MSSQLSERVER数据库- 上移和下移的存储过程
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Proc_MoveUp] @id int AS BEGIN declare @preSort int;--上一条记录的排序值 declare @preid int; --上一条记录的id值 declare @curSort int;--当前记录的排序值 with TB As (select top 1000 *,row_number() over(order by Sort desc,id desc) as rowid from T_Move order by Sort desc,id desc) select @preSort=sort,@preid=id from TB where rowid=(select rowid+1 from TB where id=@id); select @curSort=Sort From T_Move Where id=@id; update T_Move set Sort=@preSort where id=@id; update T_Move set SOrt=@curSort where id=@preid END
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Proc_MoveDown] @id int AS BEGIN declare @nextSort int;--上一条记录的排序值 declare @nextid int; --上一条记录的id值 declare @curSort int;--当前记录的排序值 with TB As (select top 1000 *,row_number() over(order by Sort desc,id desc) as rowid from T_Move order by Sort desc,id desc) select @nextSort=sort,@nextid=id from TB where rowid=(select rowid-1 from TB where id=@id); select @curSort=Sort From T_Move Where id=@id; update T_Move set Sort=@nextSort where id=@id; update T_Move set SOrt=@curSort where id=@nextid END
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