部署过程比较简单,新建一个站点,指向服务的物理路径,设置一个端口。即可。 新建的站点对应一个应用程序池,设置应用程序池中的.NET版本为4.0 写一个测试客户端,访问IIS中的WCF服务,可能会出现, Method Not Found 解决措施 第一步,上图中的 windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation 打上勾 第二步,如果出现 未能... 阅读全文
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections; 3 using System.Collections.Generic; 4 using System.Collections.Concurrent; 5 using System.Linq; 6 using System.Threading; 7 using System.Threa... 阅读全文
Among them were a large number of nonconformists whose religious principles encouraged thrift and industry rather than luxurious living and who tended to pour their profits back into their business, t... 阅读全文