- 输入用户名和密码
- 认证成功后显示欢迎信息
- 输错三次后锁定
1 username="hello" 2 passwd="123" 3 name=input("your name:") 4 pwd=input("your passwd:") 5 i=0 6 if username==name and passwd==pwd: 7 print("你已成功登陆") 8 else: 9 print("用户名或密码错误,请重新输入") 10 i+=1 11 while i<3: 12 name=input("your name:") 13 pwd=input("your passwd:") 14 if username==name and passwd==pwd: 15 print("你已成功登陆") 16 break 17 elif i<=1: 18 print("用户名或密码错误,请重新输入") 19 if username==name and passwd==pwd: 20 print("你已成功登陆") 21 break 22 i+=1 23 else: 24 print("你的账户被锁定") 25 break 26
1 for i in range(3): 2 username = input("Username:") 3 password = input("Password:") 4 if username == _user and password == _passwd : 5 print("Welcome %s login...." % _user) 6 passed_authentication = True #,真,成立 7 break #跳出,中断 8 else: 9 print("Invalid username or password !") 10 if not passed_authentication:#只有在True的情况下,条件成立 11 print("要不要脸,臭流氓啊,小虎。")
salary = 5000
1. iphone6s 5800
2. mac book 9000
3. coffee 32
4. python book 80
5. bicyle 1500
已加入bicyle 到你的购物车, 当前余额:3500
bicyle 1500
coffee 30
1 salary=int(input("salary=")) 2 goods_list=''' 3 1. iphone6s 5800 4 2. mac book 9000 5 3. coffee 32 6 4. python book 80 7 5. bicyle 1500 8 ''' 9 print(goods_list) 10 #用来判断五种物品是否购买的标志 11 quit_buy=one=two=three=four=five=False 12 13 while True: 14 num = input() 15 if num=='1': 16 if salary>=5800: 17 print("已加入iphone6s到你的购物车,当前余额:",salary-5800) 18 salary = salary - 5800 19 one=True 20 else: 21 print("余额不足!还剩:",salary) 22 elif num=='2': 23 if salary>=9000: 24 print("已加入mac book到你的购物车,当前余额:",salary-9000) 25 salary = salary - 9000 26 two=True 27 else: 28 print("余额不足!还剩:",salary) 29 elif num=='3': 30 if salary>=32: 31 print("已加入coffee到你的购物车,当前余额:", salary - 32) 32 salary = salary - 32 33 three=True 34 else: 35 print("余额不足!还剩:",salary) 36 elif num=='4': 37 if salary>=80: 38 print("已加入python book到你的购物车,当前余额:", salary - 80) 39 salary = salary - 80 40 four=True 41 else: 42 print("余额不足!还剩:",salary) 43 elif num=='5': 44 if salary>=1500: 45 print("已加入bicycle到你的购物车,当前余额:", salary - 1500) 46 salary = salary - 1500 47 five=True 48 else: 49 print("余额不足!还剩:",salary) 50 elif num=='quit': 51 quit_buy=True 52 break 53 else: 54 print("请输入购物单上的序号") 55 if quit_buy: 56 if one==two==three==four==five==False: 57 print("您未购买任何物品") 58 else: 59 print("您已购买以下商品") 60 if one: 61 print('iphone6s',5800) 62 if two: 63 print('mac book',9000) 64 if three: 65 print('coffee',32) 66 if four: 67 print('python book',80) 68 if five: 69 print('bicyle',1500) 70 71 print("您的余额为:",salary) 72 print("欢迎下次光临!")
1 product_list=[ 2 ('Mac',9000), 3 ('kindle',800), 4 ('tesla',900000), 5 ('python book',105), 6 ('bike',2000), 7 8 ] 9 saving=input('please input your money:') 10 shopping_car=[] 11 if saving.isdigit(): 12 saving=int(saving) 13 while True: 14 #打印商品内容 15 for i,v in enumerate(product_list,1): 16 print(i,'>>>>',v) 17 18 #引导用户选择商品 19 choice=input('选择购买商品编号[退出:q]:') 20 21 #验证输入是否合法 22 if choice.isdigit(): 23 choice=int(choice) 24 if choice>0 and choice<=len(product_list): 25 #将用户选择商品通过choice取出来 26 p_item=product_list[choice-1] 27 28 #如果钱够,用本金saving减去该商品价格,并将该商品加入购物车 29 if p_item[1]<saving: 30 saving-=p_item[1] 31 32 shopping_car.append(p_item) 33 34 else: 35 print('余额不足,还剩%s'%saving) 36 print(p_item) 37 else: 38 print('编码不存在') 39 elif choice=='q': 40 print('------------您已经购买如下商品----------------') 41 #循环遍历购物车里的商品,购物车存放的是已买商品 42 for i in shopping_car: 43 print(i) 44 print('您还剩%s元钱'%saving) 45 break 46 else: 47 print('invalid input')