


CV_EXPORTS_W void approxPolyDP( InputArray curve,
                                OutputArray approxCurve,
                                double epsilon, bool closed );
/** @brief Approximates a polygonal curve(s) with the specified precision.

The function cv::approxPolyDP approximates a curve or a polygon with another curve/polygon with less
vertices so that the distance between them is less or equal to the specified precision. It uses the
Douglas-Peucker algorithm <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer-Douglas-Peucker_algorithm>

@param curve Input vector of a 2D point stored in std::vector or Mat
@param approxCurve Result of the approximation. The type should match the type of the input curve.
@param epsilon Parameter specifying the approximation accuracy. This is the maximum distance
between the original curve and its approximation.
@param closed If true, the approximated curve is closed (its first and last vertices are
connected). Otherwise, it is not closed.




CV_EXPORTS_W RotatedRect fitEllipse( InputArray points );
/** @brief Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points.

The function calculates the ellipse that fits (in a least-squares sense) a set of 2D points best of
all. It returns the rotated rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed. The first algorithm described by @cite Fitzgibbon95
is used. Developer should keep in mind that it is possible that the returned
ellipse/rotatedRect data contains negative indices, due to the data points being close to the
border of the containing Mat element.

@param points Input 2D point set, stored in std::vector\<\> or Mat



using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

void contours_info(Mat& source, vector<vector<Point>>& contours, int mod);
void contours_approxPolyDP_demo(Mat &images);
void fitEclipseDemo(Mat& images,Mat& canvas);
int main(int argc, char** arrgv)
	Mat source1 = imread("D:/images/test11.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);

	if (source1.empty())
		cout << "can`t open this ph" << endl;
		return -1;
	imshow("source1", source1);
	Mat source2 = imread("D:/images/ellpise.jpg",-1);
	if (source2.empty()) 
		cout<<" not find this source "<<endl;
		return -1;
	Mat canvas;
	return 0;
void contours_info(Mat& source, vector<vector<Point>>& contours, int mod)
	//two valued 
	GaussianBlur(source, source, Size(3, 3), 0);
	Mat gray;
	cvtColor(source, gray, COLOR_BGRA2GRAY);
	Mat twoValued;
	threshold(gray, twoValued, 0, 255, THRESH_BINARY | THRESH_OTSU);
	bitwise_not(twoValued, twoValued);
	//imshow("two_Valued", twoValued);
	//find contours
	vector<Vec4i> hirearchy;
	findContours(twoValued, contours, hirearchy, mod, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point());
void contours_approxPolyDP_demo(Mat &images) 
	* 轮廓逼近
	vector<vector<Point>> contours;
	for (size_t i =0;i<contours.size();i++) 
		Mat result;

		Moments mm = moments(contours[i]);
		double cx = mm.m10 / mm.m00;
		double cy = mm.m01 / mm.m00;
		double area = contourArea(contours[i],false);
		cout << "corner:" << result.cols << " " << "Point:" << result.rows <<" "<<"area"<<area<<endl;
		if (result.rows == 4) 
		if (result.rows == 3)
			putText(images, "tritangle", Point(cx, cy - 10), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8);
		if (result.rows >=5 && result.rows <= 12)
			putText(images, "poly", Point(cx, cy - 10), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8);
		if (result.rows >= 13)
			putText(images, "circle", Point(cx, cy - 10), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8);

void fitEclipseDemo(Mat& images, Mat& canvas)
	vector<vector<Point>> contours;
	contours_info(images, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL);

	canvas = Mat::zeros(images.size(),images.type());
	canvas = Scalar::all(255);
	for (size_t i=0;i<contours.size();i++) 
		RotatedRect rrt = fitEllipse(contours[i]);
		cout << rrt.size.width << " " << rrt.size.height << " " << rrt.center << endl;
posted @ 2020-03-29 14:50  cyssmile  阅读(597)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报