Asp.net与office web apps的整合
事实上网上有关office web app的整合已经有相关的文章了,典型的是怎样整合Office Web Apps至自己开发的系统(一) 和怎样整合Office Web Apps至自己开发的系统(二),微软官网也有对应的demo。
这里在简单描写叙述一下原理吧:office web apps(owas)扮演者一个客服端,它会訪问我们 网站的文件然后呈现出来。而我们经常使用的API主要有例如以下3个:
GET api/wopi/files/{name}?access_token={access_token}
GET api/wopi/files/{name}/contents?
POST api/wopi/files/{name}/contents?access_token={access_token}
至于每一个API做什么 这里就不多说。第一个是owas 检查文件,传递的信息是json数据格式,第二个是owas获取文件流,第三个是owas post的文件流(保存改动文件)。首先我们来看看第一个API的实现:
[Route("files/{name}/")] public CheckFileInfo GetFileInfo(string name, string access_token) { Validate(name, access_token); var fileInfo = _fileHelper.GetFileInfo(name); bool updateEnabled = false; if (bool.TryParse(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["updateEnabled"].ToString(), out updateEnabled)) { fileInfo.SupportsUpdate = updateEnabled; fileInfo.UserCanWrite = updateEnabled; fileInfo.SupportsLocks = updateEnabled; } return fileInfo; }这里的 Validate(name, access_token) 方法主要是验证请求的文件名称name与參数access_token是否一致。主要是验证是否是非法訪问。返回一个CheckFileInfo对象。CheckFileInfo的定义例如以下:
public class CheckFileInfo { public CheckFileInfo() { this.SupportsUpdate = false; this.UserCanWrite = false; } public string BaseFileName { get; set; } public string OwnerId { get; set; } public long Size { get; set; } //in bytes public string SHA256 { get; set; } //SHA256: A 256 bit SHA-2-encoded [FIPS180-2] hash of the file contents public string Version { get; set; } //changes when file changes. public bool SupportsUpdate { get; set; } public bool UserCanWrite { get; set; } public bool SupportsLocks { get; set; } }
[Route("files/{name}/contents")] public HttpResponseMessage Get(string name, string access_token) { try { Validate(name, access_token); var file = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + name); var responseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); var stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); responseMessage.Content = new StreamContent(stream); responseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream"); return responseMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { var errorResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); var stream = new MemoryStream(UTF8Encoding.Default.GetBytes(ex.Message ?? "")); errorResponseMessage.Content = new StreamContent(stream); return errorResponseMessage; } }
[Route("files/{name}/contents")] public async void Post(string name, [FromUri] string access_token) { var body = await Request.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); var appData = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/"); var fileExt = name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); var outFile = Path.Combine(appData,name); File.WriteAllBytes(outFile, body); }如今我们再来看看怎样请求owas。也就是相应的url是怎么产生的。
比如我的owas server是。那么我们在配置好owas后就能够訪问 如图:
这里我们以excel为例 大家看到上面有view、edit、mobileview三个action。这里的app是一个excel。我们知道我们物理文件的后缀找到相应的app。在依据我们系统的配置採用edit还是view action,假设是pdf 我们仅仅能採用相应的view。假设请求是mobile发起的话, 那么我们仅仅能用mobileview。 找到相应的action后我们就获取到相应的urlsrc属性,这里我们实际须要的url地址是这个东东。那么获取这个url的代码例如以下:
public class LinkController : ApiController { /// <summary> /// Provides a link that can be used to Open a document in the relative viewer /// from the Office Web Apps server /// </summary> /// <param name="fileRequest">indicates the request type</param> /// <returns>A link usable for HREF</returns> public Link GetLink([FromUri] FileRequest fileRequest) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var xml = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appDiscoveryXml"]; var wopiServer = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appWopiServer"]; bool updateEnabled = false; bool.TryParse(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["updateEnabled"], out