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Posted on 2008-07-08 15:47  古道飘零客  阅读(2761)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报


利用Microsoft的Application Blocks可以很简单地让程序可以自动更新。其基本原理是:利用Application Blocks软件包里面的一个.exe文件,(不妨命名为App.exe)作为长期运行的程序,这个程序不是真正的主体程序,而是会指向各个版本的程序,假如原来版本是1.0.0.0.exe,后来的版本是1.0.0.1.exe,那么运行App.exe时,它就先后指向这两个不同版本的exe。下面说说具体步骤:

1.        安装Application Blocks


2.        在项目中加入代码和引用:






如果你选择默认安装的话,它们的位置可能是: C:\Program Files\Microsoft ApplicationBlocksfor .NET\Updater\Code\CS\Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Updater


在你的工程中(这里为 YourAppName)引用下列工程






using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

using System.Threading;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.IO;

using System.Xml;





Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ApplicationUpdater.Interfaces .dll


Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement.Interfaces .dll



3.        把附录中的代码添加到你原来就有的的工程文件中去,这段代码是处理更新操作所用到的。在需要更新的时候调用函数InitializeAutoUpdate()即可。


4.         生成你应用程序的发布目录结构并配置 AppStart.exe

生成一个用于客户端程序安装的目录.  本例子中,我们用如下的目录:

C:\Program Files\YourApp\\

现在复制 AppStart.exe 和 AppStart.exe.config 到类似如下的根目录中

   C:\Program Files\YourApp\AppStart.exe

 C:\Program Files\YourApp\AppStart.exe.config

说明: 这两个文件你可以在如下目录中找到 “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Blocks for .NET\Updater\Code\CS\Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Updater\AppStart\bin\Debug“  


5. 修改 AppStart.exe.config 文件


AppStart.exe 会启动你的应用程序,如果更新文件下载完成之后还有可能要重启.  它需要知道启动你最新的程序的目录位置. 




    <appFolderName>C:\Program Files\YourApp\</appFolderName>







appFolderName 存放当前版本的exe所在的文件夹






6. 生成你的公钥和私钥


"C:\ProgramFiles\MicrosoftApplicationBlocksfor .NET\Updater\Code\CS\Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Updater\ManifestUtility\bin\Debug\ManifestUtility.exe" 这个exe可能在软件包中会不存在,但是仍然可以在上述路径找到它的源文件,用C#.net编译运行即可。

选择 “File..Generate Keys”  会提示你是否需要保存: PublicKey.xml 和 PrivateKey.xml  这两个密钥接下来就会用到. 

这些密钥只要生成一次就可以了, 因为下面几个地方需要引用到RSA公钥和私钥.  你需要把这些密钥存放在一个安全的地方,因为在发布一个新的更新的时候会用到它。


7. 创建IIS 虚拟目录


在你的Web服务器上生成一个目录来存放你的更新文件.  在这两个目录中要放两样东西 1)  ServerManifest.xml 文件,包含最后版本的一些信息;2) 你的新程序的目录. 在这个目录里,生成一个目录来存放你的新版本程序.  在我们的例子中,我们用这两个目录, C:\Inetpub\AppUpdates  和C:\Inetpub\AppUpdates\

用 IIS 管理器生成一个虚拟目录指向刚才的实际目录.  记下你的 URL, 在上传步骤中我们需要用到它.  你必须要打开虚拟目录的“目录浏览”选项.



8. 配置你的版本 的App.config 文件


这里,我们会需要往里添加一些新东西.  首先, 我们需要加入一个configSections 元素来定义我们的 appUpdater 节:



  <section name="appUpdater" type="Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ApplicationUpdater.UpdaterSectionHandler,Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ApplicationUpdater" />



接下来,我们需要添加一个 Version 键到我们的 appsettings 中, 我们首先设置我们的本地版本为, 这样我们就可以测试自动更新到版本



  <add key="VERSION" value="" />



最后,, 加入 appUpdater 节到你的配置文件中.  我这里用一对方括号把你要修改的值包含起来.  你可以直接从你上一步生成的 PublicKey.xml文件中复制 <RSAKeyValue> 元素.


<xmlFile> 元素必须要指向你在Step #6创建的虚拟目录的 URL .




