sudo service mongod start
远程连接的时候, 配置mongodb.conf (通过 $ whereis mongod 找到位置) #bind_ip = 改为0.0.0.0 ,和django是一样的
数据库 聚集(1层)
#!/usr/bin/python #coding=utf-8 import datetime,time from pymongo import MongoClient #连接到数据库 # client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) client = MongoClient("", 27017) #list all databases print client.database_names() #database list #delete specific database # client.drop_database('tieba') #delete # db = client['tieba'] #没有就新建 #list all collection names print db.collection_names(include_system_collections=False) #delete specific collection #db["mycollection"].drop()

def insert_one(self, document, bypass_document_validation=False): """Insert a single document. >>> db.test.count({'x': 1}) 0 >>> result = db.test.insert_one({'x': 1}) >>> result.inserted_id ObjectId('54f112defba522406c9cc208') >>> db.test.find_one({'x': 1}) {u'x': 1, u'_id': ObjectId('54f112defba522406c9cc208')} :Parameters: - `document`: The document to insert. Must be a mutable mapping type. If the document does not have an _id field one will be added automatically. - `bypass_document_validation`: (optional) If ``True``, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is ``False``.

def insert_many(self, documents, ordered=True, bypass_document_validation=False): """Insert an iterable of documents. >>> db.test.count() 0 >>> result = db.test.insert_many([{'x': i} for i in range(2)]) >>> result.inserted_ids [ObjectId('54f113fffba522406c9cc20e'), ObjectId('54f113fffba522406c9cc20f')] >>> db.test.count() 2 :Parameters: - `documents`: A iterable of documents to insert. - `ordered` (optional): If ``True`` (the default) documents will be inserted on the server serially, in the order provided. If an error occurs all remaining inserts are aborted. If ``False``, documents will be inserted on the server in arbitrary order, possibly in parallel, and all document inserts will be attempted. - `bypass_document_validation`: (optional) If ``True``, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is ``False``.
update_one,注意一些操作符,如$set,$unset,$inc ,设置,删除,加法,对字段的操作,upsert=True,没有就增加
result = db.restaurants.update_one( {"name": "Juni"}, { "$set": { "cuisine": "American (New)" }, "$currentDate": {"lastModified": True} } )
result = db.restaurants.update_one( {"restaurant_id": "41156888"}, {"$set": {"address.street": "East 31st Street"}} )

def update_one(self, filter, update, upsert=False, bypass_document_validation=False, collation=None): """Update a single document matching the filter. >>> for doc in db.test.find(): ... print(doc) ... {u'x': 1, u'_id': 0} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 1} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 2} >>> result = db.test.update_one({'x': 1}, {'$inc': {'x': 3}}) >>> result.matched_count 1 >>> result.modified_count 1 >>> for doc in db.test.find(): ... print(doc) ... {u'x': 4, u'_id': 0} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 1} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 2} :Parameters: - `filter`: A query that matches the document to update. - `update`: The modifications to apply. - `upsert` (optional): If ``True``, perform an insert if no documents match the filter. - `bypass_document_validation`: (optional) If ``True``, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is ``False``. - `collation` (optional): An instance of :class:`~pymongo.collation.Collation`. This option is only supported on MongoDB 3.4 and above.

def update_many(self, filter, update, upsert=False, bypass_document_validation=False, collation=None): """Update one or more documents that match the filter. >>> for doc in db.test.find(): ... print(doc) ... {u'x': 1, u'_id': 0} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 1} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 2} >>> result = db.test.update_many({'x': 1}, {'$inc': {'x': 3}}) >>> result.matched_count 3 >>> result.modified_count 3 >>> for doc in db.test.find(): ... print(doc) ... {u'x': 4, u'_id': 0} {u'x': 4, u'_id': 1} {u'x': 4, u'_id': 2} :Parameters: - `filter`: A query that matches the documents to update. - `update`: The modifications to apply. - `upsert` (optional): If ``True``, perform an insert if no documents match the filter. - `bypass_document_validation` (optional): If ``True``, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is ``False``. - `collation` (optional): An instance of :class:`~pymongo.collation.Collation`. This option is only supported on MongoDB 3.4 and above.
result = db.restaurants.replace_one( {"restaurant_id": "41704620"}, { "name": "Vella 2", "address": { "coord": [-73.9557413, 40.7720266], "building": "1480", "street": "2 Avenue", "zipcode": "10075" } } )

