[论文阅读]ViDeNN: Deep Blind Video DenoisingViDeNN: Deep Blind Video Denoising
We propose ViDeNN: a CNN for Video Denoising without prior knowledge on the noise distribution (blind denoising).
The CNN architecture uses a combination of spatial and temporal filtering, learning to spatially denoise the frames first and at the same time how to combine their temporal information, handling objects motion, brightness changes, low-light conditions and temporal inconsistencies.
We demonstrate the importance of the data used for CNNs training, creating for this purpose a specific dataset for lowlight conditions.
1、图像和视频去噪 目的是为了获得原始图像X 而Y=X+N
(1)图像噪声来源:thermal effects, sensor imperfections or low-light. Hand tuning multiple filter parameters——taking much time and effort.
(2)we automate the denoising procedure with a CNN for flexible and efficient video denoising, capable to blindly remove noise.
3、Solutions based on statistical models 有很多,但是面临两个问题:
(1)只能适用于特定的噪声模型和级别tackle specific noise models and levels
(2)手动调参 timeconsuming hand-tuned optimization procedures
视频去噪关键:video frames are strongly correlated.
(1) a novel CNN architecture capable to blind denoise videos, combining spatial and temporal information of multiple frames with one single feed-forward process; (将多帧的空间和时间信息与单个前馈过程相结合)
(2)Flexibility tests on Additive White Gaussian Noise and real data in low-light condition;
(3)Robustness to motion in challenging situations;
(4)A new low-light dataset for a specific Bosch security
camera, with sample pairs of noise-free and noisy images.(提供了低光条件下的数据集,包含有噪声和无噪声的样本对)
Related Work
(1)基于CNN的图像去噪 发展历史:CNN--BM3D--DnCNN--FFDnet--MemNet--CBDNet--Noise2Noise
(2)深度神经网络在视频中的应用 :CNN的应用方面,引入参考 U-Net CNN[29]设计三帧堆叠作为输入
The architecture of the proposed ViDeNN network.
Every frame will go through a spatial denoising CNN. The temporal CNN takes as input three spatially denoised frames and outputs the final estimate of the central frame. Both CNNs estimate first the noise residual, i.e. the unwanted values noise adds to an image, and then subtracts them from the noisy input (⊕ means addition of the two signals, and ”-” the negation). ViDeNN is composed only by Convolutional Layers. The number of feature maps is
written at the bottom of each layer.
The temporal CNN 将三个spatially denoised frames 作为输入,并输出对中心帧的最终估计。两个 CNN 都首先估计噪声残差,即噪声添加到图像中的不需要的值,然后从噪声输入中减去它们(⊕ 表示两个信号相加,“-”表示否定)。 ViDeNN 仅由卷积层组成。特征图的数量写在每一层的底部。
Spatial Denoising CNN
For spatial denoising we build on [14]
A first layer of depth 128 helps when the network has to handle different noise models at the same time.
The network depth is set to 20 and Batch Normalization (BN) (使用批量归一化)[15]
is used.
The activation function is ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit). We also investigated the use of Leaky ReLU as activation function,(后续有比较两种方法)
Our Spatial-CNN uses Residual Learning 用于图像去噪【The loss function L is the L2-norm, also known as least squares error (LSE)】文章有具体说明本设计的L构造形式
A Realistic Noise Model(设计的真实噪声模型)
The denoising performance of a spatial denoising CNN depends greatly on the training data.
This specific noise model, in equation 1, is composed by two main contributions, the Photon Shot Noise
(PSN) and the Read Noise
(1)The PSN is the main noise source in low-light condition, where Nsat accounts the satu-
ration number of electrons(电子饱和数).
(2)The Read Noise is mainly due tot he quantization process in the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) , used to transform the analog light signal into a digital image(模拟光信号转变为数字图像). CT1n represents the normalized value of the noise contribution due to the Analog Gain (模拟增益引起的噪声贡献的归一化值), whereas CT2n
represents the additive normalized part(加性归一化值).
