How Run Class library program (SlickUpload)

1. download SlickUpload-2.5.2,

2. uncompress it to a folder under 'wwwroot', say ProgressBarSlickUpload

3. Open project  'ProgressBarSlickUpload' in .net framework 2000

4, To run program under 'SimpleUploadSample', select it (Highlighted in Solution Explorer

5. Select 'Project' menu, select ''SimpleUploadSample Properties', Click on "Configuration Properties', Click on 'Debugging'

6. Set 'Enable .Net debugging' to TURE

7. set Debug Mode (under Start Action) to URL

8. Type in '' in  Start URL field (http://localhost/ProgressBarSlickUpload/SimpleUploadSample/ for local testing)

9. Click "OK"

10. Upload the files under 'SimpleUploadSample' to the root directory on the remote server.

11. Upload related dll file to the bin folder.

12.  using    <uploadLocationProvider provider="File" location="d:\Web\web\\PopupProgressSample\" />
       in Web.config to sepecify where on the server to put uploaded files.

Detailed info is availabel in the forum

posted on 2005-11-25 23:11  cy163  阅读(341)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
