cprdt prdt whouse dept qty flag
str = "select a.cprdt ,b.pname,b.unit,b.spec,a.prdt,c.pname as pname1,c.unit as unit1,c.spec as spec1,a.qty,a.flag,0 as seq,a.dept ,d.name as dp,a.flag as flag1,'' as prdt0 "
str += " from sto_boms as a ,sto_stocks as b,sto_stocks as c,bas_refers as d "
str += " where a.cprdt=b.prdt and a.prdt=c.prdt and d.kind='2102' and a.dept=d.no limit 0"
dt = fc.datas(Session("mysqlcns"), str)
str = "select distinct a.cprdt,b.pname,b.unit,b.spec from sto_boms as a,sto_stocks as b where a.cprdt=b.prdt and (a.cprdt between '" & strcode1 & "' and '" & strcode2 & "' ) "
Dim dt0 As DataTable = fc.datas(Session("mysqlcns"), str)
Dim sql, cprdt, pname, unit, spec As String
sql = "select a.cprdt ,b.pname,b.unit,b.spec,a.prdt,c.pname as pname1,c.unit as unit1,c.spec as spec1,a.qty,a.flag,0 as seq,a.dept ,d.name as dp,a.flag as flag1,'' as prdt0 "
sql += " from sto_boms as a ,sto_stocks as b,sto_stocks as c,bas_refers as d "
sql += " where a.cprdt=b.prdt and a.prdt=c.prdt and d.kind='2102' and a.dept=d.no "
For inta = 0 To dt0.Rows.Count - 1
cprdt = dt0.Rows(inta)(0)
pname = dt0.Rows(inta)(1)
unit = dt0.Rows(inta)(2)
spec = dt0.Rows(inta)(3)
bom7206(dt, 0, 1, sql, cprdt, pname, unit, spec, cprdt)
Sub bom7206(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal seq As Int16, ByVal qty As Decimal, ByVal sql As String, ByVal cprdt As String, ByVal pname As String, ByVal unit As String, ByVal spec As String, ByVal prdt As String)
Dim prdt1, flag, sql1 As String
Dim row As DataRow
Dim intb As Integer
Dim dt0 As DataTable
sql1 = sql + " and a.cprdt='" & prdt & "' "
dt0 = fc.datas(Session("mysqlcns"), sql1)
If dt0.Rows.Count > 0 Then
seq += 1
For intb = 0 To dt0.Rows.Count - 1
row = dt.NewRow
row(0) = cprdt
row(1) = pname
row(2) = unit
row(3) = spec
row(4) = dt0.Rows(intb)(4)
row(5) = dt0.Rows(intb)(5)
row(6) = dt0.Rows(intb)(6)
row(7) = dt0.Rows(intb)(7)
row(8) = dt0.Rows(intb)(8) * qty
row(9) = dt0.Rows(intb)(9)
row(10) = seq
row(11) = dt0.Rows(intb)(11)
row(12) = dt0.Rows(intb)(12)
row(13) = dt0.Rows(intb)(13)
row(14) = prdt
prdt1 = dt0.Rows(intb)(4)
flag = dt0.Rows(intb)(9)
If flag = "1" Then
bom7206(dt, seq, dt0.Rows(intb)(8), sql, cprdt, pname, unit, spec, prdt1)
End If
seq -= 1
End If
End Sub