wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success(res) { // console.log(res) const latitude = res.latitude const longitude = res.longitude if (flag) { getMinKey(_this, latitude, longitude, callback, errback) } }, fail(res) { // console.log(res) if (res.errCode == 2) { common.getToast('请打开手机定位授权'); } }, })
//获取定位地址,通过经纬度转成详细地址 const app = getApp(); const common = require('./common.js'); const dataMainModule = require('./main.js'); // 引入SDK核心类,js文件根据自己业务,位置可自行放置 const QQMapWX = require('./qqmap-wx-jssdk.min.js'); let isWaitTenSeconds = false; //等待10秒如果定位异常置为true let addrNum = 0; /** * 获取当前定位信息 * @param flag 是否返回经纬度转换地址详细信息 * @returns Boolean */ const currentLocation = (_this, flag = false, callback, errback) => { let that = _this; var opt = { scope: 'scope.userLocation', content: '获取您的手机定位位置' } app.getSettingRecord(opt).then((data) => { wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success(res) { // console.log(res) const latitude = res.latitude const longitude = res.longitude if (flag) { getMinKey(_this, latitude, longitude, callback, errback) } }, fail(res) { // console.log(res) if (res.errCode == 2) { common.getToast('请打开手机定位授权'); } }, }) }) } /** * 经纬度转换成详细地址 * @param _this 页面作用域 * @param latitude 经度 * @param longitude 纬度 * @returns Boolean */ const getMinKey = (_this, latitude, longitude, callback, errback) => { let that = _this; //var key = '7IABZ-XBRRT-C4OXJ-VG2LS-EOBG5-4JFG4'; dataMainModule.getMinKey({ type: 1 }, (res) => { // console.log('获取定位key', res) if (res.retCode == 200 && res.mapKey) { var mapKey = res.mapKey, retryCount = res.retryCount; mapKey = mapKey.replace(/^"|"$/g, ''); var qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({ key: mapKey }); var params = { latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }; qqmapsdk.reverseGeocoder({ location: params, success: function (res1) { // console.log(res1); if (res1) { addrNum = 0; isWaitTenSeconds = false; if (callback) { callback(res1.result) } } }, fail: function (res) { // console.log(res); addrNum++; common.log.warn("获取定位地址失败", JSON.stringify({ errMsg: JSON.stringify(res), mapKey: mapKey })); common.log.setFilterMsg("getMinKey"); //按后台返回次数尝试重新获取 if (addrNum <= retryCount) { setTimeout(() => { getMinKey(_this, latitude, longitude, callback, errback) }, 2000) } if (errback) { errback(res) } } }) } else { // wx.removeStorageSync('zbg_standard_Address'); if (errback) { errback(res) } } }, (res) => { // console.log(res) //common.getToast(res); setTimeout(() => { isWaitTenSeconds = true }, 15000) if (errback) { errback(res) } }) } module.exports = { currentLocation, getMinKey }
getmobileSeat() { //获取手机定位位置 let that =this; locationAddress.currentLocation(this, true,(res)=>{ if(res){ var address = res.formatted_addresses?.recommend; console.log(address) that.setData({ mobileSeat:address }) } }); },