1 /*该函数用来将文件中所有的大写字母转化为小写字母,但是不支持UNICODE*/
2 #include <afx.h>
3 //#include <iostream>
4 //using namespace::std;
6 int main()
7 {
8 BYTE buffer[0x100];
9 try
10 {
11 CFile file(L"File2.txt", CFile::modeReadWrite);
12 ULONGLONG dwBytesRemaining = file.GetLength();
13 while(dwBytesRemaining)
14 {
15 ULONGLONG dwPosition = file.GetPosition();
16 UINT nBytesRead = file.Read(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
17 ::CharLowerBuff((LPWSTR)buffer,nBytesRead);
18 file.Seek(dwPosition,CFile::begin);
19 file.Write(buffer,nBytesRead);
20 dwBytesRemaining -= nBytesRead;
21 }
22 file.Close();
23 }
24 catch(CFileException *e)
25 {
26 //cout<<"Third: Failed!"<<endl;
27 e->ReportError();
28 e->Delete();
29 }
31 return 0;
32 }
/*本人闲暇之余学习MFC的CFile类,在学习的过程中,写了如下的程序进行练习,贴出来和大家共享, Enjoy it.
1 #include <afx.h>
2 #include <iostream>
3 using namespace::std;
5 int main()
6 {
7 CFile file;
8 CFileException err;
11 //The following code try to open a file named File.txt,
12 //It will fail unless the file is located in the the current directoty,
13 //because the Open member function open files only.
14 //The open member function doesn't throw any exception, so you can
15 // not use try-catch mechanism to catch errors, but you can do it in another way.
17 if( file.Open(_T("File.txt"),CFile::modeReadWrite,&err))
18 cout<<"First: Succeeded!"<<endl;
19 else
20 err.ReportError();
21 file.Close();
23 //Use constructor to open a file without creation, too.
24 //an exception is throwed when an error accured.
25 try
26 {
27 CFile file2(_T("File.txt"), CFile::modeReadWrite);
28 cout<<"Second: Succeeded!"<<endl;
29 }
30 catch(CFileException *e)
31 {
32 cout<<"Second: Failed!"<<endl;
33 e->ReportError();
34 e->Delete();
35 }
37 //Create and Open a file in only one statement.
38 }