Course4-Python ftp/ssh
1. ftp
Python 自带有模块支持ftp. 可以参看一下代码。
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 import sys 3 import os 4 import time 5 import getopt 6 import traceback 7 from ftplib import FTP 8 9 class ftp_up_down(): 10 def __init__(self): 11 pass 12 def captureException(self,logname='ftp_log.log'): 13 logs = open(logname, 'a') 14 print >> logs, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime()) 15 err = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) 16 print >> logs, err 17 logs.close() 18 19 def logging(self,mystring, filename='ftp_log.log'): 20 21 try: 22 print time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) + " " + mystring 23 fso = open(filename, 'a') 24 fso.write(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) + " " + mystring + '\n' + '\n') 25 fso.close() 26 except: 27 captureException() 28 29 def ftp_up(self,ServerFolder, LocalLocation, FileName, ServerAddr, user, password): 30 try: 31 time1= time.time() 32 bufsize = 2048#set buffer size 33 ftp=FTP() 34 #ftp.set_debuglevel(2)#open debug level, 2 display the detailed info, 0 close the debug info 35 ftp.connect(ServerAddr)#connect 36 ftp.login(user,password)#login 37 print ftp.getwelcome()#display ftp server welcome message 38 ftp.cwd(ServerFolder) #choose the work directory 39 filename = LocalLocation + '\\' + FileName 40 file_handler = open(filename,'rb')#open the file in local as readonly 41 ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % os.path.basename(filename),file_handler,bufsize)#upload file 42 ftp.set_debuglevel(0) 43 file_handler.close() 44 ftp.quit() 45 time2= time.time() 46 print "ftp up OK" 47 self.logging('Successfully upload file: "{0}" to FTP Server: {1}'.format(str(FileName), str(ServerAddr))) 48 print round((time2-time1),3) 49 except: 50 self.logging('Fail to upload file: "{0}" to FTP Server: {1}'.format(str(FileName), str(ServerAddr))) 51 self.captureException() 52 53 def ftp_down(self,ServerFolder, LocalLocation, FileName, ServerAddr, user, password): 54 try: 55 time1= time.time() 56 bufsize = 2048#set buffer size 57 ftp=FTP() 58 #ftp.set_debuglevel(2) 59 ftp.connect(ServerAddr)#connect 60 ftp.login(user,password)#login 61 print ftp.getwelcome()#display ftp server welcome message 62 ftp.cwd(ServerFolder)#choose the work directory 63 filename = LocalLocation + '\\' + FileName 64 file_handler = open(filename,'wb').write #open the file in local as write 65 ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % os.path.basename(filename),file_handler,bufsize)#download file 66 ftp.set_debuglevel(0) 67 ftp.quit() 68 time2= time.time() 69 print "ftp down OK" 70 self.logging('Successfully download file: "{0}" from FTP Server: {1}'.format(str(FileName), str(ServerAddr))) 71 print round((time2-time1),3) 72 except: 73 self.logging('Fail to download file: "{0}" from FTP Server: {1}'.format(str(FileName), str(ServerAddr))) 74 self.captureException() 75 def usage(self): print ''' 76 Usage:ftp_up_down [-u|-d]|[-S serverfolder| -L localfolder| -F filename| -I unix_ip| -U unix_user| -P unix_password]|[--help]\n 77 \t-u|-d -u means upload, -p means download\n 78 \t-S the unix folder to store the upload/download file\n 79 \t-L the Windows folder to store the upload/download file\n 80 \t-F the file name to be upload/download\n 81 \t-I the unix server ip\n 82 \t-U the unix user\n 83 \t-P the unix user password\n 84 Examples: 85 \tftp_up_down -d -S "/release/scripts/" -L "E:\\Daly\\Investigation\\" -F "a.txt" -I -U root -P pass\n 86 \tftp_up_down -u -S "/release/scripts/" -L "E:\\Daly\\Investigation\\" -F "a.txt" -I -U root -P pass 87 ''' 88 ABSPATH=None 89 if __name__ == "__main__": 90 ABSPATH=os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) 91 ABSPATH=os.path.dirname(ABSPATH)+"\\" 92 #print ABSPATH 93 work_folder=ABSPATH 94 #print work_folder 95 serverfolder="" 96 localfolder="" 97 filename="" 98 unix_ip="" 99 unix_user="" 100 unix_password="" 101 try: 102 opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hudS:L:F:I:U:P:", ["help", "up", "down", "serverfolder=", "localfolder=", "filename=", "ip=", "user=", "password="]) 103 #print opts 104 #print args 105 if not opts: 106 try: 107 ftp_up_down().usage() 108 except: 109 sys.exit(0) 110 for opt, arg in opts: 111 if opt in ("-h", "--help"): 112 ftp_up_down().usage() 113 sys.exit(0) 114 elif opt in ("-S"): 115 serverfolder = arg 116 elif opt in ("-L"): 117 localfolder = arg 118 elif opt in ("-F"): 119 filename = arg 120 elif opt in ("-I"): 121 unix_ip = arg 122 