def replace_one(self, filter, replacement, upsert=False, bypass_document_validation=False, collation=None): """Replace a single document matching the filter. >>> for doc in db.test.find({}): ... print(doc) ... {u'x': 1, u'_id': ObjectId('54f4c5befba5220aa4d6dee7')} >>> result = db.test.replace_one({'x': 1}, {'y': 1}) >>> result.matched_count 1 >>> result.modified_count 1 >>> for doc in db.test.find({}): ... print(doc) ... {u'y': 1, u'_id': ObjectId('54f4c5befba5220aa4d6dee7')} The *upsert* option can be used to insert a new document if a matching document does not exist. >>> result = db.test.replace_one({'x': 1}, {'x': 1}, True) >>> result.matched_count 0 >>> result.modified_count 0 >>> result.upserted_id ObjectId('54f11e5c8891e756a6e1abd4') >>> db.test.find_one({'x': 1}) {u'x': 1, u'_id': ObjectId('54f11e5c8891e756a6e1abd4')} :Parameters: - `filter`: A query that matches the document to replace. - `replacement`: The new document. - `upsert` (optional): If ``True``, perform an insert if no documents match the filter. - `bypass_document_validation`: (optional) If ``True``, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is ``False``. - `collation` (optional): An instance of :class:`~pymongo.collation.Collation`. This option is only supported on MongoDB 3.4 and above.

"""Delete a single document matching the filter. >>> db.test.count({'x': 1}) 3 >>> result = db.test.delete_one({'x': 1}) >>> result.deleted_count 1 >>> db.test.count({'x': 1}) 2 :Parameters: - `filter`: A query that matches the document to delete. - `collation` (optional): An instance of :class:`~pymongo.collation.Collation`. This option is only supported on MongoDB 3.4 and above.
result = db.restaurants.delete_many({})

def delete_many(self, filter, collation=None): """Delete one or more documents matching the filter. >>> db.test.count({'x': 1}) 3 >>> result = db.test.delete_many({'x': 1}) >>> result.deleted_count 3 >>> db.test.count({'x': 1}) 0 :Parameters: - `filter`: A query that matches the documents to delete. - `collation` (optional): An instance of :class:`~pymongo.collation.Collation`. This option is only supported on MongoDB 3.4 and above.

def find_one(self, filter=None, *args, **kwargs): """Get a single document from the database. All arguments to :meth:`find` are also valid arguments for :meth:`find_one`, although any `limit` argument will be ignored. Returns a single document, or ``None`` if no matching document is found. The :meth:`find_one` method obeys the :attr:`read_preference` of this :class:`Collection`. :Parameters: - `filter` (optional): a dictionary specifying the query to be performed OR any other type to be used as the value for a query for ``"_id"``. - `*args` (optional): any additional positional arguments are the same as the arguments to :meth:`find`. - `**kwargs` (optional): any additional keyword arguments are the same as the arguments to :meth:`find`. >>> collection.find_one(max_time_ms=100) """
cursor = db.restaurants.find()
cursor = db.restaurants.find({"borough": "Manhattan"})
cursor = db.restaurants.find({"cuisine": "Italian", "address.zipcode": "10075"})
cursor = db.restaurants.find( {"$or": [{"cuisine": "Italian"}, {"address.zipcode": "10075"}]})
大于($gt)操作符,操作符:$eq $gt $gte $in $lt $lte $ne $nin,等等,还有很多
cursor = db.restaurants.find({"grades.score": {"$gt": 30}})
import pymongo cursor = db.restaurants.find().sort([ ("borough", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("address.zipcode", pymongo.ASCENDING) ])