   <polling type="Seconds" value="120" />

   <logListener logPath="C:\Program Files\YourApp\UpdaterLog.txt" />

   <downloader type="Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ApplicationUpdater.Downloaders.BITSDownloader"


   <validator type="Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ApplicationUpdater.Validators.RSAValidator" assembly="Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ApplicationUpdater,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null">



  <Modulus>[YOUR MODULUS KEY]</Modulus>

  <Exponent>[YOUR EXPONENET]</Exponent>




  <application name="[YOUR APP NAME]" useValidation="true">


      <baseDir>C:\Program Files\YourApp</baseDir>

      <xmlFile>C:\Program Files\YourApp\AppStart.exe.config</xmlFile>

      <tempDir>C:\Program Files\YourApp\temp</tempDir>



     <xmlFile>http://[YOUR URL]/ServerManifest.xml</xmlFile>

     <xmlFileDest>C:\Program Files\YourApp\ServerManifest.xml</xmlFileDest>







需要修改的地方只有[ ]括住的地方,

<Modulus>[YOUR MODULUS KEY]</Modulus> 和

<Exponent>[YOUR EXPONENET]</Exponent> 可以在PublicKey.xml中找到

[YOUR URL ]就是ServerManifest.xml的URL地址

<xmlFileDest>C:\Program Files\YourApp\ServerManifest.xml</xmlFileDest>中的路径就是更新成功后生成的ServerManifest.xml的路径


9. 发布版本


设置应用程序版本号.  可以通过设置在 AssemblyInfo.cs 文件中的版本属性来设置版本号.

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]

编译应用程序并复制 版程序到你程序的 目录中. “C:\Program Files\YourApp\“

这里,你需要运行一下 AppStart.exe.  更新过程会失败,因为我们并没有把发布 ServerManifest XML 文件来指示应用程序新版本是否可用.  你可以检查日志文件,位置在 C:\Program Files\YourApp\ 目录中.


10. 构建版本 


首先, 通过更新应用程序的 AssemblyInfo.cs 和 App.config 文件内容来生成修订版本 .  编译程序, 然后复制文件到step 7生成的Web服务器目录中. 

这里需要改动的地方很少。只要在AssemblyInfo.cs中修改[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]

在App.config中修改<add key="VERSION" value="" />



11. 生成服务器的清单文件


这个是最后一步.  如果你对本步骤中的.config文件作了任何修改的话,都必须把本步骤重来一遍.  做法如下:


再次运行 ManifestUtility 程序. 

在 “Update files folder“ 选择器中选择 目录 . 

输入更新位置的 URL .  (这个是最容易出错的地方,不要漏掉/


打开之前生成的 PrivateKey.xml 文件.

选择验证类 “Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ApplicationUpdater.Validators.RSAValidator”

鼠标点击 CreateManifest, 并保存 ServerManifest.xml 文件到你的虚拟服务器目录中. 它默认的文件名是Manifest.xml,要把它改过来的。

从你的 C:\Program Files\YourApp\ 目录中运行你的 AppStart.exe .  你的程序就会被装入, 当你的程序运行的时候,你就会得到一个提示 “新版本可用” .  新版本会下载到目录 C:\Program Files\YourApp\ 中, 然后程序会自动重启.  如果有任何问题, 记得检查一下日志文件.  这些日志在诊断问题的时候会很有用的.



1.       除了使用BITS(background intellectual transmission service )方式传送之外还可以使用FTP方式传送。

2.       假如在服务器端只需要放要更新的控件和可执行文件(*.exe),配置文件(*.exe.config)就行了。不需要把所有的文件都放进去,如果成功执行的话,程序会先把原先版本的所有文件复制到新版本的文件夹里面,并且会自动更新新的控件。










     private ApplicationUpdateManager _updater = null;

         private Thread _updaterThread = null;

         private const int UPDATERTHREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT = 3 * 1000;

         private delegate void MarshalEventDelegate( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e );

         private void InitializeAutoUpdate()




                   //  hook ProcessExit for a chance to clean up when closed peremptorily

                   AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit +=new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit);

                   //  make an Updater for use in-process with us

                   _updater = new ApplicationUpdateManager();

                   //  hook Updater events

                   _updater.DownloadStarted +=new UpdaterActionEventHandler( OnUpdaterDownloadStarted );

                   _updater.FilesValidated +=new UpdaterActionEventHandler( OnUpdaterFilesValidated );

                   _updater.UpdateAvailable +=new UpdaterActionEventHandler( OnUpdaterUpdateAvailable );

                   _updater.DownloadCompleted +=new UpdaterActionEventHandler(OnUpdaterDownloadCompleted);

                   //  start the updater on a separate thread so that our UI remains responsive

                   _updaterThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( _updater.StartUpdater ) );



              catch (Exception ex)



              //  get version from config, set caption correctly

              string version = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["version"];



              this.Text = this.Text + String.Format(" v. {0}", version);


         private void CurrentDomain_ProcessExit(object sender, EventArgs e)




         private void StopUpdater()


              //  tell updater to stop


              if( null != _updaterThread )


                   //  join the updater thread with a suitable timeout

                   bool isThreadJoined = _updaterThread.Join( UPDATERTHREAD_JOIN_TIMEOUT );

                   //  check if we joined, if we didn't interrupt the thread

                   if( !isThreadJoined )




                   _updaterThread = null;



