
JMeter Selenium load testing for web


This post describes how to perform load testing with apache JMeter, selenium web driver and chrome for web.

We won’t discuss a lot regarding how to setup the environment, how to use JMeter, how to write selenium script, if you want to know more details, please refer to


This script is design for the simplest load testing, so if any basis data updated in GIAS side, script also need to be updated accordingly.

Before starting

How to use it

Extract CBS load testing/ to D drive, you can put it to anywhere, but the default batch scripts (startServer.bat and addNode.bat) are hard coded with D drive.

Install WDS plugin

Put plugins-manager.jar into {jmeter_home} /lib/ext, then start JMeter

Click Options / Plugins Manager from toolbar





Switch to Available Plugins, then select Selenium/WebDriver support, click Apply Changes and Restart JMeter. Once installed, you can find the plugin from Installed Plugins tab.





Start selenium standalone server

Update startServer.bat if needed and run it, once started up successfully, you can see the snapshot like below.







Register selenium node to server

Update addNode.bat, modify the host and port then run it, once successfully connect to the server, you can see something like below.





Open http://{host}:{port} /grid/console of the standalone server, you can see all of the registered nodes here.





Update JMeter script configurations

Open JMeter GUI, then open CBS load testing/script.jmx.

Update Selenium Grid URL




Click Test Plan / Thread Group / Chrome, modify Selenium Grid URL to where you’ve started the server.




Update username and password for login module

Click Test Plan / Thread Group / Simple Controller / LoginParameter, you can add, modify or delete login users from this panel.




Update SSN, Issue Hire Date, Group and Account

Click Test Plan / Thread Group / Loop Controller / AddMemberParameter, you can modify ssn, issueHireDate,groupName and accountName that will be used on Add New Member page.

ssn is self-incremental, please modify the start value before you start the testing.




Update Personal Information

Switch to Test Plan / Thread Group / Loop Controller / EnrollmentPage1Parameter, you can modify the data that will be used on enrollment page one.

The format of firstName is {firstName}{sequence}, sequence is self-incremental.



Startup strategy

JMeter can setup how many threads (browsers), ramp-up period for all the threads, loop count etc.

Switch to Test Plan / Thread Group, you can adjust the parameters. Don’t adjust loop count in this panel, the script right now doesn’t support loop execution on thread level.




Switch to Test Plan / Thread Group / Loop Controller

You can adjust the loop count of new enrollment from this panel.


Scaling Nodes

It depends on the CPU and Memory of the workstation, for example, we are using Intel Core i5-3550 3.30GHz 4Cores, per chrome cost 3-5% on CPU, 80m on Memory.

Start testing

You can start testing from GUI mode, but JMeter recommended to use Non-GUI mode.

Start in GUI

Click Start button on toolbar




Start in Non-GUI mode

Perform the below commend in CMD.

jmeter -n -t {script_file_path} -l {csv_result_file_path} -j {log_file_path} -e -o {html_output _result_path}




You can review the test result from {html_output_result_path}/index.html



posted @ 2021-10-19 17:36  冬天里的狐狸  阅读(244)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报