windows 平台使用wireshark命令行抓包


wireshark 内置 dumpcap命令

Capture interface:
  -i <interface>           name or idx of interface (def: firs
  -f <capture filter>      packet filter in libpcap filter syn
  -s <snaplen>             packet snapshot length (def: 65535)
  -p                       don't capture in promiscuous mode
  -B <buffer size>         size of kernel buffer (def: 1MB)
  -y <link type>           link layer type (def: first appropr
  -D                       print list of interfaces and exit
  -L                       print list of link-layer types of i
  -d                       print generated BPF code for captur
  -S                       print statistics for each interface
  -M                       for -D, -L, and -S, produce machine

RPCAP options:
  -r                       don't ignore own RPCAP traffic in c
  -u                       use UDP for RPCAP data transfer
  -A <user>:<password>     use RPCAP password authentication
  -m <sampling type>       use packet sampling
                           count:NUM - capture one packet of e
                           timer:NUM - capture no more than 1
Stop conditions:
  -c <packet count>        stop after n packets (def: infinite
  -a <autostop cond.> ...  duration:NUM - stop after NUM secon
                           filesize:NUM - stop this file after
                              files:NUM - stop after NUM files
Output (files):
  -w <filename>            name of file to save (def: tempfile
  -g                       enable group read access on the out
  -b <ringbuffer opt.> ... duration:NUM - switch to next file
                           filesize:NUM - switch to next file
                              files:NUM - ringbuffer: replace
  -n                       use pcapng format instead of pcap (
  -P                       use libpcap format instead of pcapn

  -t                       use a separate thread per interface
  -q                       don't report packet capture counts
  -v                       print version information and exit
  -h                       display this help and exit


例如:dumpcap -b filesize:1024*100 -f "port 8888 or port 9999" -wD:\1.cap 表示只抓端口为8888或9999的数据,每个抓包文件的大小为100M,存放目录为D盘

posted on 2014-01-03 12:22  单车博客园  阅读(3187)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报