GTM148 抄书笔记 Part II. (Chapter IV~V)
Chapter IV. The Sylow Theorems
Definition 4.1.1 If pp is a prime, then a pp-group is a group in which every element has order a power of pp.
Theorem 4.1.2 If GG is a finite abelian group whose order is divisible by a prime pp, then GG contains an element of order pp.
Write |G|=pm|G|=pm, where m≥1m≥1. We proceed by induction on mm after noting that the base step is clearly true. For the inductive step, choose x∈Gx∈G of order t>1t>1. If p|tp|t, then Proposition 2.2.14 shows that xt/pxt/p has order pp, and the lemma is proved. We may, therefore, assume that the order of xx is not divisible by pp. Since GG is abelian, ⟨x⟩⟨x⟩ is a normal subgroup of GG, and G/⟨x⟩G/⟨x⟩ is an abelian group of order |G|/t=pm/t|G|/t=pm/t. Since p∤tp∤t, we must have m/t<mm/t<m an integer. By induction, G/⟨x⟩G/⟨x⟩ contains an element y∗y∗ of order pp. But the natural map ν:G→G/⟨x⟩ν:G→G/⟨x⟩ is a surjection, and so there is y∈Gy∈G with ν(y)=y∗ν(y)=y∗. Thus, the order of yy is a multiple of pp, and we have returned to the first case.
Definition 4.1.3 Let GG be a group. Partition GG into its conjugacy classes and count (recall that Z(G)Z(G) consists of all the elements of GG whose conjugacy class has just one element):
where one xixi is selected from each conjugacy class with more than one element.
The equation above is called the class equation of the finite group GG.
Theorem 4.1.4 (Cauchy) If GG is a finite group whose order is divisible by a prime pp, then GG contains an element of order pp.
If x∈Gx∈G, then the number of conjugates of xx is [G:CG(x)][G:CG(x)], where CG(x)CG(x) is the centralizer of xx in GG. If x∉Z(G)x∉Z(G), then its conjugacy class has more than one element, and so |CG(x)|<|G||CG(x)|<|G|. If p||CG(x)|p∣∣|CG(x)| for such a noncentral xx, we are done, by induction. Therefore, we may assume that p∤|CG(x)|p∤|CG(x)| for all noncentral xx in GG. Better, since |G|=[G:CG(x)]|CG(x)||G|=[G:CG(x)]|CG(x)|, we may assume that p|[G:CG(x)]p∣∣[G:CG(x)].
Consider the class equation |G|=|Z(G)|+∑i[G:CG(xi)]|G|=|Z(G)|+∑i[G:CG(xi)]. Since |G||G| and all [G:CG(xi)][G:CG(xi)] are divisible by pp, it follows that |Z(G)||Z(G)| is divisible by pp. But Z(G)Z(G) is abelian, and so it contains an element of order pp, by Lemma 4.2.2.
Corollary 4.1.5 A finite group GG is a pp-group if and only if |G||G| is a power of pp.
If |G|=pm|G|=pm, then Lagrange's theorem shows that GG is a pp-group. Conversely, assume that there is a prime q≠pq≠p which divides |G||G|. By Cauchy's theorem, GG contains an element of order qq, and this contradicts GG being a pp-group.
Theorem 4.1.6 If G≠1G≠1 is a finite pp-group, then its center Z(G)≠1Z(G)≠1.
Consider the class equation |G|=|Z(G)|+∑i[G:CG(xi)]|G|=|Z(G)|+∑i[G:CG(xi)]. Each CG(xi)CG(xi) is a proper subgroup of GG, for xi∉Z(G)xi∉Z(G). By Corollary 4.1.5, [G:CG(xi)][G:CG(xi)] is a power of pp. Thus, pp divides each [G:CG(xi)][G:CG(xi)], and so pp divides |Z(G)||Z(G)|.
Corollary 4.1.7 If pp is a prime, then every group GG of order p2p2 is abelian.
If GG is not abelian, then Z(G)<GZ(G)<G; since 1≠Z(G)1≠Z(G), we must have |Z(G)|=p|Z(G)|=p. The quotient group G/Z(G)G/Z(G) is defined, since Z(G)⊲GZ(G)⊲G, and it is cyclic, because |G/Z(G)|=p|G/Z(G)|=p; this contradicts Proposition 3.1.19.
Theorem 4.1.8 Let GG be a finite pp-group.
- If HH is a proper subgroup of GG, then H<NG(H)H<NG(H).
- Every maximal subgroup of GG is normal and has index pp.
- If H⊲GH⊲G, then NG(H)=GNG(H)=G and the theorem is true. If XX is the set of all the conjugates of HH, then we may assume that |X|=[G:NG(H)]≠1|X|=[G:NG(H)]≠1. Now GG acts on XX by conjugation and, since GG is a pp-group, every orbit of XX has size a power of pp. As {H}{H} is an orbit of size 11, there must be at least p−1p−1 other orbits of size 11. Thus there is at least one conjugate gHg−1≠HgHg−1≠H with {gHg−1}{gHg−1} also an orbit of size 11. Now agHg−1a−1=gHg−1agHg−1a−1=gHg−1 for all a∈Ha∈H, and so g−1ag∈NG(H)g−1ag∈NG(H) for all a∈Ha∈H. But gHg−1≠HgHg−1≠H gives at least one a∈Ha∈H with g−1ag∉Hg−1ag∉H, and so H<NG(H)H<NG(H).
