select DATE_FORMAT(a.openedDate,'%Y-%m') as '月份',count(DATE_FORMAT(a.openedDate,'%Y-%m')) 'bug数量' from zt_bug a
where a.deleted='0' and a.openedDate>'2022-01-01' and a.openedDate<'2023-01-01' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(a.openedDate,'%Y-%m')
select c.realname '创建人', DATE_FORMAT(a.openedDate,'%Y-%m') as '月份',count(c.realname) 'bug数量' from zt_bug a left join zt_user c on a.openedBy=c.account where a.deleted='0' and a.openedDate>'2022-01-01' and a.openedDate<'2023-01-01' GROUP BY c.realname,DATE_FORMAT(a.openedDate,'%Y-%m')
select IF(a.resolution !='',f.realname,e.realname) '解决人',DATE_FORMAT(a.openedDate,'%Y-%m') as '月份',count(1) 'bug数量' from zt_bug a left join zt_user f on a.resolvedBy=f.account left join zt_user e on a.assignedTo=e.account
where a.deleted='0' and a.openedDate>'2022-01-01' and a.openedDate<'2023-02-16' and a.resolution not in ('external','bydesign','willnotfix','notrepro','duplicate')
GROUP BY IF(a.resolution !='',f.realname,e.realname),DATE_FORMAT(a.openedDate,'%Y-%m')
select a.id 'BugID',b.name '产品', case a.type when 'designdefect' then '设计缺陷' when 'codeerror' then '代码错误' when 'standard' then '标准规范' when 'others' then '其它' when 'config' then '配置相关'
when 'interface' then '界面优化' when 'install' then '安装部署' end 'Bug类型', a.title 'Bug标题',a.severity '级别',a.pri '优先级', case a.status when 'closed' then '已关闭' when 'resolved' then '已解决' when 'active' then '激活' end '状态', c.realname '创建人',a.openedDate'创建时间',i.name '项目',d.name '版本',e.realname '指派人',g.name '组别',f.realname '解决人',h.name '组别(已解决)',a.activatedCount '激活次数',a.resolvedDate '解决时间', case a.resolution when 'fixed' then '已解决' when 'external' then '外部原因' when 'bydesign' then '设计如此' when 'willnotfix' then '不予解决' when 'notrepro' then '无法重现'
when 'postponed' then '延期处理' when 'duplicate' then '重复bug' end as '解决方案' from zt_bug a left join zt_product b on b.id=a.product left join zt_user c on a.openedBy=c.account left join zt_user f on a.resolvedBy=f.account left join zt_user e on a.assignedTo=e.account left join zt_build d on d.id=a.openedBuild left join zt_dept h on f.dept=h.id left join zt_dept g on e.dept=g.id left join zt_project i on d.project=i.id -- where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 6 DAY) <= date(a.openedDate) and a.deleted='0' where a.deleted='0' and a.openedDate>'2023-01-01' and a.openedDate<'2023-02-01'
select b.name '产品',i.name '项目',d.name '版本',count(d.name) as "bug总数量" from zt_bug a
left join zt_product b on b.id=a.product
left join zt_build d on d.id=a.openedBuild
left join zt_project i on d.project=i.id
where a.openedDate>'2022-10-01' and a.openedDate<'2022-11-01' and a.deleted='0' and d.name is not null
group by b.name,i.name,d.name ORDER BY count(d.name) desc