[转]可信计算资源和开发者工具(zt from TCG)



·    Embedded Development Kit for CryptoController™ - Atmel's Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Kit for Securing for Non-PC, Embedded Applications http://www.atmel.com/products/embedded/default.asp

EMSCB Project

·    The EMSCB Project: http://www.emscb.org

Free Radius

·    The FreeRadius Project: http://www.freeradius.org


·    TrouSerS

o   Free Open source SDK available for Linux TSS: http://sourceforge.net/projects/trousers

·    OpenCryptoKi with TPM token: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencryptoki

·    Open Platform Trust Service: OSS implementation of TCG Platform Trust Services (PTS):  http://sourceforge.jp/projects/openpts/

·    Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) provides runtime measurements and attestation for Linux

o   IMA Project: http://domino.research.ibm.com/comm/research_people.nsf/pages/sailer.ima.html

o   IMA Extended Description: http://domino.research.ibm.com/comm/research_projects.nsf/pages/ssd_ima.index.html

iComputing Enviornment

·    iCe Project: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/ice/

Infineon Technologies


Free SDK available for:

·    Windows TSS and for Enterprise Installation and Administration Kit

·    Linux TSS 1.2 and programming examples upon request

Insight International

·    SDK - TAL(TPM Access Library): http://www.insight-intl.com/jigyou/sec/TPM_TAL.html

·    Tool - TRS (TPM Remote access System): http://www.insight-intl.com/jigyou/sec/TPM_ACT.html


·    Libtnc Project: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libtnc

·    Libtnc Downloads: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=168708

Linux Basic Security Modules

·    Linux Basic Security Modules Project: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/lbsm/

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

·    TPM / J0.3 User's Guide: http://projects.csail.mit.edu/tc/tpmj/UsersGuide.html



·    Free Information for using TBS: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc734063.aspx

NTRU Cryptosystems, Inc.

·    For fee SDK information of Java- with PKCS#11:http://www.ntru.com/

OpenSEA Alliance

·    OpenSEA 802.1X supplicant: http://www.openseaalliance.org

OpenTC Project (EU funded)

·    OpenTC Research & Development Project: http://www.opentc.net/

Research Center for Information Security (RCIS)

·    VMKnoppix LiveCD with support for Trusted Boot and many tools for Trusted Computing: http://www.rcis.aist.go.jp/project/knoppix/vmknoppix/index-en.html

Sirrix AG Security Technologies

·    TrustedGRUB: http://projects.sirrix.com/trustedgrub

·    TPM Manager: http://projects.sirrix.com/tpmmanager

Software-based TPM Emulator for Unix

·    http://tpm-emulator.berlios.de/ - Xen has a variant of this TPM emulator embedded in it

Technical University of Darmstadt

·    TPM4Java: http://tpm4java.datenzone.de/trac


Tsukuba Open Framework for Using Grid Technology (TOFU-G)

·    TOFU-G Grid Framework Project: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/tofu/

Trusted Boot

·    Trusted Boot (tboot) is an open source, pre- kernel/VMM module that uses Intel(R) Trusted Execution Technology (Intel(R) TXT) to perform a measured and verified launch of an OS kernel/VMM

o   tboot Project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tboot/  and  http://tboot.sourceforge.net/ 

o   tboot Downloads:  http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=205557

University of Applied Arts and Sciences in Hannover, Germany (FHH)

·    University of Applied Arts and Sciences in Hannover (FHH): http://tnc.inform.fh-hannover.de

University of Bochum

·    Current Projects - TPM support from the Open Source world: http://www.trust.rub.de/home/current-projects/

·    Concluded Projects: http://www.trust.rub.de/home/concluded-projects/

University of Graz

·    Trusted Java Project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/trustedjava/ and http://trustedjava.sourceforge.net/


o   100% in Java implemented TSS (jTSS)

o   JNI wrapper for the C based TrouSerS (jTSS Wrapper)

o   set of demonstration code for using the jTSS (jTpmTools)

o   library to create TC certificates (TCcert)

o   very basic PrivacyCA demo

·    SR 321: Trusted Computing API for Java: https://jsr321.dev.java.net/

Wave Systems

·    Free evaluation version and sample code for using TPM via MSCAPI: http://techsupport.wavesys.com/crmrequest/trial.aspx?product=CSP

·    TCG Enabled Toolkit: http://wave.com/products/toolkit.asp

posted @ 2009-04-18 10:55  cxun  阅读(1062)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报