- If HH is a maximal subgroup of GG, then H<NG(H)H<NG(H) implies that NG(H)=HNG(H)=H; that is, H⊲GH⊲G. By Proposition 2.7.4, [G:H]=p[G:H]=p.
Lemma 4.1.9 If GG is a finite pp-group and r1r1 is the number of subgroups of GG having order pp, then r1≡1(modp)r1≡1(modp).
Let us first count the number of elements of order pp. Since Z(G)Z(G) is abelian, all its elements of order pp together with 11 form a subgroup HH whose order is a power of pp; hence the number of central elements of order pp is |H|−1≡−1(modp)|H|−1≡−1(modp). If x∈Gx∈G is of order pp and not central, then its conjugacy class xGxG consists of several elements of order pp; that is, |xG|>1|xG|>1 is an "honest" power of pp. It follows that the number of elements in GG of order pp is congruent to −1modp−1modp; say, there are mp−1mp−1 such elements. Since the intersection of any distinct pair of subgroups of order pp is trivial, the number of elements of order pp is r1(p−1)r1(p−1). But r1(p−1)=mp−1r1(p−1)=mp−1 implies r1≡1(modp)r1≡1(modp).
Theorem 4.1.10 If GG is a finite pp-group and rsrs is the number of subgroups of GG having order psps, then rs≡1(modp)rs≡1(modp).
Let HH be a subgroup of order psps, and let K1,…,KaK1,…,Ka be the subgroups of GG of order ps+1ps+1 which contain it; we claim that a≡1(modp)a≡1(modp). Every subgroup of GG which normalizes HH is contained in N=NG(H)N=NG(H); in particular, each KjKj lies in NN, for Theorem 4.1.8(ii) shows that H⊲KH⊲K for all jj. By the Correspondence Theorem, the number of subgroups of order pp in N/HN/H is equal to the number of subgroups of NN containing HH which have order ps+1ps+1. By Lemmma 4.1.9, a≡1(modp)a≡1(modp).
Now let KK be a subgroup of order ps+1ps+1, and let H1,…,HbH1,…,Hb be its subgroups of order psps; we claim that b≡1(modp)b≡1(modp). By Theorem 4.1.8(ii), Hi⊲KHi⊲K for all ii. Since H1H2=KH1H2=K (for the HiHi are maximal subgroups of KK), the Product Formula (Theorem 2.4.2) gives |D|=ps−1|D|=ps−1, where D=H1∩H2D=H1∩H2, and [K:D]=p2[K:D]=p2. By Corollary 4.1.7, the group K/DK/D is abelian; moreover, K/DK/D is generated by two subgroups of order pp, namely, Hi/DHi/D for i=1,2i=1,2, and so it is not cyclic. Thus K/D≅Zp×ZpK/D≅Zp×Zp. Therefore, K/DK/D has p2−1p2−1 elements of order pp and hence has p+1=(p2−1)/(p−1)p+1=(p2−1)/(p−1) subgroups of order pp. The Correspondence Theorem gives p+1p+1 subgroups of KK of order psps containing DD. Suppose there is some HjHj with D≰HjD≰Hj. Let E=H1∩HjE=H1∩Hj; as above, there is a new list of p+1p+1 subgroups of KK of order psps containing EE, one of which is H1H1. Indeed, H1=EDH1=ED is the only subgroup on both lists. Therefore, there are pp new subgroups and 1+2p1+2p subgroups counted so far. If some HlHl has not yet been listed, repeat this procedure beginning with H1∩HlH1∩Hl to obtain pp new subgroups. Eventually, all the HiHi will be listed, and so the number of them is b=1+mpb=1+mp for some mm. Hence, b≡1(modp)b≡1(modp).
Let H1,…,HrsH1,…,Hrs be all the subgroups of GG of order psps, and let K1,…,Krs+1K1,…,Krs+1 be all the subgroups of order ps+1ps+1. For each HiHi, let there be aiai subgroups of order ps+1ps+1 containing HiHi; for each KjKj, let there be bjbj subgroups of order psps contained in KjKj. Now
rs∑i=1ai=rs+1∑j=1bj,rs∑i=1ai=rs+1∑j=1bj,for either sum counts each KjKj with multiplicity the number of HH's it contains. Since ai≡1(modp)ai≡1(modp) for all ii and bj≡1(modp)bj≡1(modp) for all jj, it follows that rs≡rs+1(modp)rs≡rs+1(modp). Lemma 4.1.9 now gives the result, for r1≡1(modp)r1≡1(modp).
Lemma 4.1.11 (Landau) Given n>0n>0 and q∈Qq∈Q, there are only finitely many nn-tuples (i1,…,in)(i1,…,in) of positive integers such that q=∑nj=1(1/ij)q=∑nj=1(1/ij).
We do an induction on nn; the base step n=1n=1 is obviously true. Since there are only n!n! permutations of nn objects, it suffices to prove that there are only finitely many nn-tuples (i1,…,in)(i1,…,in) with i1≤i2≤⋯≤ini1≤i2≤⋯≤in which satisfy the equation q=∑nj=1(1/ij)q=∑nj=1(1/ij). For any such nn-tuple, we have i1≤n/qi1≤n/q, for
q=1/i1+⋯+1/in≤1/i1+⋯+1/i1=n/i1,q=1/i1+⋯+1/in≤1/i1+⋯+1/i1=n/i1,But for each positive integer k≤n/qk≤n/q, induction gives only finitely many (n−1)(n−1)-tuples (i2,…,in)(i2,…,in) of positive integers with q−(1/k)=∑nj=2(1/ij)q−(1/k)=∑nj=2(1/ij). This completes the proof, for there are only finitely many such kk.