1 """Query the database. 2 3 The `filter` argument is a prototype document that all results 4 must match. For example: 5 6 >>> db.test.find({"hello": "world"}) 7 8 only matches documents that have a key "hello" with value 9 "world". Matches can have other keys *in addition* to 10 "hello". The `projection` argument is used to specify a subset 11 of fields that should be included in the result documents. By 12 limiting results to a certain subset of fields you can cut 13 down on network traffic and decoding time. 14 15 Raises :class:`TypeError` if any of the arguments are of 16 improper type. Returns an instance of 17 :class:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor` corresponding to this query. 18 19 The :meth:`find` method obeys the :attr:`read_preference` of 20 this :class:`Collection`. 21 22 :Parameters: 23 - `filter` (optional): a SON object specifying elements which 24 must be present for a document to be included in the 25 result set 26 - `projection` (optional): a list of field names that should be 27 returned in the result set or a dict specifying the fields 28 to include or exclude. If `projection` is a list "_id" will 29 always be returned. Use a dict to exclude fields from 30 the result (e.g. projection={'_id': False}). 31 - `skip` (optional): the number of documents to omit (from 32 the start of the result set) when returning the results 33 - `limit` (optional): the maximum number of results to 34 return 35 - `no_cursor_timeout` (optional): if False (the default), any 36 returned cursor is closed by the server after 10 minutes of 37 inactivity. If set to True, the returned cursor will never 38 time out on the server. Care should be taken to ensure that 39 cursors with no_cursor_timeout turned on are properly closed. 40 - `cursor_type` (optional): the type of cursor to return. The valid 41 options are defined by :class:`~pymongo.cursor.CursorType`: 42 43 - :attr:`~pymongo.cursor.CursorType.NON_TAILABLE` - the result of 44 this find call will return a standard cursor over the result set. 45 - :attr:`~pymongo.cursor.CursorType.TAILABLE` - the result of this 46 find call will be a tailable cursor - tailable cursors are only 47 for use with capped collections. They are not closed when the 48 last data is retrieved but are kept open and the cursor location 49 marks the final document position. If more data is received 50 iteration of the cursor will continue from the last document 51 received. For details, see the `tailable cursor documentation 52 <>`_. 53 - :attr:`~pymongo.cursor.CursorType.TAILABLE_AWAIT` - the result 54 of this find call will be a tailable cursor with the await flag 55 set. The server will wait for a few seconds after returning the 56 full result set so that it can capture and return additional data 57 added during the query. 58 - :attr:`~pymongo.cursor.CursorType.EXHAUST` - the result of this 59 find call will be an exhaust cursor. MongoDB will stream batched 60 results to the client without waiting for the client to request 61 each batch, reducing latency. See notes on compatibility below. 62 63 - `sort` (optional): a list of (key, direction) pairs 64 specifying the sort order for this query. See 65 :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.sort` for details. 66 - `allow_partial_results` (optional): if True, mongos will return 67 partial results if some shards are down instead of returning an 68 error. 69 - `oplog_replay` (optional): If True, set the oplogReplay query 70 flag. 71 - `batch_size` (optional): Limits the number of documents returned in 72 a single batch. 73 - `manipulate` (optional): **DEPRECATED** - If True (the default), 74 apply any outgoing SON manipulators before returning. 75 - `collation` (optional): An instance of 76 :class:`~pymongo.collation.Collation`. This option is only supported 77 on MongoDB 3.4 and above. 78 - `return_key` (optional): If True, return only the index keys in 79 each document. 80 - `show_record_id` (optional): If True, adds a field ``$recordId`` in 81 each document with the storage engine's internal record identifier. 82 - `snapshot` (optional): If True, prevents the cursor from returning 83 a document more than once because of an intervening write 84 operation. 85 - `hint` (optional): An index, in the same format as passed to 86 :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.create_index` (e.g. 87 ``[('field', ASCENDING)]``). Pass this as an alternative to calling 88 :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.hint` on the cursor to tell Mongo the 89 proper index to use for the query. 90 - `max_time_ms` (optional): Specifies a time limit for a query 91 operation. If the specified time is exceeded, the operation will be 92 aborted and :exc:`~pymongo.errors.ExecutionTimeout` is raised. Pass 93 this as an alternative to calling 94 :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.max_time_ms` on the cursor. 95 - `max_scan` (optional): The maximum number of documents to scan. 96 Pass this as an alternative to calling 97 :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.max_scan` on the cursor. 98 - `min` (optional): A list of field, limit pairs specifying the 99 inclusive lower bound for all keys of a specific index in order. 100 Pass this as an alternative to calling 101 :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.min` on the cursor. 102 - `max` (optional): A list of field, limit pairs specifying the 103 exclusive upper bound for all keys of a specific index in order. 104 Pass this as an alternative to calling 105 :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.max` on the cursor. 106 - `comment` (optional): A string or document. Pass this as an 107 alternative to calling :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.comment` on the 108 cursor. 109 - `modifiers` (optional): **DEPRECATED** - A dict specifying 110 additional MongoDB query modifiers. Use the keyword arguments listed 111 above instead. 112 113 .. note:: There are a number of caveats to using 114 :attr:`~pymongo.cursor.CursorType.EXHAUST` as cursor_type: 115 116 - The `limit` option can not be used with an exhaust cursor. 117 118 - Exhaust cursors are not supported by mongos and can not be 119 used with a sharded cluster. 120 121 - A :class:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor` instance created with the 122 :attr:`~pymongo.cursor.CursorType.EXHAUST` cursor_type requires an 123 exclusive :class:`~socket.socket` connection to MongoDB. If the 124 :class:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor` is discarded without being 125 completely iterated the underlying :class:`~socket.socket` 126 connection will be closed and discarded without being returned to 127 the connection pool.

