function [VertexData,FVCD,isBinary]=stl2matlab(stlfile) % STL2MATLAB reads STL-file, ASCII or binary format, into Matlab % % Usage: % % [VertexData, FVCD]=stl2matlab(stlfile) % % Input: % % stlfile - STL-file % % Output: % % VertexData - Cellarray containing matrices with vertices % FVCD - FaceVertexColorData % isBinary - Flag with STL-file information % % To plot the STL-object use plotSTL(VertexData) or plotSTL(VertexData,FVCD) % % m-file can be downloaded at % % % written by Per Bergstrm 2012-01-09 % if nargin == 0 warning('No STL-file is specified'); end VertexData=cell(1,3); try % Try to read an STL ASCII file [VertexData{1}, VertexData{2}, VertexData{3}, FVCD] = stlAread(stlfile); isBinary=false; catch try % Try to read an STL binary file [VertexData{1}, VertexData{2}, VertexData{3}, FVCD] = stlBread(stlfile); isBinary=true; catch error('File could not be read!') end end function [X, Y, Z, FVCD] = stlAread(stlfile) % Reads an STL ASCII file fid=fopen(stlfile,'r'); fileTitle=sscanf(fgetl(fid),'%*s %s'); vnum=0; fclr=0; testASCII=true; lineCount=0; while feof(fid) == 0 stlLine=fgetl(fid); keyWord=sscanf(stlLine,'%s'); if strncmpi(keyWord,'c',1) == 1; fclr=sscanf(stlLine,'%*s %f %f %f'); elseif strncmpi(keyWord,'v',1) == 1; vnum=vnum+1; vertex(:,vnum)=sscanf(stlLine,'%*s %f %f %f'); clr(:,vnum)=fclr; elseif testASCII lineCount=lineCount+1; if lineCount>20 if vnum>2 testASCII=false; else error('File is not an STL ASCII file!') end end end end X=[vertex(1,1:3:end);vertex(1,2:3:end);vertex(1,3:3:end)]; Y=[vertex(2,1:3:end);vertex(2,2:3:end);vertex(2,3:3:end)]; Z=[vertex(3,1:3:end);vertex(3,2:3:end);vertex(3,3:3:end)]; FVCD=reshape(clr,3,vnum/3); fclose(fid); function [X, Y, Z, FVCD] = stlBread(stlfile) % Reads an STL binary file fid=fopen(stlfile,'r'); fileTitle=fread(fid,80,'uchar=>schar'); fnum=fread(fid,1,'int32'); X=zeros(3,fnum); Y=zeros(3,fnum); Z=zeros(3,fnum); FVCD=uint8(zeros(3,fnum)); for i=1:fnum, normal=fread(fid,3,'float32'); vertex1=fread(fid,3,'float32'); vertex2=fread(fid,3,'float32'); vertex3=fread(fid,3,'float32'); clr=fread(fid,1,'uint16'); if bitget(clr,16)==1 rd=bitshift(bitand(65535,clr),-10); grn=bitshift(bitand(2047,clr),-5); bl=bitand(63,clr); FVCD(:,i)=[rd;grn;bl]; end X(:,i)=[vertex1(1); vertex2(1); vertex3(1)]; Y(:,i)=[vertex1(2); vertex2(2); vertex3(2)]; Z(:,i)=[vertex1(3); vertex2(3); vertex3(3)]; end fclose(fid);
b = figure(2); model = stl2matlab('rawmodel-983.stl'); patch(model{1},model{2},model{3},'b'); axis equal; view(30,60); mesh(x, y,z); title('topographie map')