Theorem 4.1.12 For every n≥1n≥1, there are only finitely many finite groups having exactly nn conjugacy classes.
Assume that GG is a finite group having exactly nn conjugacy classes. If |Z(G)|=m|Z(G)|=m, then the class equation is
|G|=|Z(G)|+n∑j=m+1[G:CG(xj)].|G|=|Z(G)|+n∑j=m+1[G:CG(xj)].If ij=|G|ij=|G| for 1≤j≤m1≤j≤m and ij=|G|/[G:CG(xj)]=|CG(xj)|ij=|G|/[G:CG(xj)]=|CG(xj)| for m+1≤j≤nm+1≤j≤n, then 1=∑nj=1(1/ij)1=∑nj=1(1/ij). By Lemma 4.1.11, there are only finitely many such nn-tuples, and so there is a maximum value for all possible ijij's occurring therein, say, MM. It follows that a finite group GG having exactly nn conjugacy classes has order at most MM. But there are only finitely many nonisomorphic groups of any given order.
Proposition 4.1.13 Let GG be a finite pp-group, and |G|=pn|G|=pn, where n∈N∗n∈N∗.
- For any 0≤k<n0≤k<n, there exists a normal subgroup of order pkpk of GG.
- Let HH be a nontrivial normal subgroup of GG, then H∩Z(G)≠1H∩Z(G)≠1; moreover, if |H|=p|H|=p, then H≤Z(G)H≤Z(G).
- Let HH be a proper subgroup of GG. If |H|=ps|H|=ps, then there is a subgroup of order ps+1ps+1 containing HH.
Proposition 4.1.14 The number of normal subgroups of order psps of a finite pp-group GG is congruent to 11 mod pp.
Proposition 4.1.15 Let pp be a prime,
- if GG is an abelian group of order p2p2, then GG is either cyclic or isomorphic to Zp×ZpZp×Zp.
- if GG is a nonabelian group of order p3p3, then |Z(G)|=p,G/Z(G)≅Zp×Zp|Z(G)|=p,G/Z(G)≅Zp×Zp, and Z(G)=G′Z(G)=G′, the commutator subgroup.
Definition 4.1.16 If pp is a prime, then an elementary abelian pp-group is a finite group GG isomorphic to Zp×⋯×ZpZp×⋯×Zp.
Proposition 4.1.17
- If GG is an abelian group of prime exponent pp, then GG is a vector space over ZpZp, and every homomorphism φ:G→Gφ:G→G is a linear transformation.
- A finite abelian pp-group GG is elementary if and only if it has exponent pp.
The Sylow Theorems
Definition 4.2.1 If pp is a prime, then a Sylow pp-subgroup PP of a group GG is a maximal pp-subgroup.
Observe that every pp-subgroup of GG is contained in some Sylow pp-subgroup; this is obvious when GG is finite, and it follows from Zorn's lemma when GG is infinite.
Lemma 4.2.2 Let PP be a Sylow pp-subgroup of a finite group GG.
- |NG(P)/P||NG(P)/P| is prime to pp.
- If a∈Ga∈G has order some power pp and aPa−1=PaPa−1=P, then a∈Pa∈P.
- If pp divides |NG(P)/P||NG(P)/P|, then Cauchy's theorem shows that NG(P)/PNG(P)/P contains some element PaPa of order pp; hence, S∗=⟨Pa⟩S∗=⟨Pa⟩ has order pp. By the Correspondence Theorem, there is a subgroup S≤NG(P)≤GS≤NG(P)≤G containing PP with S/P≅S∗S/P≅S∗. Since both PP and S∗S∗ are pp-groups, then SS is a pp-group, contradicting the maximality of PP.
- Replacing aa by a suitable power of aa if necessary, we may assume that aa has order pp. Since aa normalizes PP, we have a∈NG(P)a∈NG(P). If a∉Pa∉P, then the coset Pa∈NG(P)/PPa∈NG(P)/P has order pp, and this contradicts (i).
Theorem 4.2.3 (Sylow)
- If PP is a Sylow pp-subgroup of a finite group GG, then all Sylow pp-subgroups of GG are conjugate to PP.
- If there are rr Sylow pp-subgroups, then rr is a divisor of |G||G| and r≡1(modp)r≡1(modp).
Let X={P1,…,Pr}X={P1,…,Pr} be the family of all the conjugates of PP, where we have denoted PP by P1P1. In Theorem 3.4.7, we saw that GG acts on XX by conjugation: there is a homomorphism ψ:G→SXψ:G→SX sending a↦ψaa↦ψa, where ψa(Pi)=aPia−1ψa(Pi)=aPia−1. Let QQ be a Sylow pp-subgroup of GG. Restricting ψψ to QQ shows that QQ acts on XX, and we have that every orbit of XX under this action has size dividing |Q||Q|; that is, every orbit has size some power of pp. If one of these orbits has size 11, then there would be an ii with ψa(Pi)=Piψa(Pi)=Pi for all a∈Qa∈Q; that is, aPia−1=PiaPia−1=Pi for all a∈Qa∈Q. By Lemma 4.2.2(ii) if a∈Qa∈Q, then a∈Pia∈Pi; that is, Q≤PiQ≤Pi; since QQ is a Sylow pp-subgroup, Q=PiQ=Pi. If Q=P=P1Q=P=P1, we conclude that every PP-orbit of XX has size an "honest" power of pp except {P1}{P1} which has size 11. Therefore, |X|=r≡1(modp)|X|=r≡1(modp).