其中所考虑的索尼传感器的相关术语是:Ag(模拟增益),范围 [0,64],Dg(数字增益),范围 [0,32] 和 s表视将降级的图像。以及其余值为固定值。通过将具有参考图像s相同形状的正态分布N(0,1)的观测值与等式2中的噪声模型M相乘,生成噪声图像。
基于AWGN的方法,如CBM3D和DnCNN,不能达到最佳效果。第一种方法会过度模糊图像。使用合适的噪声模型进行训练可以获得更好的结果。(峰值信噪比[dB]/SSIM) 而DnCNN保留了更多的结构。我们的结果表明,为了更好地去噪现实世界的图像,必须对训练集使用真实的噪声模型 。
Temp3-CNN: Temporal Denoising CNN
设帧尺寸w×h×c,那么输入为w×h×3c,同时也会使用residual learning
and will estimate the noise residual image of the central input frame
combining the information of other frames allowing it to learn temporal inconsistencies.(将估计中心输入帧的噪声残差图像,结合其他帧的信息,允许其学习时间不一致性)
Low-Light Dataset Creation
Spatial CNN Training
为了能够tackle multiple degradation types at the same time
应对多种退化类型,比如Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and real noise model 2
使用数据集Waterloo Exploration Dataset[36]
对于弱光测试,我们将使用来自不同场景的5幅图像,这些图像不在训练集中,并且是Waterloo Exploration Dataset[36]
Validation of static Image Denoising(静态图像去噪的验证)
为了验证在真实图片上的去噪效果,我们使用sRGB DND dataset [31]
Temp3-CNN: Temporal CNN Training
For video evaluation we need pairs of clean and noisy videos. For artificially added noise as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) or the real noise model in equation 2,is easy to create such couples.
However, for real-world and low-light conditions videos it is almost impossible.
Therefore, we decided to proceed according to this sequence
- Select 31 publicly available videos from [41]. 2. Divide videos in sequences of 3 frames.
- Added either Gaussian noise with σ=[0,55] or real noise 2 with Ag=[0,64] and Dg=[0,32].
- Apply Spatial-CNN
- Train on pairs of spatially-denoised and clean video.
同时提出:研究表明,LeakyReLU的表现优于ReLU[34]。然而,我们没有在空间CNN中使用Leaky Relu,因为Relu表现更好。我们在补充材料中给出了比较结果。
同时说明:在Temp3 CNN的最终版本中,没有使用批量归一化(BN):实验表明,它会减慢训练和去噪过程
Exp 1: The Video Denoising CNN Architecture(实验1 视频去噪CNN)
数据来源:we personally recorded with a Blackmagic Design URSA Mini 4.6K, capable to record raw videos. The videos have various levels of Ad-
ditive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).
问题1: Is Temp3-CNN able to learn both temporal and spatial denoising?
答:不可以, Temp3-CNN 不能满足同时学习,见表3,单独使用 Temp3-CNN 导致结果更不好,甚至不如简单的Simpler Spatial-CNN
问题2: Ordering of spatial and temporal denoising?(排序问题)
答:见表4,Spatial CNN+Temp3 CNN的组合表现最好,表现出持续的性能改进∼ 仅在空间上消除1dB的噪声。
问题3: How many frames to consider?
答:见表5,虽然使用 the Temp5-CNN 要比 Temp3-CNN多花费不到6秒,差别不大,但是对于真实的大型视频来说,差别会变大。
Exp 2: Sensitivity to Temporal Inconsistency(对时间不一致的敏感性)
(i) on the video Tennis from [41], add Gaussian noise with standard deviation σ=40;
(ii) Manually remove the white ball on the first and last frame;
(iii) Denoise the middle frame.
PSNR结果方法:在正常情况下和实验情况下得到相同的值,说明:it uses part of the secondary frames and combine them with the reference, but only where the pixel content is similar enough: the ball is not removed from frame 10
Visualization of temporal filters (时间过滤器可视化表达):将Tech3-CNN中的第一层128个滤波器中两个输出拿出来,如图;a图显示乒乓球是褐色,而前一帧和后一帧的乒乓球是白色的,相反b图中,看到过滤器如何突出显示具有相似颜色平坦区域,并且主要以白色显示当前帧的球。
说明:因此,Temp3-CNN 对三帧中相似和不同的区域赋予不同的重要性。这是关于 CNN 如何处理运动和时间不一致的简单指示。
Exp 3: Evaluating Gaussian Video Denoising
其中我们比较了两个版本的 ViDeNN,其中 ViDeNN-G 是专门为 AWGN 去噪训练的模型,而 ViDeNN 是处理多种噪声模型(包括低光照条件)的最终模型。
Original videos are publicly available here [41]. Results expressed in terms of PSNR[dB].
