
ISA 95

Part 1: Models and Terminology

The Part 1 of the standard defines the interface content between manufacturing control functions and other enterprise functions. The goal is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated with implementing the interfaces between the different levels of the enterprise. The standard may be used to reduce the effort associated with implementing new product offerings. The goal is to have enterprise systems and control systems that inter-operate and easily integrate.

The scope of Part 1 is limited to:

  • a definition of the scope of the manufacturing operations and control domain;
  • a definition of the organization of physical assets of an enterprise involved in manufacturing;
  • a definition of the functions associated with the interface between control functions and enterprise functions; and
  • a definition of the information that is shared between control functions and enterprise functions.


Part 2: Data Structures and Attributes

This part of the standard provides models and terminology for defining the interfaces between an enterprise's business systems and its manufacturing control systems. The models and terminology defined in this standard.

  • emphasize good integration practices of control systems with enterprise systems during the entire life cycle of the systems;
  • can be used to improve existing integration capability of manufacturing control systems with enterprise systems; and
  • can be applied regardless of the degree of automation.

Specifically, this standard provides a standard terminology and a consistent set of concepts and models for integrating control systems with enterprise systems that will improve communications between all parties involved.


Benefits produced will:

  • reduce the user's time to reach full production levels for new products,
  • enable vendors to supply appropriate tools for implementing integration of control systems to enterprise systems,
  • enable users to better identify their needs,
  • reduce the cost of automating manufacturing processes,
  • optimize supply chains, and
  • reduce life-cycle engineering efforts.


The scope of Part 2 is limited to:

  • a definition of the data structures associated with the interface between control functions and enterprise functions,
  • a definition of the attributes of the objects shared between control functions and enterprise functions.


Part 3: Models of Manufacturing Operations

This part of the standard defines models for the manufacturing activities that operate between logistics and planning functions and control functions, consistent with the Part 1 data models. The goal is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated with implementing manufacturing operations.

The goal is to have enterprise systems and manufacturing operation systems that inter-operate and easily integrate. The standard may also be used to reduce the effort associated with implementing new product offerings.

The scope of Part 3 is limited to:

  • A definition of the activities associated with the manufacturing operations and control domain defined in Part 1 of this standard, as the Level 3 functions.


Part 4: Object Models and Attributes of Manufacturing Operations Management

This clause describes objects models and attributes for the information that may be exchanged between the manufacturing operations categories defined in Part 3. This clause also defines a generic model for exchanged information which may be applied to other instantiations of the generic activity model in Part 3.

Part 5: Business to Manufacturing Transactions

This part of this standard defines transactions in terms of information exchanges between applications performing business and manufacturing activities associated with Levels 3 and 4. The exchanges are intended to enable information collection, retrieval, transfer and storage in support of Enterprise-Control system integration. This part of the standard is consistent with the Part 1 models and terminology and Part 2 object model attributes. This part specifies transactions that define how to exchange the objects defined in Part 1 Clause 7 object models and Part 2.

The models covered are: Personnel Model, Material Model, Equipment Model, Process Segment Model, Capability Model, Product Definition Model, Production Schedule Model, and Production Performance Model.






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posted on 2010-09-06 21:30  Chase.Cai  阅读(725)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报