SAP EWM Table Overview [转]

在网络上找到了一篇关于EWM TABLE的文章,总结的很好,所以也拿来借花献佛了。

Object Table Name Table
Package Core Processing    
Warehouse Task Warehouse Tasks Confirmed /SCWM/ORDIM_C
  Warehouse Tasks Open /SCWM/ORDIM_O
  Exception Codes for Warehouse Task /SCWM/ORDIM_E
  Warehouse Tasks Log Table /SCWM/ORDIM_L
  Warehouse Task: Movements of HU Items /SCWM/ORDIM_H
  Serial Numbers for Confirmed Warehouse Task Item /SCWM/ORDIM_CS
  Serial Number Items for Open Warehouse Tasks /SCWM/ORDIM_OS
  Serial Numbers for Warehouse Task Log Table /SCWM/ORDIM_LS
  Serial Numbers for HU Item Movements /SCWM/ORDIM_HS
Handling Unit Handling unit header /SCWM/HUHDR
  Handling unit header /SCWM/HUHDR_LOG
  Handling Unit Reference /SCWM/HUREF
  Table of HU Identification Numbers /SCWM/HU_IDENT


Package Warehouse Order    
Warehouse Order Warehouse Order /SCWM/WHO
Pack Proposal Warehouse Order: HU Information /SCWM/WHOHU


Package Wave Management    
Wave Wave - Header Information /SCWM/WAVEHDR
Wave Template Wave Template /SCWM/WV_TMPLT
  Wave Template Text Table /SCWM/WV_TMPLTT


Package Delivery    
Delivery (    
IDR/ODR/POR Header Inbound Delivery Notification/Outbound Delivery Req. (Posting Change Request) /SCDL/DB_REQH
  Item Inbound Delivery Notification / Outbound Del. Request /SCDL/DB_REQI
PDI Inbound Delivery: Header /SCDL/DB_PROCH_I
  Inbound Delivery Item /SCDL/DB_PROCI_I
PDO Outbound Delivery Order Header /SCDL/DB_PROCH_O
  Outbound Delivery Order Item /SCDL/DB_PROCI_O
FDO Outbound Delivery Header /SCDL/DB_DLVH_O
  Outbound Delivery Item /SCDL/DB_DLVI_O
WMR/SPC Stock Transfer/Posting Change  
  Account Assignment Information /SCDL/DB_ACC
  Partner/Location /SCDL/DB_BPLOC
  External Numbers /SCDL/DB_EXTNO
  Grouping/Hierarchy /SCDL/DB_GROUP
  Handling Unit /SCDL/DB_HU
  EPC (Electronic Product Codes) in Handling Unit /SCDL/DB_HUEPC
  HU: Alternative Identifiers /SCDL/DB_HUIDENT
  Handling Unit Item /SCDL/DB_HUITEM
  Packaging Materials /SCDL/DB_HUPROD
  Handling Unit Hierarchy /SCDL/DB_HUREFHU
  Process Codes /SCDL/DB_PRCODES
  Reference /SCDL/DB_REFDOC
  Transportation Data: Delivery /SCDL/DB_TRANS
/SCWM/DELIVERY Warehouse Tasks for Delivery Item /SCWM/DB_ITEMWT
  Temporary Store Triggers for Automatic GI /SCWM/DLVGISCHED
  Cluster database for delivery /SCWM/DLV_CLUST
  Recovery information for delivery confirmations /SCWM/DLV_RECOVC
  Table for Logging Messages to ERP System /SCWM/MESSAGELOG
  Item Data with Cardinality N /SCWM/DB_ITEMSPL
  WM Delivery Item To /SCWM/DB_ITEM_TO
  Serial Numbers for Delivery /SCWM/DLV_SERI
  Linkage of Document Flow Node to SPC (Posting Change) /SCWM/SPC_LINK
  Linkage Document Flow Node to WMR (Internal Stock Transfer) /SCWM/WMR_LINK


Value-Added-Services (VAS)    
Value-Added-Service Order ODM Core Component: Header of VAS Order /1OM/VASOVASH*
  ODM Core Component: VAS Order Item /1OM/VASOVASA*
  ODM Extension: VAS Item of VAS Order /1OM/VASOVASI*
  ODM Extension: Auxiliary Product of VAS Order /1OM/VASOVASP*


Package Physical Inventory    
Physical Inventory Document Description of Phys. Inventory Procedure /LIME/PI_DCTYTXT
  Document Types of Physical Inventory (Internal Settings) /LIME/PI_DOCTYPE
  Table of Physical Inventory Document Items /LIME/PI_DOC_IT
  Serial Numbers for Physical Inventory Document Items /LIME/PI_DOC_SER
  Quantities for Physical Inventory Document Items /LIME/PI_DOC_TB
  Physical Inventory Document Business Key Item Object /LIME/PI_IT_BIZ
  Log Table for Header Data of a Physical Inventory Document /LIME/PI_LOGHEAD
  History Table for Physical Inventory LOG Entries /LIME/PI_LOGHIST
  Log Table for Item Data of a Physical Inventory Document /LIME/PI_LOGITEM
  Physical Inventory Document Business Key Parent Object /LIME/PI_PAR_BIZ


Package Shipping & Receiving      
Transportation Unit Transportation Unit /SCWM/TUNIT
  Seal for Transport Units /SCWM/TUNIT_SEAL
  Assignment of Deliveries and HUs to /SCWM/TU_DLV
  Transportation Units    
  Assign Transport Units to Doors /SCWM/TU_DOOR
  Table with TU Identifications /SCWM/TU_IDENT
  S&R Activity of a Transportation Unit /SCWM/TU_SR_ACT
  Status of Transportation Unit Activities /SCWM/TU_STATUS
  Assign Transport Units to Vehicles /SCWM/TU_VEH
Vehicle Vehicle /SCWM/VEHICLE
  Table with Vehicle Identifications /SCWM/VEH_IDENT
  S&R Activities of a Vehicle /SCWM/VEH_SR_ACT
  Status of Vehicle Activities /SCWM/VEH_STATUS


Freight Order Management    
Shipment ODM Core Component: Shipment Document Header /1OM/TMSHTSHD*
  ODM Core Component: Shipment Document Item /1OM/TMSHTSIT*
Freight Order ODM Core Component: Freight Document Header /1OM/TMFRTMFH*
  ODM Core Component: Freight Document Item /1OM/TMFRTMFP*
posted @ 2013-03-12 15:14  Chen Hua  阅读(2136)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报