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①E-commerce in China is sweeping the board. ②Last year online sales in China hit $366bn, almost as much as in America and Britain combined. ③Growth has slowed from its eye-popping pace of a few years ago, but Euromonitor predicts that online shoppings share of total retail will rise to 24% by 2020; Goldman Sachs, whose forecast includes sales from one consumer to another, puts the figure at 31%.

①E-commerce in China is sweeping the board.
*sweep the board是影响理解这段话的关键。sweep本义是“扫”,比如sweep the leaves 扫落叶;board本义指a flat piece of wood or plastic (木/塑料)板,我们平时切菜用的砧板就可以说 a wooden board.
sweep the board,可以想象一个人把桌子上所有的钱都纳入囊中的情景。它本是赌博用语,原意指“赢得桌上的所有赌注”,后来使用范围扩大,可以用来表示选手、队伍或作品在比赛中获得所有的奖项,即“大获全胜”。
Huawei is sweeping the board with its foldable 5G smartphone Mate X.
It unlikely that any one of them will sweep the board.

不过即使这个表达不认识,也可以根据后文的hit $366bn, as much as...combined, share will rise to...等推断出来,它带有积极、正向的含义。

②Last year online sales in China hit $366bn, almost as much as in America and Britain combined.
②句讲了中国2017年的线上销售额,并与美英两国进行对比,以体现①句的"sweep the board"。
表示“某一数字达到多少”有很多表达,最简单的就是be动词,但它也是最平白无力的一个;其次我们可以考虑用reach:Online sales in China reached $366bn. 这是外刊中最常用的表达;再高级一点,我们可以使用stand at:Online sales in China stood at $366bn. 这个表达用人的动作stand修饰物online sales,更加生动形象;而文中用的是hit一词,表示“达到(某一水平或数量)”,与上述词语意思相同,用法一致,但表达更有力度、积极向上。

  • sale这个词我们都知道是“销售”的意思,如果作复数,常表示“销售额、销售量”。“销售额达到...”,除了文中这样的表达结构 its sales were / reached / stood at / hit $ 以外,还可以说 it grossed $ in sales. 我们把文中句子改写一下:
    Last year China's online shops grossed $366bn in sales.
    almost as much as in America and Britain combined.
  • 注意combined这个词,当它放到两个名词A和B之后,表示“A与B之和”,这是外刊比较两组数字时经常用到的表达,比如:
    China and India combined have historically accounted for over 50% of world GDP for much of the last 3000 years of civilization save the last 200 years.


  • China’s first high-speed trains started rolling only a decade ago; today the country has 20,000km of high-speed track, more than the rest of the world combined.

more than A and B combined 或 as much as A and B combined,可以看成一个固定搭配记住。

③Growth has slowed from its eye-popping pace of a few years ago, // but Euromonitor predicts that online shoppings share of total retail will rise to 24% by 2020; / Goldman Sachs, whose forecast includes sales from one consumer to another, puts the figure at 31%.
③句讲到了线上销售占零售业的比例,呼应①句的sweep the board.
这句话有点长,它是由but连接的两个转折句,第一个转折句比较简单:Growth has slowed from its eye-popping pace of a few years ago

  • slow在这里是动词,表示“放缓”,近些年中国经济增速放缓,用英语就可以说:China's economy has slowed in recent years.
  • eye-popping是个很有画面感的表达。pop是“蹦出来”的意思,动作干脆利落,我们通过一个例句来感受一下:The top button popped off my shirt. 最上面的纽扣突然从我衬衫上崩掉了。
    文中的 eye-popping pace 的字面意思就是:令人惊讶的快,也就是 extremely fast.
    这句话的重点在 but 后面的内容,而 but 后面又是分号连接的A、B两个并列句,分别从份额的角度体现了线上零售的迅速发展。
  • 我们先看A句:Euromonitor predicts that online shoppings share of total retail will rise to 24% by 2020
    这句话的主干是 Euromonitor predicts that...,欧睿预计...(欧睿是一家全球领先的信息咨询公司),后面是 that 引导的宾语从句,而宾语从句的主语是 online shoppings share of total retail.
  • 这里的 share 指“份额、一份”,后面加介词 of / in,表示“...的部分、(占)...的比例”,比如:I do my share of the housework. 我做我那份家务活。
  • online shoppings retail 指“线上零售”,与之对应的“线下零售”则是 offline shoppings / retail,两者加起来就是文中说所的"total retail",线上与线下零售,统称为“零售业”。
  • B句结构稍微复杂一些,简单句中还嵌套一个定语从句:
    Goldman Sachs, whose forecast includes sales from one consumer to another, puts the figure at 31%.
  1. Goldman Sachs puts the figure at 31%.高盛银行认为这一数字将达到31%。
  2. Goldman Sachs [gəuld,mən · zaks](注意读音)指“高盛”,它是一家著名的投资银行(相当于中国的证券公司)。
    这句话还有一个特别地道的表达:put the figure at...,把这一数字放在了...(的位置上),即,认为这一数字是多少。这个表达很精彩,把小学级别的词汇 put 用出了 GRE 的水平。
    Credible unofficial estimates put the figure at 25%.
  3. 我们模仿造个句子:根据中国官方的统计数据显示,中国2018年的GDP增速为6.6%,低于前一年的6.8%。这句话我们以前可能会这么说:
    According to China's official statistics, China's economic growth in 2018 stood at 6.6%, lower than last year's 6.8%.
    而现在用 put... at...,我们可以这么说:
    China's official statistics put its economic growth in 2018 at 6.6%, lower than last year's 6.8%.
    用物(China's official statistics)作主语,加上人的动作(put),让整个句子更有生命力。
  4. 主干里还嵌套了一个定语从句:
    whose forecast includes sales from one consumer to another
    我们常说B2B、C2C、B2C,它们的全称和含义分别是 business to business(企业和企业之间), consumers to consumers(个人与个人之间), business to consumers(企业与个人之间)。
    举个例子,我今天煮了五个茶叶蛋,在淘宝上卖给了小明,这就叫“C2C”,个人和个人之间,淘宝就是 C2C 平台;我从天猫的华为官方旗舰店买了一部华为手机,这就是 "B2C",企业和个人之间,天猫是 B2C 平台;马云通过天猫把生产厂家和物流公司联系到了一起,这就叫 "B2B",企业和企业之间。
    文中 one consumer to another 就是“C2C”的意思,个人与个人之间。
    forecast 在这里是名词,指“预测”,相当于 prediction,都是可数名词。而句子开头的 whose 指 Goldman Sachs' 高盛的,所以这个定语从句的意思就顺下来了:高盛的预测包括C2C的销售量。
posted @ 2019-07-29 09:34  cznczai  阅读(598)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报