I have learned two's complement in the computer organization course. At that time, I simply knew that to express a negative number, first find it's positive form, then flip every bit of it and finally add one on it. Although the specific steps are clear, I don't know the reason for it, i 阅读全文
1. exponential algorithm: fib1(n) = fib1 (n-1) + fib1(n-2). running time:O(1.6n)2. polynomial algorithm: which is alsolinear programming, running time O(n2)3. using matrix multiplication: assume m bitsmultiplication time is M(n). T(n) = T (n/2) + M(n).Note: the sum of geometric series is simply the 阅读全文
从微软两轮面试归来,只感到身心疲惫。尽力了,一切只是看天意了。其实在收到面试邀请的时候,我以为这种面试就像是平时在校园里随处可见的小面试一样,随随便便聊几句,说说情况就过去了。没想到这种大公司,尤其是世界级别的公司的面试,果然是真枪实战,能进去的非等闲之辈。也对,如果一个公司随随便便就能进的话,那他也离倒闭不远了。所以说当我知道这个面试要进行两个小时三轮的时候,着实慌了。但是慌也没有用,解决不了任何问题,此时再进行准备也已经来不及了,而且的话,虽然我不想承认,自己心里其实也有一些傲气的。自认为平时学习还算对的起自己的良心,应该也不会堕了学校的名声。而且因为托福的缘故,英语口语也得到了很大的加强 阅读全文
1.Branch is just a pointer called HEAD which points to the current snapshot.2.Create a new branch:git branch [branch-name].3.Switching to an existing branch:git checkout [new branch].4.Merge branch: merge a branch to the mater branch, just $git checkout master;$git merge [another branch]. After merg 阅读全文
1.Three main sections of Git: the git directory, the working directory, and the staging area.Git directory: where git stores the metadata and object database (most important).Working directory: a single checkout of one version of the project. Pulled out of the Git database and plcaed on disk for use 阅读全文