Suppose there were a Sylow pp-subgroup QQ that is not a conjugate of PP; that is, Q∉XQ∉X. If {Pi}{Pi} is a QQ-orbit of size 11, then we have seen that Q=PiQ=Pi, contradicting Q∈XQ∈X. Thus, every QQ-orbit of XX has size an honest power of pp, and so pp divides |X||X|; that is, r≡0(modp)r≡0(modp). The previous congruence is contradicted, and so no such subgroup QQ exists. Therefore, every Sylow pp-subgroup QQ is conjugate to PP.
Finally, the number rr of conjugates of PP is the index of its normalizer, and so it is a divisor of |G||G|.
Corollary 4.2.4 A finite group GG has a unique Sylow pp-subgroup PP, for some prime pp, if and only if P⊲GP⊲G.
Theorem 4.2.5 If GG is a finite group of order pempem, where (p,m)=1(p,m)=1, then every Sylow pp-subgroup PP of GG has order pepe.
We claim that [G:P][G:P] is prime to pp. Now [G:P]=[G:N][N:P][G:P]=[G:N][N:P], where N=NG(P)N=NG(P), and so it suffices to prove that each of the factors is prime to pp. But [G:N]=r[G:N]=r, the number of conjugates of pp, so that [G:N]≡1(modp)[G:N]≡1(modp), while [N:P]=|N/P|[N:P]=|N/P| is prime to pp, by Lemma 4.2.2(i). Thus by Lagrange's theorem, we have |P|=pe|P|=pe.
Corollary 4.2.6 Let GG be a finite group and let pp be a prime. If pkpk divides |G||G|, then GG contains a subgroup of order pkpk.
Lemma 4.2.7 If pp is a prime not dividing an integer mm, then for all n≥1n≥1, the binomial coefficient (pnmpn)(pnmpn) is not divisible by pp.
Write the binomial coefficient as follows:
pnm(pnm−1)⋯(pnm−i)⋯(pnm−pn+1)pn(pn−1)⋯(pn−i)⋯(pn−pn+1)pnm(pnm−1)⋯(pnm−i)⋯(pnm−pn+1)pn(pn−1)⋯(pn−i)⋯(pn−pn+1)Since pp is prime, each factor equal to pp of the numerator (or of the denominator) arises from a factor of pnm−ipnm−i (or of pn−ipn−i). If i=0i=0, then the multiplicity of pp in pnmpnm and in pnpn are the same because p∤mp∤m. If 1≤i≤pn1≤i≤pn, then i=pkji=pkj, where 0≤k<n0≤k<n and p∤jp∤j. Now pkpk is the highest power of pp dividing pn−ipn−i, for pn−i=pn−pkj=pk(pn−k−j)pn−i=pn−pkj=pk(pn−k−j) and p∤pn−k−jp∤pn−k−j. A similar argument shows that the highest power of pp divideing pnm−ipnm−i is also pkpk. Therefore, every factor of pp upstairs is canceled by a factor of pp downstairs, and hence the binomial coefficient has no factor equal to pp.
Theorem 4.2.8 (Wielandt's Proof) If GG is a finite group of order pnmpnm, where (p,m)=1(p,m)=1, then GG has a subgroup of order pnpn.
If XX is the family of all subsets of GG of cardinal pnpn, then |X||X| is the binomial coefficient in the lemma, and so p∤|X|p∤|X|. Let GG act on XX by left translation: if BB is a subset of GG with pnpn elements, then for each g∈Gg∈G, define gB={gb|b∈B}gB={gb|b∈B}. Now pp cannot divide the size of every orbit of XX lest p||X|p∣∣|X|; therefore, there is some B∈XB∈X with |O(B)||O(B)| not divisible by pp, where O(B)O(B) is the orbit of BB. If GBGB is the stabilizer of BB, then |G|/|GB|=[G:GB]=|O(B)||G|/|GB|=[G:GB]=|O(B)| is prime to pp. Hence, |GB|=pnm′≥pn|GB|=pnm′≥pn (for some m′m′ dividing mm). On the other hand, if b0∈Bb0∈B and g∈GBg∈GB, then gb0∈gB=Bgb0∈gB=B; moreover, if gg and hh are distinct elements of GBGB, then gb0gb0 and hb0hb0 are distinct elements of BB. Therefore, |GB|≤|B|=pn|GB|≤|B|=pn, and so |GB|=pn|GB|=pn.
Theorem 4.2.9 (Frattini Argument) Let KK be a normal subgroup of a finite group GG. If PP is a Sylow pp-subgroup of KK (for some prime pp), then
If g∈Gg∈G, then gPg−1≤gKg−1=KgPg−1≤gKg−1=K, because K⊲GK⊲G. It follows that gPg−1gPg−1 is a Sylow pp-subgroup of KK, and so there exists k∈Kk∈K with kPk−1=gPg−1kPk−1=gPg−1. Hence, P=(k−1g)P(k−1g)−1P=(k−1g)P(k−1g)−1, so that k−1g∈NG(P)k−1g∈NG(P). The required factorization is thus g=k(k−1g)g=k(k−1g).
Proposition 4.2.10 If QQ is a normal pp-subgroup of a finite group GG, then Q≤PQ≤P for every Sylow pp-subgroup PP.
Proposition 4.2.11 Let |G|=pnm|G|=pnm, where p∤mp∤m. If s≤ns≤n and rsrs is the number of subgroups of GG of order psps, then rs≡1(modp)rs≡1(modp).