         /**//// <summary>

         /// This handler gets fired by the Windows UI thread that is the main STA thread for THIS FORM.  It takes the same 

         /// arguments as the event handler below it--sender, e--and acts on them using the main thread NOT the eventing thread

         /// </summary>

         /// <param name="sender">marshalled reference to the original event's sender argument</param>

         /// <param name="e">marshalled reference to the original event's args</param>

         private void OnUpdaterDownloadStartedHandler( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e ) 


              Debug.WriteLine("Thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode().ToString());


              Debug.WriteLine(String.Format( "  DownloadStarted for application '{0}'", e.ApplicationName ));


         /**//// <summary>

         /// Event handler for Updater event.  This event is fired by the originating thread from "inside" the Updater.  While it is

         /// possible for this same thread to act on our UI, it is NOT a good thing to do--UI is not threadsafe.  

         /// Therefore here we marshal from the Eventing thread (belongs to Updater) to our window thread using the synchronous Invoke

         /// mechanism.

         /// </summary>

         /// <param name="sender">event sender in this case ApplicationUpdaterManager</param>

         /// <param name="e">the UpdaterActionEventArgs packaged by Updater, which gives us access to update information</param>

         private void OnUpdaterDownloadStarted( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e )


              //  using the synchronous "Invoke".  This marshals from the eventing thread--which comes from the Updater and should not

              //  be allowed to enter and "touch" the UI's window thread

              //  so we use Invoke which allows us to block the Updater thread at will while only allowing window thread to update UI

              Debug.WriteLine( String.Format( "[OnUpdaterDownloadStarted]Thread: {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode().ToString()) );


                   new MarshalEventDelegate( this.OnUpdaterDownloadStartedHandler ), 

                   new object[] { sender, e } );


         /**//// <summary>

         /// This handler gets fired by the Windows UI thread that is the main STA thread for THIS FORM.  It takes the same 

         /// arguments as the event handler below it--sender, e--and acts on them using the main thread NOT the eventing thread

         /// </summary>

         /// <param name="sender">marshalled reference to the original event's sender argument</param>

         /// <param name="e">marshalled reference to the original event's args</param>

         private void OnUpdaterFilesValidatedHandler( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e )


              Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("FilesValidated successfully for application '{0}' ", e.ApplicationName));





              //  ask user to use new app

            //  DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show( 

            //  "Would you like to stop this application and open the new version?", "Open New Version?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo );

              DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show( 

                   "你想立即停用当前应用程序并运行新版本程序吗?", "运行新版本程序?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo );

              if( DialogResult.Yes == dialog )


                   StartNewVersion( e.ServerInformation );



         /**//// <summary>

         /// Event handler for Updater event.  This event is fired by the originating thread from "inside" the Updater.  While it is

         /// possible for this same thread to act on our UI, it is NOT a good thing to do--UI is not threadsafe.  

         /// Therefore here we marshal from the Eventing thread (belongs to Updater) to our window thread using the synchronous Invoke

         /// mechanism.

         /// </summary>

         /// <param name="sender">event sender in this case ApplicationUpdaterManager</param>

         /// <param name="e">the UpdaterActionEventArgs packaged by Updater, which gives us access to update information</param>

         private void OnUpdaterFilesValidated( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e )


              //  using the asynchronous "BeginInvoke".  

              //  we don't need/want to block here


                   new MarshalEventDelegate( this.OnUpdaterFilesValidatedHandler ),

                   new object[] { sender, e } );


         /**//// <summary>

         /// This handler gets fired by the Windows UI thread that is the main STA thread for THIS FORM.  It takes the same 

         /// arguments as the event handler below it--sender, e--and acts on them using the main thread NOT the eventing thread

         /// </summary>

         /// <param name="sender">marshalled reference to the original event's sender argument</param>

         /// <param name="e">marshalled reference to the original event's args</param>

         private void OnUpdaterUpdateAvailableHandler( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e )


              Debug.WriteLine("Thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode().ToString());

//            string message = String.Format( 

//                 "Update available:  The new version on the server is {0} and current version is {1} would you like to upgrade?", 

//                 e.ServerInformation.AvailableVersion,  

//                 System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["version"] ) ;

              string message = String.Format( 

                   "升级提示:服务器上最新的版本是 {0} ,你当前使用的版本是 {1} 。你希望进行升级吗?", 


                   System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["version"] ) ;

              //  for update available we actually WANT to block the downloading thread so we can refuse an update

              //  and reset until next polling cycle;

              //  NOTE that we don't block the thread _in the UI_, we have it blocked at the marshalling dispatcher "OnUpdaterUpdateAvailable"

//            DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show( message, "Update Available", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo );

             DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show( message, "升级提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo );


              if( DialogResult.No == dialog )


                   //  if no, stop the updater for this app

                   _updater.StopUpdater( e.ApplicationName );

                   Debug.WriteLine("Update Cancelled.");




                   Debug.WriteLine("Update in progress.");



         /**//// <summary>

         /// Event handler for Updater event.  This event is fired by the originating thread from "inside" the Updater.  While it is

         /// possible for this same thread to act on our UI, it is NOT a good thing to do--UI is not threadsafe.  