def find_one_and_delete(self, filter, projection=None, sort=None, **kwargs): """Finds a single document and deletes it, returning the document. >>> db.test.count({'x': 1}) 2 >>> db.test.find_one_and_delete({'x': 1}) {u'x': 1, u'_id': ObjectId('54f4e12bfba5220aa4d6dee8')} >>> db.test.count({'x': 1}) 1 If multiple documents match *filter*, a *sort* can be applied. >>> for doc in db.test.find({'x': 1}): ... print(doc) ... {u'x': 1, u'_id': 0} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 1} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 2} >>> db.test.find_one_and_delete( ... {'x': 1}, sort=[('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) {u'x': 1, u'_id': 2} The *projection* option can be used to limit the fields returned. >>> db.test.find_one_and_delete({'x': 1}, projection={'_id': False}) {u'x': 1} :Parameters: - `filter`: A query that matches the document to delete. - `projection` (optional): a list of field names that should be returned in the result document or a mapping specifying the fields to include or exclude. If `projection` is a list "_id" will always be returned. Use a mapping to exclude fields from the result (e.g. projection={'_id': False}). - `sort` (optional): a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the sort order for the query. If multiple documents match the query, they are sorted and the first is deleted. - `**kwargs` (optional): additional command arguments can be passed as keyword arguments (for example maxTimeMS can be used with recent server versions).

