# # 作者:倪周强 # import os import time goods = [ {'name': 'Iphone 8', 'price': 7999}, {'name': 'Xiaomi 6', 'price': 2399}, {'name': 'Huawei Mate10', 'price': 4999}, {'name': 'One plus 5', 'price': 2999}, {'name': 'Meizu pro 7', 'price': 2799}, ] user_profile = {'username': 'john', 'password': '123', 'account_balance': 0} user_cart = [] username = input('请输入用户名:').lower().strip() password = input('请输入密码:').strip() if username == user_profile['username'] and password == user_profile['password']: # 只有通过认证,才写文件 need_salary = True # 默认第一次是需要输入工资的 if os.path.exists('account_balance'): # 如果文件存在,说明不是第一次,不需要输入工资 f = open('account_balance', 'r') salary_sum = if salary_sum.isdigit(): user_profile['account_balance'] = int(salary_sum) f.close() need_salary = False else: # 说明文件不存在,是第一次,就需要输入工资 f = open('account_balance', 'w') f.write(str(user_profile['account_balance'])) f.close() if os.path.exists('shopping_record'): # 如果不存在消费记录文件,那是第一次,需要创建;如果存在,说明不是第一次 pass else: f = open('shopping_record', 'w') f.close() if not need_salary: # 如果不是第一次,不需要输入工资 pass else: # 如果是第一次,那需要输入工资 while True: salary = input('请输入工资金额:').strip() if len(salary) != 0 and salary.isdigit(): # 输入的必须是数字,且不为空,计入余额文件 user_profile['account_balance'] = int(salary) f = open('account_balance', 'w') f.write(str(user_profile['account_balance'])) f.close() break else: print('请输入正确的工资!') while True: choice_option = ''' ----------------------- 1. 购物 2. 查看账户余额 3. 查看历史消费记录 4. 退出 ----------------------- ''' print(choice_option) # 打印菜单 first_choice = input('请选择: ').strip() # 选择菜单,不为空,且是1-4的数字 if len(first_choice) != 0 and first_choice.isdigit() and int(first_choice) in range(1, 5): if int(first_choice) == 2: # 查看余额,从文件里读取 f = open('account_balance', 'r') salary_sum = if salary_sum.isdigit(): user_profile['account_balance'] = int(salary_sum) print('您的账户余额是: %s 元' % (user_profile['account_balance'])) elif int(first_choice) == 3: # 查看消费记录,从文件里读取 f = open('shopping_record', 'r') data = if len(data) == 0: print('没有消费记录!') else: print(data) f.close() elif int(first_choice) == 4: # 退出 print('再见!') break else: # 购买 user_cart = [] # 每新的一轮购买前,都要清空购物车 f = open('account_balance', 'r') # 读取余额 salary_sum = if salary_sum.isdigit(): user_profile['account_balance'] = int(salary_sum) while True: print('商品列表'.center(30, '-')) # 打印商品列表 for i in goods: print('%s. %s %s 元' % (goods.index(i) + 1, (i['name'] + ':').ljust(18, '-'), i['price'])) print('-'.ljust(34, '-')) choice = input('请输入想购买的商品编号(退出请输入‘q’):') if len(choice) == 0: # 不能是空的输入 print('请输入正确的商品序号!') elif choice.isdigit(): # 输入的数字要在列表范围内 if int(choice) in range(1, len(goods) + 1): if user_profile['account_balance'] >= goods[int(choice) - 1]['price']: user_cart.append(goods[int(choice) - 1]) # 余额足够,可以购买 user_profile['account_balance'] -= goods[int(choice) - 1]['price'] print('已购买一件该商品[%s],花费 %s 元,您的余额为: %s 元' % (user_cart[-1]['name'], user_cart[-1]['price'], user_profile['account_balance'])) else: print('余额不足,不能购买该商品。') print('您的余额为: %s 元' % (user_profile['account_balance'])) else: print('请输入正确的商品序号!') elif choice == 'q': # 退出 break else: print('请输入正确的商品序号!') cart_list = [] # 新的列表保存商品名字 for i in user_cart: cart_list.append(i['name']) cart_set = set(cart_list) # 用商品名字的列表来生成集合,是为了去除重复商品 if not any(cart_set): print('您的购物车是空的。') else: print('您的购物清单'.center(42, '-')) set_index = 0 for i in cart_set: # 打印购物清单,名字从集合里取,所以不会重复,数量从列表里取 set_index += 1 print('%s. %s 数量:%s' % (set_index, i.ljust(18, '-'), cart_list.count(i))) print('您的余额为: %s 元' % (user_profile['account_balance'])) print('-'.center(48, '-')) f = open('account_balance', 'w') # 余额写入文件保存 f.write(str(user_profile['account_balance'])) f.close() f = open('shopping_record', 'a') # 购物清单写入文件保存,空的购物车不写入 if not any(cart_set): f.close() else: f.write((' %s 的购物记录' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())))) \ .center(42, '-') + '\n') set_index = 0 for i in cart_set: set_index += 1 f.write('%s. %s 数量:%s' % (set_index, i.ljust(18, '-'), cart_list.count(i)) + '\n') f.write('-'.center(47, '-') + '\n') f.write('\n') f.close() else: print('请输入正确的序号!') # 要输入正确的菜单序号,必须有输入,并且是1-4的数字 else: print('认证失败,再见!') # 用户名或密码错误,退出程序
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