         /// Therefore here we marshal from the Eventing thread (belongs to Updater) to our window thread using the synchronous Invoke

         /// mechanism.

         /// </summary>

         /// <param name="sender">event sender in this case ApplicationUpdaterManager</param>

         /// <param name="e">the UpdaterActionEventArgs packaged by Updater, which gives us access to update information</param>

          private void OnUpdaterUpdateAvailable( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e )


              //  using the synchronous "Invoke".  This marshals from the eventing thread--which comes from the Updater and should not

              //  be allowed to enter and "touch" the UI's window thread

              //  so we use Invoke which allows us to block the Updater thread at will while only allowing window thread to update UI


                   new MarshalEventDelegate( this.OnUpdaterUpdateAvailableHandler ), 

                   new object[] { sender, e } );



         /**//// <summary>

         /// This handler gets fired by the Windows UI thread that is the main STA thread for THIS FORM.  It takes the same 

         /// arguments as the event handler below it--sender, e--and acts on them using the main thread NOT the eventing thread

         /// </summary>

         /// <param name="sender">marshalled reference to the original event's sender argument</param>

         /// <param name="e">marshalled reference to the original event's args</param>

         private void OnUpdaterDownloadCompletedHandler( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e )


              //  GetPath(e.ServerInformation);

              Debug.WriteLine("Download Completed.");


         /**//// <summary>

         /// Event handler for Updater event.  This event is fired by the originating thread from "inside" the Updater.  While it is

         /// possible for this same thread to act on our UI, it is NOT a good thing to do--UI is not threadsafe.  

         /// Therefore here we marshal from the Eventing thread (belongs to Updater) to our window thread using the synchronous Invoke

         /// mechanism.

         /// </summary>

         /// <param name="sender">event sender in this case ApplicationUpdaterManager</param>

         /// <param name="e">the UpdaterActionEventArgs packaged by Updater, which gives us access to update information</param>

         private void OnUpdaterDownloadCompleted( object sender, UpdaterActionEventArgs e )


              //  using the synchronous "Invoke".  This marshals from the eventing thread--which comes from the Updater and should not

              //  be allowed to enter and "touch" the UI's window thread

              //  so we use Invoke which allows us to block the Updater thread at will while only allowing window thread to update UI


                   new MarshalEventDelegate( this.OnUpdaterDownloadCompletedHandler ), 

                   new object[] { sender, e } );


         private void StartNewVersion( ServerApplicationInfo server )


              XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

              //  load config file to get base dir

              doc.Load( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile );

              //  get the base dir

              string baseDir = doc.SelectSingleNode("configuration/appUpdater/UpdaterConfiguration/application/client/baseDir").InnerText;

              string newDir = Path.Combine( baseDir, "AppStart.exe" );


              ProcessStartInfo process = new ProcessStartInfo( newDir );

              process.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine( newDir , server.AvailableVersion );

              //  launch new version (actually, launch AppStart.exe which HAS pointer to new version )

              Process.Start( process );

              //  tell updater to stop

              CurrentDomain_ProcessExit( null, null );

              //  leave this app

              Environment.Exit( 0 );




         private static void CopyDirRecurse( string sourcePath, string destinationPath )



              //  get dir info which may be file or dir info object

              DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo( sourcePath );


              foreach( FileSystemInfo fsi in dirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos() )


                   if ( fsi is FileInfo )


                       //  if file object just copy

                       if (File.Exists(destinationPath +@"\"+ fsi.Name)==false)


                            File.Copy( fsi.FullName,destinationPath+@"\" + fsi.Name,false);





                       //  must be a directory, create destination sub-folder and recurse to copy files

                       if (Directory.Exists(destinationPath +@"\"+ fsi.Name)==false)


                            Directory.CreateDirectory( destinationPath +@"\"+ fsi.Name );


                       CopyDirRecurse( fsi.FullName, destinationPath+@"\" + fsi.Name );






         private void GetPath( ServerApplicationInfo server )


              XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

              //  load config file to get base dir

              doc.Load( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile );

              //  get the base dir

              string baseDir = doc.SelectSingleNode("configuration/appUpdater/UpdaterConfiguration/application/client/baseDir").InnerText;

            string sourcePath=baseDir+@"\"+System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["version"] ;

             string destinationPath= baseDir+@"\"+server.AvailableVersion;

              //  将旧版本的文件复制到新版本文件夹里

