */
28 #define DLT_ARCNET    7    /* ARCNET, with BSD-style header */
29 #define DLT_SLIP    8    /* Serial Line IP */
30 #define DLT_PPP        9    /* Point-to-point Protocol */
31 #define DLT_FDDI    10    /* FDDI */
33 /*
34  * These are types that are different on some platforms, and that
35  * have been defined by <net/bpf.h> for ages.  We use #ifdefs to
36  * detect the BSDs that define them differently from the traditional
37  * libpcap <net/bpf.h>
38  *
39  * XXX - DLT_ATM_RFC1483 is 13 in BSD/OS, and DLT_RAW is 14 in BSD/OS,
40  * but I don't know what the right #define is for BSD/OS.
41  */
42 #define DLT_ATM_RFC1483    11    /* LLC-encapsulated ATM */
44 #ifdef __OpenBSD__
45 #define DLT_RAW        14    /* raw IP */
46 #else
47 #define DLT_RAW        12    /* raw IP */
48 #endif


posted @ 2016-08-23 15:22  丹西  阅读(1571)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报