Proposition 4.2.12 Let XX be a finite GG-set, and let H≤GH≤G act transitively on XX. Then G=HGxG=HGx for each x∈Xx∈X.
Proposition 4.2.13 Let P≤GP≤G be a Sylow subgroup. If NG(P)≤H≤GNG(P)≤H≤G, then HH is equal to its own normalizer; that is, H=NG(H)H=NG(H).
Proposition 4.2.14 Let GG be a finite group and let P≤GP≤G be a Sylow subgroup. If H⊲GH⊲G, then H∩PH∩P is a Sylow subgroup of HH and HP/HHP/H is a Sylow subgroup of G/HG/H.
Theorem 4.2.15 Let |G|=pq|G|=pq, where p>qp>q are primes. Then either GG is cyclic or G=⟨a,b⟩G=⟨a,b⟩, where bp=aq=1,aba−1=bmbp=aq=1,aba−1=bm, and mq≡1(modp)mq≡1(modp) but m≢1(modp)m≢1(modp). If q∤p−1q∤p−1, then the second case cannot occur.
By Cauchy's theorem, GG contains an element bb of order pp: let S=⟨b⟩S=⟨b⟩. Since SS has order pp, it has index qq. It follows from Proposition 3.4.15 that S⊲GS⊲G. Cauchy's theorem shows that GG contains an element aa of order qq; let T=⟨a⟩T=⟨a⟩. Now TT is a Sylow qq-subgroup of GG, so that the number cc of its conjugates is 1+kq1+kq for some k≥0k≥0. As above, either c=1c=1 or c=pc=p. If c=1c=1, then T⊲GT⊲G and G≅S×TG≅S×T, and so G≅Zp×Zq≅ZpqG≅Zp×Zq≅Zpq. In case c=kq+1=pc=kq+1=p, then q|p−1q|p−1, and TT is not a normal subgroup of GG. Since S⊲GS⊲G, aba−1=bmaba−1=bm for some mm; furthermore, we may assume that m≢1(modp)m≢1(modp) lest we return to the abelian case. It is easy to prove, by induction on jj, that ajba−j=bmjajba−j=bmj. In particular, if j=qj=q, then mq≡1(modp)mq≡1(modp).
Corollary 4.2.16 If p>qp>q are primes, then every group GG of order pqpq contains a normal subgroup of order pp. Moreover, if qq does not divide p−1p−1, then GG must be cyclic.
Proposition 4.2.17 If pp and qq are primes, then there is no simple group of order p2qp2q.
Chapter V. Normal Series
Some Galois Theory
We are going to assume in this exposition that every field FF is a subfield of an algebraically closed field CC. Thus, if f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x], the ring of all polynomials with coefficients in FF, and if f(x)f(x) has degree n≥1n≥1, then there are (not necessarily distinct) elements α1,…,αnα1,…,αn in CC (the roots of f(x)f(x)) and nonzero a∈Fa∈F so that
in C[x]C[x]. The intersection of any family of subfields of a field is itself a subfield; define the smallest subfield of CC containing a given subset XX as the intersection of all those subfields of CC containing XX. For example, if α∈Cα∈C, the smallest subfield of CC containing X=F∪{α}X=F∪{α} is
F(α)F(α) is called the subfield obtained from FF by adjoining αα. Similarly, one can define F(α1,…,αn)F(α1,…,αn), the subfield obtained from FF by adjoining α1,…,αnα1,…,αn. In particular, if f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x] and f(x)=(x−α1)(x−α2)…(x−αn)∈C[x]f(x)=(x−α1)(x−α2)…(x−αn)∈C[x], then F(α1,…,αn)F(α1,…,αn), the subfield obtained from FF by adjoining all the roots of f(x)f(x), is called the splitting field of f(x)f(x) over FF. Notice that the splitting field of f(x)f(x) does depend on FF.
Definition 5.1.1 Let f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x] have splitting field EE over FF. Then f(x)f(x) is solvable by radicals if there is a chain of subfields
in which E⊂KtE⊂Kt and each Ki+1Ki+1 is obtained from KiKi by adjoining a root of an element of KiKi; that is, Ki+1=Ki(βi+1)Ki+1=Ki(βi+1), where βi+1∈Ki+1βi+1∈Ki+1 and some power of βi+1βi+1 lies in KiKi.
Remark It can be shown that, for an arbitrary polynomial f(x)f(x), the concept of "f(x)f(x) is solvable by radicals" is equivalent to "there is a formula for the roots of f(x)f(x)".
Definition 5.1.2 If EE and E′E′ are fields, then a homomorphism is a function σ:E→E′σ:E→E′ such that, for all α,β∈Eα,β∈E,
if σσ is a bijection, then σσ is an isomorphism; an isomorphism σ:E→Eσ:E→E is called an automorphism.
Lemma 5.1.3 Let f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x], let EE be its splitting field over FF, and let σ:E→Eσ:E→E be an automorphism fixing FF (i.e., σ(a)=aσ(a)=a for all a∈Fa∈F). If α∈Eα∈E is a root of f(x)f(x), then σ(a)σ(a) is also a root of f(x)f(x).
If f(x)=∑aixif(x)=∑aixi, then 0=σ(f(α))=σ(∑aiαi)=∑σ(ai)σ(α)i=∑aiσ(α)i0=σ(f(α))=σ(∑aiαi)=∑σ(ai)σ(α)i=∑aiσ(α)i, and so σ(α)σ(α) is a root of f(x)f(x).
