@Override public void onCameraImageData(Image image) { if (null == libPublisher) return; if (isPushingRtmp || isRTSPPublisherRunning || isGB28181StreamRunning || isRecording) { if (0 == publisherHandle) return; Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes(); int w = image.getWidth(), h = image.getHeight(); int y_offset = 0, u_offset = 0, v_offset = 0; Rect crop_rect = image.getCropRect(); if (crop_rect != null && !crop_rect.isEmpty()) { w = crop_rect.width(); h = crop_rect.height(); y_offset += * planes[0].getRowStride() + crop_rect.left * planes[0].getPixelStride(); u_offset += ( / 2) * planes[1].getRowStride() + (crop_rect.left / 2) * planes[1].getPixelStride(); v_offset += ( / 2) * planes[2].getRowStride() + (crop_rect.left / 2) * planes[2].getPixelStride(); ; // Log.i(TAG, "crop w:" + w + " h:" + h + " y_offset:"+ y_offset + " u_offset:" + u_offset + " v_offset:" + v_offset); } int scale_w = 0, scale_h = 0, scale_filter_mode = 0; scale_filter_mode = 3; int rotation_degree = cameraImageRotationDegree_; if (rotation_degree < 0) { Log.i(TAG, "onCameraImageData rotation_degree < 0, may need to set orientation_ to 0, 90, 180 or 270"); return; } if (!post_image_lock_.tryLock()) { Log.i(TAG, "post_image_lock_.tryLock return false"); return; } try { if (publisherHandle != 0) { if (isPushingRtmp || isRTSPPublisherRunning || isGB28181StreamRunning || isRecording) { libPublisher.PostLayerImageYUV420888ByteBuffer(publisherHandle, 0, 0, 0, planes[0].getBuffer(), y_offset, planes[0].getRowStride(), planes[1].getBuffer(), u_offset, planes[1].getRowStride(), planes[2].getBuffer(), v_offset, planes[2].getRowStride(), planes[1].getPixelStride(), w, h, 0, 0, scale_w, scale_h, scale_filter_mode, rotation_degree); } } }catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "onCameraImageData Exception:", e); }finally { post_image_lock_.unlock(); } } }
/* * * SmartPublisherJniV2 * * Author: * Created by DaniuLive on 2015/09/20. */ /** * 投递层YUV420888图像, 专门为的格式提供的接口 * * @param index: 层索引, 必须大于等于0 * * @param left: 层叠加的左上角坐标, 对于第0层的话传0 * * @param top: 层叠加的左上角坐标, 对于第0层的话传0 * * @param y_plane: 对应[0].getBuffer() * * @param y_offset: 图像偏移, 这个主要目的是用来做clip的,一般传0 * * @param y_row_stride: 对应[0].getRowStride() * * @param u_plane:[1].getBuffer() * * @param u_offset: 图像偏移, 这个主要目的是用来做clip的,一般传0 * * @param u_row_stride:[1].getRowStride() * * @param v_plane: 对应[2].getBuffer() * * @param v_offset: 图像偏移, 这个主要目的是用来做clip的,一般传0 * * @param v_row_stride: 对应[2].getRowStride() * * @param uv_pixel_stride: 对应[1].getPixelStride() * * @param width: width, 必须大于1, 且必须是偶数 * * @param height: height, 必须大于1, 且必须是偶数 * * @param is_vertical_flip: 是否垂直翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转 * * @param is_horizontal_flip:是否水平翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转 * * @param scale_width: 缩放宽,必须是偶数, 0或负数不缩放 * * @param scale_height: 缩放高, 必须是偶数, 0或负数不缩放 * * @param scale_filter_mode: 缩放质量, 传0使用默认速度,可选等级范围是:[1,3],值越大缩放质量越好, 但速度越慢 * * @param rotation_degree: 顺时针旋转, 必须是0, 90, 180, 270, 注意:旋转是在缩放, 垂直/水品反转之后再做, 请留意顺序 * * @return {0} if successful */ public native int PostLayerImageYUV420888ByteBuffer(long handle, int index, int left, int top, ByteBuffer y_plane, int y_offset, int y_row_stride, ByteBuffer u_plane, int u_offset, int u_row_stride, ByteBuffer v_plane, int v_offset, int v_row_stride, int uv_pixel_stride, int width, int height, int is_vertical_flip, int is_horizontal_flip, int scale_width, int scale_height, int scale_filter_mode, int rotation_degree);
