红色蚂蚁 -- The Red Ant
团结就是力量 -- Union Gives Strength



判断首字符的字节数。 返回值小于2, 表明首字符不是中文.
Function: GetCharSize
     This function return the size of lead character of specified data string.
     1. string to get character size
     2. string size
     -1. invalid character
      0. null string
     >0. character size
int   GetCharSize( const char *Data, int Size )
   const unsigned char   *p = (unsigned char *) Data;

   // check arguments
   if ( p == NULL || Size <= 0 )
      return 0;
   // Chinese 1st byte 0x81-0xFE
   if ( p[0] < 0x81 || p[0] > 0xFE )
      return 1;
   // Chinese code size = 2, 4
   if ( Size < 2 )
      return -1;
   // Chinese 2nd byte 0x30-0x39, 0x40-0x7E, 0x80-0xFE
   if ( p[1] < 0x30 || p[1] > 0x39 && p[1] < 0x40 || p[1] == 0x7F
         || p[1] > 0xFE )
      return -1;
   // 2 bytes Chinese code
   if ( p[1] >= 0x40 )
      return 2;
   // Chinese code size = 4
   if ( Size < 4 )
      return -1;
   // Chinese 3rd byte 0x81-0xFE
   if ( p[2] < 0x81 || p[2] > 0xFE )
      return -1;
   // Chinese 4th byte 0x30-0x39
   if ( p[3] < 0x30 || p[3] > 0x39 )
      return -1;
   return 4;

#define   IsChinese(x,y)   ( GetCharSize( x, y ) > 1 )

Function: FindInvalidChar
     This function return the pointer to the first invalid character of
     specified data string or NULL.
     1. string to check invalid character
     2. string size
     NULL. not found
     Other. pointer to invalid character
const char   *FindInvalidChar( const char *Data, int Size )
   const char   *p = Data;
   int   r, s = Size;

   while ( ( r = GetCharSize( p, s ) ) > 0 ) {
      p += r;
      s -= r;

   if ( r == 0 )
      return NULL;
   return p;

Function: GetCharCount
     This function count the characters in specified data string.
     1. string to count characters
     2. string size
     -1. find invalid character
     >0. count of characters
int   GetCharCount( const char *Data, int Size )
   const char   *p = Data;
   int   r, c = 0, s = Size;

   while ( ( r = GetCharSize( p, s ) ) > 0 ) {
      c ++;
      p += r;
      s -= r;

   if ( r == 0 )
      return c;
   return -1;

posted on 2004-10-22 11:59  红色蚂蚁  阅读(1487)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报