Lemma 5.1.4 Let FF be a subfield of KK, let {α1,…,αn}⊂K{α1,…,αn}⊂K, and let E=F(α1,…,αn)E=F(α1,…,αn). If K′K′ is a field containing FF as a subfield, and if σ:E→K′σ:E→K′ is a homomorphism fixing FF with σ(αi)=αiσ(αi)=αi for all ii, then σσ is the identity.
The proof is by induction on n≥1n≥1. If n=1n=1, then EE consists of all g(α1)/h(α1)g(α1)/h(α1), where g(x),h(x)∈F[x]g(x),h(x)∈F[x] and h(α1)≠0h(α1)≠0; clearly σσ fixes each such element. The inductive step is clear once we realizes that F(α1,…,αn)=F∗(αn)F(α1,…,αn)=F∗(αn), where F∗=F(α1,…,αn−1)F∗=F(α1,…,αn−1).
Definition 5.1.5 If FF is a subfield of EE, then the Galois group, denoted by Gal(E/F)Gal(E/F), is the group under composition of all those automorphisms of EE which fix FF. If f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x] and E=F(α1,…,αn)E=F(α1,…,αn) is the splitting field of f(x)f(x) over FF, then the Galois group of f(x)f(x) is Gal(E/F)Gal(E/F).
Theorem 5.1.6 Let f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x] and let X={α1,…,αn}X={α1,…,αn} be the set of its distinct roots (in its splitting field E=F(α1,…,αn)E=F(α1,…,αn) over FF). Then the function φ:Gal(E/F)→SX≅Snφ:Gal(E/F)→SX≅Sn, given by φ(σ)=σ|Xφ(σ)=σ∣∣X, is an imbedding; that is, φφ is completely determined by its action on XX.
If σ∈Gal(E/F)σ∈Gal(E/F), then Lemma 5.1.3 shows that σ(X)⊂Xσ(X)⊂X; σ|Xσ∣∣X is a bijection because σσ is an injection and XX is finite. It is easy to see that φφ is a homomorphism; it is an injection, by Lemma 5.1.4.
Not every permutation of the roots of a polynomial f(x)f(x) need arise from some σ∈Gal(E/F)σ∈Gal(E/F). For example, let f(x)=(x2−2)(x2−3)∈Q[x]f(x)=(x2−2)(x2−3)∈Q[x]. Then E=Q(√2,√3)E=Q(√2,√3) and there is no σ∈Gal(E/Q)σ∈Gal(E/Q) with σ(√2)=√3σ(√2)=√3.
Definition 5.1.7 If FF is a subfield of a field EE, then EE is a vector space over FF (if a∈Fa∈F and α∈Eα∈E, define scalar multiplication to be the given product aαaα of two elements of EE). The degree of EE over FF, denoted by [E:F][E:F], is the dimension of EE.
Proposition 5.1.8 Let p(x)∈F[x]p(x)∈F[x] be an irreducible polynomial of degree nn. If αα is a root of p(x)p(x) (in a splitting field), then {1,α,α2,…,αn−1}{1,α,α2,…,αn−1} is a basis of F(α)F(α) (viewed as a vector space over FF), and so we have that [F(α):F]=n[F(α):F]=n.
Proposition 5.1.9 Let F⊂E⊂KF⊂E⊂K be fields, where [K:E][K:E] and [E:F][E:F] are finite, then we have [K:F]=[K:E][E:F][K:F]=[K:E][E:F].
Proposition 5.1.10 Let EE be a splitting field over FF of some f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x], and let KK be a splitting field over EE of some g(x)∈E[x]g(x)∈E[x]. If σ∈Gal(K/F)σ∈Gal(K/F), then σ|E∈Gal(E/F)σ∣∣E∈Gal(E/F).
Lemma 5.1.11 Let p(x)∈F[x]p(x)∈F[x] be irreducible, and let αα and ββ be roots of p(x)p(x) in a splitting field of p(x)p(x) over FF. Then there exists an isomorphism λ∗:F(α)→F(β)λ∗:F(α)→F(β) which fixes FF and with λ∗(α)=βλ∗(α)=β.
By Proposition 5.1.8, every element of F(α)F(α) has a unique expression of the form a0+a1α+⋯+an−1αn−1a0+a1α+⋯+an−1αn−1. Define λ∗λ∗ by
λ∗(a0+a1α+⋯+an−1αn−1)=a0+a1β+⋯+an−1βn−1.λ∗(a0+a1α+⋯+an−1αn−1)=a0+a1β+⋯+an−1βn−1.It is easy to see that λ∗λ∗ is a field homomorphism; it is an isomorphism because its inverse can be constructed in the same manner.
Remark There is a generalization of this lemma having the same proof. Let λ:F→F′λ:F→F′ be an isomorphism of fields, let p(x)=a0+a1x+⋯+anxn∈F[x]p(x)=a0+a1x+⋯+anxn∈F[x] be an irreducible polynomial, and let p′(x)=λ(a0)+λ(a1)x+⋯+λ(an)xn∈F′[x]p′(x)=λ(a0)+λ(a1)x+⋯+λ(an)xn∈F′[x]. Finally, let αα be a root of p(x)p(x) and let ββ be a root of p′(x)p′(x) (in appropriate splitting fields). Then there is an isomorphism λ∗:F(α)→F′(β)λ∗:F(α)→F′(β) with λ∗(α)=βλ∗(α)=β and with λ∗|F=λλ∗∣∣F=λ.