@Override public void ntsOnInvitePlay(String deviceId, SessionDescription session_des) { handler_.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // 先振铃响应下 gb28181_agent_.respondPlayInvite(180, device_id_); MediaSessionDescription video_des = null; SDPRtpMapAttribute ps_rtpmap_attr = null; // 28181 视频使用PS打包 Vector<MediaSessionDescription> video_des_list = session_des_.getVideoPSDescriptions(); if (video_des_list != null && !video_des_list.isEmpty()) { for(MediaSessionDescription m : video_des_list) { if (m != null && m.isValidAddressType() && m.isHasAddress() ) { video_des = m; ps_rtpmap_attr = video_des.getPSRtpMapAttribute(); break; } } } if (null == video_des) { gb28181_agent_.respondPlayInvite(488, device_id_); Log.i(TAG, "ntsOnInvitePlay get video description is null, response 488, device_id:" + device_id_); return; } if (null == ps_rtpmap_attr) { gb28181_agent_.respondPlayInvite(488, device_id_); Log.i(TAG, "ntsOnInvitePlay get ps rtp map attribute is null, response 488, device_id:" + device_id_); return; } Log.i(TAG,"ntsOnInvitePlay, device_id:" +device_id_+", is_tcp:" + video_des.isRTPOverTCP() + " rtp_port:" + video_des.getPort() + " ssrc:" + video_des.getSSRC() + " address_type:" + video_des.getAddressType() + " address:" + video_des.getAddress()); long rtp_sender_handle = libPublisher.CreateRTPSender(0); if ( rtp_sender_handle == 0 ) { gb28181_agent_.respondPlayInvite(488, device_id_); Log.i(TAG, "ntsOnInvitePlay CreateRTPSender failed, response 488, device_id:" + device_id_); return; } gb28181_rtp_payload_type_ = ps_rtpmap_attr.getPayloadType(); gb28181_rtp_encoding_name_ = ps_rtpmap_attr.getEncodingName(); libPublisher.SetRTPSenderTransportProtocol(rtp_sender_handle, video_des.isRTPOverUDP()?0:1); libPublisher.SetRTPSenderIPAddressType(rtp_sender_handle, video_des.isIPv4()?0:1); libPublisher.SetRTPSenderLocalPort(rtp_sender_handle, 0); libPublisher.SetRTPSenderSSRC(rtp_sender_handle, video_des.getSSRC()); libPublisher.SetRTPSenderSocketSendBuffer(rtp_sender_handle, 2*1024*1024); // 设置到2M libPublisher.SetRTPSenderClockRate(rtp_sender_handle, ps_rtpmap_attr.getClockRate()); libPublisher.SetRTPSenderDestination(rtp_sender_handle, video_des.getAddress(), video_des.getPort()); if ( libPublisher.InitRTPSender(rtp_sender_handle) != 0 ) { gb28181_agent_.respondPlayInvite(488, device_id_); libPublisher.DestoryRTPSender(rtp_sender_handle); return; } int local_port = libPublisher.GetRTPSenderLocalPort(rtp_sender_handle); if (local_port == 0) { gb28181_agent_.respondPlayInvite(488, device_id_); libPublisher.DestoryRTPSender(rtp_sender_handle); return; } Log.i(TAG,"get local_port:" + local_port); String local_ip_addr = IPAddrUtils.getIpAddress(context_); MediaSessionDescription local_video_des = new MediaSessionDescription(video_des.getType()); local_video_des.addFormat(String.valueOf(ps_rtpmap_attr.getPayloadType())); local_video_des.addRtpMapAttribute(ps_rtpmap_attr); local_video_des.setAddressType(video_des.getAddressType()); local_video_des.setAddress(local_ip_addr); local_video_des.setPort(local_port); local_video_des.setTransportProtocol(video_des.getTransportProtocol()); local_video_des.setSSRC(video_des.getSSRC()); if (!gb28181_agent_.respondPlayInviteOK(device_id_,local_video_des) ) { libPublisher.DestoryRTPSender(rtp_sender_handle); Log.e(TAG, "ntsOnInvitePlay call respondPlayInviteOK failed."); return; } gb28181_rtp_sender_handle_ = rtp_sender_handle; } private String device_id_; private SessionDescription session_des_; public Runnable set(String device_id, SessionDescription session_des) { this.device_id_ = device_id; this.session_des_ = session_des; return this; } }.set(deviceId, session_des),0); }
