L1-035. 情人节




 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 int main(){
 3     char str[10000][11];
 4     int i,num;
 5     i=0;
 6     while(1){
 7         scanf("%s",str[i]);
 8         if(str[i][0]=='.')break;
 9         i++;
10     }
11     num=i;
12     if(num<2)printf("Momo... No one is for you ...");
13     else if(num<14)printf("%s is the only one for you...",str[1]);
14     else printf("%s and %s are inviting you to dinner...",str[1],str[13]);
15     return 0;
16 }


posted @ 2018-01-18 21:07  爱你的笑  阅读(207)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报