Lemma 5.1.12 Let f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x], and let EE be its splitting field over FF. If KK is an "intermediate field", that is, F⊂K⊂EF⊂K⊂E, and if λ:K→Kλ:K→K is an automorphism fixing FF, then there is an automorphism λ∗:E→Eλ∗:E→E with λ∗|K=λλ∗∣∣K=λ.
The proof is by induction on d=[E:F]d=[E:F]. If d=1d=1, then E=KE=K, every root α1,…,αnα1,…,αn of f(x)f(x) lies in KK, and we may take λ∗=λλ∗=λ. If d>1d>1, then E≠KE≠K and there is some root αα of f(x)f(x) not lying in KK. Now αα is a root of some irreducible factor p(x)p(x) of f(x)f(x); since α∉Kα∉K, degree p(x)=k>1p(x)=k>1. By the generalized version of Lemma 5.1.11, there is β∈Eβ∈E and an isomorphism λ1:K(α)→K(β)λ1:K(α)→K(β) which extends λλ and with λ1(α)=βλ1(α)=β. By Proposition 5.1.9, [E:K(α)]=d/k<d[E:K(α)]=d/k<d. Now EE is the splitting field of f(x)f(x) over K(α)K(α), for it arises from K(α)K(α) by adjoining all the roots of f(x)f(x). Since all the inductive hypotheses have been verified, we conclude that λ1λ1, and hence λλ, can be extended to an automorphism of EE.
Remark As with the previous lemma, Lemma 5.1.12 has a more general version having the same proof. It says that if f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x], then any two (abstract) splitting fields of f(x)f(x) over FF are isomorphic.
Theorem 5.1.13 Let pp be a prime, let FF be a field containing a primitive ppth root of unity, say, ωω, and let f(x)=xp−a∈F[x]f(x)=xp−a∈F[x].
- If αα is a root of f(x)f(x) (in some splitting field), then f(x)f(x) is irreducible if and only if α∉Fα∉F.
- The splitting field EE of f(x)f(x) over FF is F(α)F(α).
- If f(x)f(x) is irreducible, then Gal(E/F)≅ZpGal(E/F)≅Zp.
- If α∈Fα∈F, then f(x)f(x) is not irreducible, for it has x−αx−α as a factor. Conversely, assume that f(x)=g(x)h(x)f(x)=g(x)h(x), where degree g(x)=k<pg(x)=k<p. Since the roots of f(x)f(x) are α,ωα,ω2α,…,ωp−1αα,ωα,ω2α,…,ωp−1α, every root of g(x)g(x) has the form ωiαωiα for some ii. If the constant term of g(x)g(x) is cc, then c=±ωrαkc=±ωrαk for some rr. As both cc and ωω lie in FF, it follows that αk∈Fαk∈F. But (k,p)=1(k,p)=1, because pp is prime, and so 1=ks+tp1=ks+tp for some integers ss and tt. Thus
- Immediate from the observation that the roots of f(x)f(x) are of the form ωiαωiα.
- If σ∈Gal(E/F)σ∈Gal(E/F), then σ(α)=ωiασ(α)=ωiα for some ii, by Lemma 5.1.3. Define φ:Gal(E/F)→Zpφ:Gal(E/F)→Zp by φ(σ)=[i]φ(σ)=[i], the congruence class of ii mod pp. It is easy to check that φφ is a homomorphism; it is an injection, by Lemma 5.1.4. Since f(x)f(x) is irreducible, by hypotheses, Lemma 5.1.11 shows that Gal(E/F)≠1Gal(E/F)≠1. Therefore, φφ is a surjection, for ZpZp has no proper subgroups.
Theorem 5.1.14 Let f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x], let EE be the splitting field of f(x)f(x) over FF, and assume that f(x)f(x) has no repeated roots in EE (i.e., f(x)f(x) has no factor of the form (x−α)2(x−α)2 in E[x]E[x]). Then f(x)f(x) is irreducible if and only if Gal(E/F)Gal(E/F) acts transitively on the set XX of all the roots of f(x)f(x).
Remark It can be shown that if FF has characteristic 00 or if FF is finite, then every irreducible polynomial in F[x]F[x] has no repeated roots.
Note first that Lemma 5.1.3 shows that Gal(E/F)Gal(E/F) does act on XX. If f(x)f(x) is irreducible, then Lemma 5.1.11 shows that Gal(E/F)Gal(E/F) acts transitively on XX. Conversely, assume that there is a factorization f(x)=g(x)h(x)f(x)=g(x)h(x) in F[x]F[x]. In E[x]E[x], g(x)=∏(x−αi)g(x)=∏(x−αi) and h(x)=∏(x−βj)h(x)=∏(x−βj); since f(x)f(x) has no repeated roots, αi≠βjαi≠βj for all i,ji,j. But Gal(E/F)Gal(E/F) acts transitively on the roots of f(x)f(x), so there exists σ∈Gal(E/F)σ∈Gal(E/F) with σ(α1)=β1σ(α1)=β1, and this contradicts Lemma 5.1.3.
It is easy to see that if α1α1 is a root of f(x)f(x), then the stabilizer of α1α1 is Gal(E/F(α1))≤Gal(E/F)Gal(E/F(α1))≤Gal(E/F), and Gal(E/F(α1))Gal(E/F(α1)) is the Galois group of f(x)/(x−α1)f(x)/(x−α1) over F(α1)F(α1). Thus, f(x)/(x−α1)f(x)/(x−α1) is irreducible (over F(α1)F(α1)) if and only if Gal(E/F(α1))Gal(E/F(α1)) acts transitively on the remaining roots.
