Enhancement Spot IMG Node BAdIs used in Transactions
/SCWM/ES_DLV_UI_SCREEN Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management -> Cross-Process Settings ->Delivery Processing -> BAdI: Screen Enhancements for Customer Enhancement Structures /SCWM/EGR Maintain Expected Goods Receipt
/SCWM/FD Maintain Outbound Delivery
/SCWM/GRN Maintain GR Notification
/SCWM/IDN Maintain Inb. Delivery Notification
/SCWM/IM_DR Maintain Posting Change Request
/SCWM/IM_PC Maintain Posting Change
/SCWM/IM_ST Maintain Internal Stock Transfer
/SCWM/ODR Maintain Outbound Delivery Request
/SCWM/PRDI Maintain Inbound Delivery
/SCWM/PRDO Maintain Outbound Delivery Order
/SCWM/ES_GWL Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management -> Monitoring -> Graphical Warehouse Layout (GWL) /SCWM/GWL Graphical Warehouse
/SCWM/ES_GRWORK Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management -> Goods Receipt Process -> Goods Receipt Optimization /SCWM/GRWORK Goods Receipt Workload
/SCWM/ES_GR Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management -> Goods Receipt Process -> Enhancements for Goods Receipt Process /SCWM/GRPE GR Preparation: External Procurement
/SCWM/GRPI GR Preparation: Production
/SCWM/GR Physical Goods Receipt
/SCWM/ES_WRKC_UI Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Work Center -> Adjust User Interface for Work Center /SCWM/PACK Work Center Initial Screen
/SCWM/DCONS Deconsolidation
/SCWM/QINSP Quality Inspection and Count
/SCWM/ES_PS_UI Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data ->Packaging Specification -> Packaging Specification User Interface /SCWM/PACKSPEC Maintain a pack specification
/SCWM/ES_PS_WRKSTP_UI Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Packaging Specification -> Work Steps User Interface /SCWM/PSWORKSTEP Maintain Work Steps
/SCWM/ES_VAS_UI Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Value-Added Services (VAS) -> BAdI: Screen-Exit for a VAS Header /SCWM/VAS Administration VAS Orders
/SCWM/VASEXEC Confirmation for VAS Order
/SCWM/VAS_I VAS in the Inbound Process
/SCWM/VAS_KTR VAS Kit Creation
/SCWM/VAS_KTS VAS Kit to Stock
/SCWM/VAS_O VAS in the Outbound Process


posted @ 2013-04-28 15:47  Chen Hua  阅读(1101)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报