体验 Delphi2005's ECO II 空间技术

    New Borland® Enterprise Core Objects II (ECO™ II) rapid design-driven architecture for .net speeds development, improves quality, and increases the maintainability of complex Web Services, ASP.NET, and WinForm applications. Architects can use the model-powered ECO Object/Relational Mapping technology to generate or map to several major enterprise-class relational databases, then later evolve the database based on changes in the design model. Build enterprise-level model-powered applications using the new ECO Synchronization Server, offering multiple synchronized ECO Space object caches for increased scalability and performance.


    ECO is completely model powered. Rather than creating database tables, an architect uses a graphical UML designer to create diagrams describing the classes in the application and their relationships. These classes are then available as .net objects for C# or Delphi for .net developers to use in their code. Relationships among the objects, such as associations,
inheritance, and attributes, are defined in the model and make implementing business logic easy. Following associations from one class to another becomes as simple as using an attribute without the need to use keys.
    The ECO framework also offers services to manage the persistence of these objects, storing them in any ADO.NET-connected relational database, or, if preferred, in XML files. The object-relational database mapping can, if desired, be completely transparent. Effectively, the developer merely works with objects and relies on the ECO framework to store or retrieve them as needed.

posted @ 2004-11-23 09:04  dannyr|一个都不能少!  阅读(3763)  评论(10编辑  收藏  举报