elif opt in ("-U"): 123 unix_user = arg 124 elif opt in ("-P"): 125 unix_password = arg 126 #print opts[0] 127 print serverfolder, localfolder, filename, unix_ip, unix_user, unix_password 128 try: 129 if("-u" in opts[0]): 130 try: 131 print serverfolder, localfolder, filename, unix_ip, unix_user, unix_password 132 ftp_up_down().ftp_up(ServerFolder=serverfolder, LocalLocation=localfolder, FileName=filename, ServerAddr=unix_ip, user=unix_user,password=unix_password) 133 except: 134 print ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) 135 elif("-d" in opts[0]): 136 try: 137 #print serverfolder, localfolder, filename, unix_ip, unix_user, unix_password 138 ftp_up_down().ftp_down(ServerFolder=serverfolder, LocalLocation=localfolder, FileName=filename, ServerAddr=unix_ip, user=unix_user,password=unix_password) 139 except: 140 print ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) 141 except: 142 print ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) 143 except getopt.GetoptError: 144 print "getopt error" 145 ftp_up_down().usage() 146 sys.exit(1)
2. ssh
Python ssh需要安装其他模块支持,支持ssh的模块有pexpect(*Nix),paramiko等, 在此主要讲在Windows上支持的paramiko模块。可参看一下代码。
1 import paramiko 2 class CommonUtils(object): 3 ''' 4 classdocs 5 ''' 6 def __init__(self): 7 ''' 8 Constructor 9 ''' 10 log().paramiko_log_to_file(level="DEBUG") 11 def ssh_conn(self,host,port,user,password): 12 ''' 13 @param host: the host name or ip address 14 @param port: the ssh port number 15 @param user: the user to login the host 16 @param password: the user's password 17 example: ssh_conn("10.xx.xx.xx",22,'xxu1','password') 18 ''' 19 try: 20 client = paramiko.SSHClient() 21 client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) 22 client.connect(host,22,user,password) 23 return client 24 except Exception, e: 25 log().log("{0} Please check the user name and password are correct.".format(str(e))) 26 return None 27 def ssh_close(self,conn): 28 conn.close() 29 def ssh_exec_querycommand(self,conn,command): 30 ''' 31 @param conn: the ssh connection which setup with using function ssh_conn 32 @param command: the command to be executed 33 ''' 34 stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command(command) 35 stdin.flush() 36 output = [] 37 for line in stdout: 38 print '###' + line.strip('\n') 39 output.append(line.strip('\n')) 40 if stderr != None and len(str(stderr)) == 0: 41 print 'Error info: ' + 42 return output 43 def ssh_exec_intercommand(self,conn,begincommand,promptanswer): 44 ''' 45 @param conn: the ssh connection which setup with using function ssh_conn 46 @param begincommand: the command to be executed firstly 47 @param promptanswer: the command to be executed to answer the question after executed begincommand 48 ''' 49 channel = conn.invoke_shell() 50 channel.recv(1024) 51 time.sleep(1) 52 channel.send(begincommand + '\n') 53 time.sleep(1) 54 question = channel.recv(1024) 55 #realquestion = (question.split(begincommand))[0:] 56 realquestion = (question.split('\n'))[1] 57 log().log("Question pops: {0}".format(realquestion)) 58 time.sleep(1) 59 channel.send(promptanswer + '\n') 60 time.sleep(30) 61 result = channel.recv(1024) 62 log().log("After input answer: {0}".format(result)) 63 channel.close() 64 return result 65 def ssh_exec_command_after_interaction(self,conn,begincommand,promptanswer,command): 66 ''' 67 @param conn: the ssh connection which setup with using function ssh_conn 68 @param begincommand: the command to be executed firstly 69 @param promptanswer: the command to be executed to answer the question after executed begincommand 70 @param command: the command to be executed after the interaction 71 ''' 72 channel = conn.invoke_shell() 73 channel.recv(1024) 74 time.sleep(1) 75 channel.send(begincommand + '\n') 76 time.sleep(1) 77 question = channel.recv(1024) 78 realquestion = (question.split(begincommand))[1] 79 #realquestion = (question.split('\n'))[1] 80 log().log("Question pops: {0}".format(realquestion)) 81 time.sleep(1) 82 channel.send(promptanswer + '\n') 83 time.sleep(1) 84 result = channel.recv(1024) 85 log().log("After input answer: {0}".format(result)) 86 channel.send(command + '\n') 87 time.sleep(3) 88 cmdresult = channel.recv(1024) 89 fullcmdresult = (cmdresult.split(command))[0] 90 realcmdresult = (fullcmdresult.split('\n'))[1:-1] 91 finalrestult = '' 92 for i in range(len(realcmdresult)): 93 finalrestult += ''.join(realcmdresult[i]) 94 log().log("Command result: {0}".format(finalrestult)) 95 channel.close() 96 return str(finalrestult)