updateEnabled); WopiAppHelper wopiHelper = new WopiAppHelper(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(xml), updateEnabled); var result = wopiHelper.GetDocumentLink(wopiServer +; var rv = new Link { Url = result }; return rv; } throw new ApplicationException("Invalid ModelState"); } } public class WopiAppHelper { string _discoveryFile; bool _updateEnabled = false; WopiHost.wopidiscovery _wopiDiscovery; public WopiAppHelper(string discoveryXml) { _discoveryFile = discoveryXml; using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(discoveryXml)) { XmlSerializer reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(WopiHost.wopidiscovery)); var wopiDiscovery = reader.Deserialize(file) as WopiHost.wopidiscovery; _wopiDiscovery = wopiDiscovery; } } public WopiAppHelper(string discoveryXml, bool updateEnabled) : this(discoveryXml) { _updateEnabled = updateEnabled; } public WopiHost.wopidiscoveryNetzoneApp GetZone(string AppName) { var rv = => == AppName).FirstOrDefault(); return rv; } public string GetDocumentLink(string wopiHostandFile) { var fileName = wopiHostandFile.Substring(wopiHostandFile.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); var accessToken = GetToken(fileName); var fileExt = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); var netzoneApp = .Where(c => c.action.Where(d => d.ext == fileExt).Count() > 0); var appName = netzoneApp.FirstOrDefault(); if (null == appName) throw new ArgumentException("invalid file extension " + fileExt); var rv = GetDocumentLink(, fileExt, wopiHostandFile, accessToken); return rv; } string GetToken(string fileName) { KeyGen keyGen = new KeyGen(); var rv = keyGen.GetHash(fileName); return HttpUtility.UrlEncode(rv); } const string s_WopiHostFormat = "{0}?WOPISrc={1}&access_token={2}"; //HACK: const string s_WopiHostFormatPdf = "{0}?PdfMode=1&WOPISrc={1}&access_token={2}"; public string GetDocumentLink(string appName, string fileExtension, string wopiHostAndFile, string accessToken) { var wopiHostUrlsafe = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(wopiHostAndFile.Replace(" ", "%20")); var appStuff = => == appName).FirstOrDefault(); if (null == appStuff) throw new ApplicationException("Can't locate App: " + appName); var action = _updateEnabled ? "edit" : "view"; if (appName.Equals("WordPdf")) { action = "view"; } if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) { action = "mobileView"; } var appAction = appStuff.action.Where(c => c.ext == fileExtension && == action).FirstOrDefault(); if (null == appAction) throw new ApplicationException("Can't locate UrlSrc for : " + appName); var endPoint = appAction.urlsrc.IndexOf('?'); var endAction = appAction.urlsrc.Substring(0, endPoint); string fullPath = null; ////HACK: for PDF now just append WordPdf option... if (fileExtension.Contains("pdf")) { fullPath = string.Format( s_WopiHostFormatPdf, endAction, wopiHostUrlsafe, accessToken); } else { fullPath = string.Format(s_WopiHostFormat, endAction, wopiHostUrlsafe, accessToken); } return fullPath; } }
appDiscoveryXml 是我们owas(产生的数据文件。appWopiServer 表示我们的owas将要訪问interface地址。updateEnabled主要是表示owas能否够改动我们的文档,假设是true 我们上面的action 採用edit,为false採用view。
注意这里的配置是updateEnabled=true 表示owas是能够编辑文件的,如图:
当我们点击在浏览器编辑 结果如图:
点击确认后就能够直接保存。 pptx的编辑模式例如以下:
view | edit | mobileview | remark | |
word | 通过 | 未通过 | 通过 | 在http和https协议下view都通过。edit view没有通过。mobileview仅仅測试了http协议 |
excel | 通过 | 通过 | 通过 | 在http和https协议下view和edit都通过,mobileview仅仅測试了http协议 |
ppt | 通过 | 通过 | 通过 | 在http和https协议下view和edit都通过,mobileview仅仅測试了http协议 |
通过 | 不存在edit action | 未通过 | view在http协议下通过,在https在协议下未通过,mobileview 未通过 |
这里我把问题的重心放在word的edit上面,对于pdf 在owas採用https以及在mobile上不能訪问的原因未未做调查。知道这些问题的革命前辈还请指教。
posted on 2017-06-02 15:37 cynchanpin 阅读(1266) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报