Exp 4: Evaluating Low-Light Video Denoising
在原始模式下使用 Bosch Autodome IP 5000 IR 记录的六个低光序列上的最先进去噪算法的比较,未激活任何类型的过滤。每个序列由 4 或 3 帧组成,获得的基本事实平均超过 200 张图像。风车序列是用不同的光源记录的,我们可以在其中测量光强度。
令人惊讶的是,单帧降噪器 CBM3D 的性能优于视频版本的 VBM4D:可能是因为CBM3D的盲版本使用的 σ = 50, 而 VBM4D 有一个内置的噪声水平估计器,如果使用与假定的高斯模型完全不同的噪声模型,它的性能可能会更差
在表 7 中,我们以粗体显示了 ViDeNN 的结果,与低光测试集上的其他最先进的去噪算法进行了比较。我们将我们的方法与 VBM4D [10]、CBM3D [35]、DnCNN [14] 和 CBDNet [22] 进行比较。
In this paper, we presented a novel CNN architecture for Blind Video Denoising called ViDeNN. We use spatial and temporal information in a feed-forward process, combining three consecutive frames to get a clean version of the middle frame. We perform temporal denoising in simple yet efficient manner, where our Temp3-CNN learns how to handle objects motion, brightness changes, and temporal inconsistencies. We do not address camera motion in videos, since the model was designed to reduce the bandwidth usage of static security cameras keeping the network as simple and efficient as possible. We define our model as Blind, since it can tackle different noise models at the same time, without any prior knowledge nor analysis of the input signal. We created a dataset containing multiple noise models, showing how the right mix of training data can improve image denoising on real world data, such as on the DND Benchmarking Dataset [31].
在本文中,我们提出了一种用于盲视频去噪的新型 CNN 架构,称为 ViDeNN。我们在前馈过程中使用空间和时间信息,组合三个连续的帧以获得中间帧的干净版本。我们以简单而有效的方式执行时间去噪,其中我们的 Temp3-CNN 学习如何处理对象运动、亮度变化和时间不一致。我们不处理视频中的摄像机运动,因为该模型旨在减少静态安全摄像机的带宽使用,使网络尽可能简单和高效。我们将我们的模型定义为 Blind,因为它可以同时处理不同的噪声模型,无需任何先验知识,也无需分析输入信号。我们创建了一个包含多个噪声模型的数据集,展示了训练数据的正确组合如何改善真实世界数据的图像去噪,例如 DND 基准数据集 [31]。
We show how it is possible, with the proper hardware, to address lowlight video denoising with the use of a CNN, which would ease the tuning of new sensors and camera models. Collecting the proper training data would be the most time con-
suming part. ,defining an automatic framework with predefined scenes and light conditions would simplify the process, allowing to further reduce the needed time and resources. Our technique for acquiring clean and noisy lowlight image pairs has proven to be effective and simple, re-
quiring no specific exposure tuning.
我们展示了如何使用适当的硬件来使用 CNN 解决低光视频去噪问题,这将简化新传感器和相机模型的调整。收集正确的训练数据将是最耗时的部分。定义具有预定义场景和光照条件的自动框架将简化流程,从而进一步减少所需的时间和资源。我们获取干净和嘈杂的低光图像对的技术已被证明是有效且简单的,不需要特定的曝光调整。
Limitations and Future Works
(1)The largest real-world limitations of ViDeNN is the required computational power.
(2)We did not try to implement ViDeNN on a mobile device supporting Tensorflow Lite, which converts the model to a lighter version more suitable for handled devices. This could be new development and challenging question to investigate on, since every week the available hardware in the market improves.
(2)未适应移动端:没有尝试在支持 Tensorflow Lite 的移动设备上实现 ViDeNN,它将模型转换为更适合处理设备的更轻版本。这可能是新的发展和具有挑战性的调查问题,因为市场上可用的硬件每周都在改进。
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