NEW IN 5.0: up to 400% faster thanks to the DOTween engine! UnityEvents, new movement options and more (see full changelog).

* Linear, curved, bezier and NavMesh paths
* Movement scripts with various loop types, orientation to paths, delays, reverse & more
* Call own methods at waypoints with UnityEvents
* Mecanim Animator Controller support
* Advanced example scenes, fully documented
* Quick start docs get you going right away
* PlayMaker support

9 Example Scenes:
* Spline paths
* Bezier paths
* NavMesh paths
* Advanced samples
* Events
* Player Input
* Runtime API
* Camera Input
* Rapid Input



350f51b7-d3aa-4817-a47b-1eeb70ef5c92_scaled.jpg   ihai


posted on 2016-08-22 10:56  chenzhao  阅读(1529)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报