@Override public void ntsOnAckPlay(String deviceId) { handler_.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.i(TAG,"ntsOnACKPlay, device_id:" +device_id_); if (!isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isPushingRtmp && !isRecording) { InitAndSetConfig(); } libPublisher.SetGB28181RTPSender(publisherHandle, gb28181_rtp_sender_handle_, gb28181_rtp_payload_type_, gb28181_rtp_encoding_name_); //libPublisher.SetGBTCPConnectTimeout(publisherHandle, 10*60*1000); //libPublisher.SetGBInitialTCPReconnectInterval(publisherHandle, 1000); //libPublisher.SetGBInitialTCPMaxReconnectAttempts(publisherHandle, 3); int startRet = libPublisher.StartGB28181MediaStream(publisherHandle); if (startRet != 0) { if (!isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isPushingRtmp && !isRecording) { if (publisherHandle != 0) { long handle = publisherHandle; publisherHandle = 0; libPublisher.SmartPublisherClose(handle); } } destoryRTPSender(); Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start GB28181 service.."); return; } if (!isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isPushingRtmp && !isRecording) { CheckInitAudioRecorder(); } startLayerPostThread(); isGB28181StreamRunning = true; } private String device_id_; public Runnable set(String device_id) { this.device_id_ = device_id; return this; } }.set(deviceId),0); }
class ButtonStartRecorderListener implements View.OnClickListener { public void onClick(View v) { if (isRecording) { stopRecorder(); if (!isPushingRtmp && !isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isGB28181StreamRunning) { ConfigControlEnable(true); } btnStartRecorder.setText("实时录像"); btnPauseRecorder.setText("暂停录像"); btnPauseRecorder.setEnabled(false); isPauseRecording = true; return; } Log.i(TAG, "onClick start recorder.."); if (libPublisher == null) return; if (!isPushingRtmp && !isRTSPPublisherRunning&& !isGB28181StreamRunning) { InitAndSetConfig(); } ConfigRecorderParam(); int startRet = libPublisher.SmartPublisherStartRecorder(publisherHandle); if (startRet != 0) { if (!isPushingRtmp && !isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isGB28181StreamRunning) { if (publisherHandle != 0) { long handle = publisherHandle; publisherHandle = 0; libPublisher.SmartPublisherClose(handle); } } Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start recorder."); return; } if (!isPushingRtmp && !isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isGB28181StreamRunning) { CheckInitAudioRecorder(); ConfigControlEnable(false); } startLayerPostThread(); btnStartRecorder.setText("停止录像"); isRecording = true; btnPauseRecorder.setEnabled(true); isPauseRecording = true; } }
//停止录像 private void stopRecorder() { if(!isRecording) return; isRecording = false; if (!isPushingRtmp && !isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isGB28181StreamRunning) stopLayerPostThread(); if (!isPushingRtmp && !isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isGB28181StreamRunning) { if (audioRecord_ != null) { Log.i(TAG, "stopRecorder, call audioRecord_.StopRecording.."); audioRecord_.Stop(); if (audioRecordCallback_ != null) { audioRecord_.RemoveCallback(audioRecordCallback_); audioRecordCallback_ = null; } audioRecord_ = null; } } if (null == libPublisher || 0 == publisherHandle) return; libPublisher.SmartPublisherStopRecorder(publisherHandle); if (!isPushingRtmp && !isRTSPPublisherRunning && !isGB28181StreamRunning) { releasePublisherHandle(); } }
class ButtonPauseRecorderListener implements View.OnClickListener { public void onClick(View v) { if (isRecording) { if(isPauseRecording) { int ret = libPublisher.SmartPublisherPauseRecorder(publisherHandle, 1); if (ret == 0) { isPauseRecording = false; btnPauseRecorder.setText("恢复录像"); } else if(ret == 3) { Log.e(TAG, "Pause recorder failed, please re-try again.."); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Pause recorder failed.."); } } else { int ret = libPublisher.SmartPublisherPauseRecorder(publisherHandle, 0); if (ret == 0) { isPauseRecording = true; btnPauseRecorder.setText("暂停录像"); } else if(ret == 3) { Log.e(TAG, "Resume recorder failed, please re-try again.."); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Resume recorder failed.."); } } } } }

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