def find_one_and_replace(self, filter, replacement, projection=None, sort=None, upsert=False, return_document=ReturnDocument.BEFORE, **kwargs): """Finds a single document and replaces it, returning either the original or the replaced document. The :meth:`find_one_and_replace` method differs from :meth:`find_one_and_update` by replacing the document matched by *filter*, rather than modifying the existing document. >>> for doc in db.test.find({}): ... print(doc) ... {u'x': 1, u'_id': 0} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 1} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 2} >>> db.test.find_one_and_replace({'x': 1}, {'y': 1}) {u'x': 1, u'_id': 0} >>> for doc in db.test.find({}): ... print(doc) ... {u'y': 1, u'_id': 0} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 1} {u'x': 1, u'_id': 2} :Parameters: - `filter`: A query that matches the document to replace. - `replacement`: The replacement document. - `projection` (optional): A list of field names that should be returned in the result document or a mapping specifying the fields to include or exclude. If `projection` is a list "_id" will always be returned. Use a mapping to exclude fields from the result (e.g. projection={'_id': False}). - `sort` (optional): a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the sort order for the query. If multiple documents match the query, they are sorted and the first is replaced. - `upsert` (optional): When ``True``, inserts a new document if no document matches the query. Defaults to ``False``. - `return_document`: If :attr:`ReturnDocument.BEFORE` (the default), returns the original document before it was replaced, or ``None`` if no document matches. If :attr:`ReturnDocument.AFTER`, returns the replaced or inserted document. - `**kwargs` (optional): additional command arguments can be passed as keyword arguments (for example maxTimeMS can be used with recent server versions).

def find_one_and_update(self, filter, update, projection=None, sort=None, upsert=False, return_document=ReturnDocument.BEFORE, **kwargs): """Finds a single document and updates it, returning either the original or the updated document. >>> db.test.find_one_and_update( ... {'_id': 665}, {'$inc': {'count': 1}, '$set': {'done': True}}) {u'_id': 665, u'done': False, u'count': 25}} By default :meth:`find_one_and_update` returns the original version of the document before the update was applied. To return the updated version of the document instead, use the *return_document* option. >>> from pymongo import ReturnDocument >>> db.example.find_one_and_update( ... {'_id': 'userid'}, ... {'$inc': {'seq': 1}}, ... return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) {u'_id': u'userid', u'seq': 1} You can limit the fields returned with the *projection* option. >>> db.example.find_one_and_update( ... {'_id': 'userid'}, ... {'$inc': {'seq': 1}}, ... projection={'seq': True, '_id': False}, ... return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) {u'seq': 2} The *upsert* option can be used to create the document if it doesn't already exist. >>> db.example.delete_many({}).deleted_count 1 >>> db.example.find_one_and_update( ... {'_id': 'userid'}, ... {'$inc': {'seq': 1}}, ... projection={'seq': True, '_id': False}, ... upsert=True, ... return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) {u'seq': 1} If multiple documents match *filter*, a *sort* can be applied. >>> for doc in db.test.find({'done': True}): ... print(doc) ... {u'_id': 665, u'done': True, u'result': {u'count': 26}} {u'_id': 701, u'done': True, u'result': {u'count': 17}} >>> db.test.find_one_and_update( ... {'done': True}, ... {'$set': {'final': True}}, ... sort=[('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) {u'_id': 701, u'done': True, u'result': {u'count': 17}} :Parameters: - `filter`: A query that matches the document to update. - `update`: The update operations to apply. - `projection` (optional): A list of field names that should be returned in the result document or a mapping specifying the fields to include or exclude. If `projection` is a list "_id" will always be returned. Use a dict to exclude fields from the result (e.g. projection={'_id': False}). - `sort` (optional): a list of (key, direction) pairs specifying the sort order for the query. If multiple documents match the query, they are sorted and the first is updated. - `upsert` (optional): When ``True``, inserts a new document if no document matches the query. Defaults to ``False``. - `return_document`: If :attr:`ReturnDocument.BEFORE` (the default), returns the original document before it was updated, or ``None`` if no document matches. If :attr:`ReturnDocument.AFTER`, returns the updated or inserted document. - `**kwargs` (optional): additional command arguments can be passed as keyword arguments (for example maxTimeMS can be used with recent server versions).
1.增加字段:collection.update({"_id":1},{"$set":{"new_field":0}}) #红色为查找条件,绿色为新增字段(当document中没有new_field这个字段时,则新增这个字段)
2.删除字段:collection.update({"_id":1},{"$unset":{"new_field":1}}) #红色为查找条件,绿色为删除字段
3.按条件查找:collection.find_one({"_id":1}) #红色为查找条件
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