Theorem 5.1.15 Let F⊂K⊂EF⊂K⊂E be fields, where KK and EE are splitting fields of polynomials over FF. Then Gal(E/K)⊲Gal(E/F)Gal(E/K)⊲Gal(E/F) and
The functioni Φ:Gal(E/F)→Gal(K/F)Φ:Gal(E/F)→Gal(K/F), given by Φ(σ)=σ|KΦ(σ)=σ∣∣K, is well defined (by Proposition 5.1.10, for KK is a splitting field), and it is easily seen to be a homomorphism. The kernel of ΦΦ consists of all those automorphisms which fix KK; that is, kerΦ=Gal(E/K)kerΦ=Gal(E/K), and so this subgroup is normal. We claim that ΦΦ is a surjection. If λ∈Gal(K/F)λ∈Gal(K/F), that is, λλ is an automorphism of KK which fixes FF, then λλ can be extended to an automorphism λ∗λ∗ of EE (by Lemma 5.1.12, for EE is a splitting field). Therefore, λ∗∈Gal(E/F)λ∗∈Gal(E/F) and Φ(λ∗)=λ∗|K=λΦ(λ∗)=λ∗∣∣K=λ. The first isomorphism theorem completes the proof.
Proposition 5.1.16 Let f(x)=xn−a∈F[x]f(x)=xn−a∈F[x], let EE be the splitting field of f(x)f(x) over FF, and let α∈Eα∈E be an nnth root of aa. Then there are subfields
with Ki+1=Ki(βi+1),βp(i)i+1∈KiKi+1=Ki(βi+1),βp(i)i+1∈Ki, and p(i)p(i) prime for all ii.
Theorem 5.1.17 (Galois) Let f(x)∈F[x]f(x)∈F[x] be a polynomial of degree nn, let FF contain all ppth roots of unity for every prime pp dividing n!n!, and let EE be the splitting field of f(x)f(x) over FF. If f(x)f(x) is solvable by radicals, then there exist subgroups Gi≤G=Gal(E/F)Gi≤G=Gal(E/F) such that:
- G=G0≥G1≥⋯≥Gt=1G=G0≥G1≥⋯≥Gt=1;
- Gi+1⊲GiGi+1⊲Gi for all ii; and
- Gi/Gi+1Gi/Gi+1 is cyclic of prime order for all ii.
- The hypothesis that FF contains various roots of unity can be eliminated.
- If FF has characteristic 00, then the converse of this theorem is also true.
Definition 5.1.18 A normal series of a group GG is a sequence of subgroups
The factor groups of this normal series are the groups Gi/Gi+1Gi/Gi+1 for all ii; the length of the normal series is the number of strict inclusions; that is, the length is the number of nontrivial factor groups.
Definition 5.1.19 A finite group GG is solvable if it has a normal series whose factor groups are cyclic of prime order.
In this terminology, Theorem 5.1.17 and its converse say that a polynomial is solvable by radicals if and only if its Galois group is a solvable group.
The Jordan-Hölder Theorem
Definition 5.2.1 A normal series
is a refinement of a normal series
if G0,G1,…,GnG0,G1,…,Gn is a subsequence of H0,H1,⋯,HmH0,H1,⋯,Hm.
Definition 5.2.2 A composition series is a normal series
in which, for all ii, either Gi+1Gi+1 is a maximal normal subgroup of GiGi or Gi+1=GiGi+1=Gi.
Every refinement of a composition series is also a composition series; it can only repeat some of the original terms.
Proposition 5.2.3 A normal series is a composition series if and only if its factor groups are either simple or trivial.
Proposition 5.2.4
- Every finite group has a composition series.
- An abelian group has a composition series if and only if it is finite.
Proposition 5.2.5 If GG is a finite group having a normal series with factor groups H0,H1,…,HnH0,H1,…,Hn, then |G|=∏|Hi||G|=∏|Hi|.
Definition 5.2.6 Two normal series of a group GG are equivalent if there is a bijection between their nontrivial factor groups such that corresponding factor groups are isomorphic.
Lemma 5.2.7 (Zassenhaus Lemma) Let A⊲A∗A⊲A∗ and B⊲B∗B⊲B∗ be four subgroups of a group GG. Then
and there is an isomorphism
Both AA and A∗∩B∗A∗∩B∗ are subgroups of A∗A∗, and A⊲A∗A⊲A∗. By the second isomorphism theorem, A∩B∗=A∩(A∗∩B∗)⊲A∗∩B∗A∩B∗=A∩(A∗∩B∗)⊲A∗∩B∗; similarly, A∗∩B⊲A∗∩B∗A∗∩B⊲A∗∩B∗. It follows from Lemma 2.6.3 and Proposition 2.4.17 that D=(A∗∩B)(A∩B∗)D=(A∗∩B)(A∩B∗) is a normal subgroup of A∗∩B∗A∗∩B∗.
If x∈B(B∗∩A∗)x∈B(B∗∩A∗), then x=bcx=bc for b∈Bb∈B and c∈B∗∩A∗c∈B∗∩A∗. Define f:B(B∗∩A)→(A∗∩B∗)/Df:B(B∗∩A)→(A∗∩B∗)/D by f(x)=f(bc)=cDf(x)=f(bc)=cD. To see that ff is well defined, assume that x=bc=b′c′x=bc=b′c′, where b′∈Bb′∈B and c′∈B∗∩Ac′∈B∗∩A; then c′c−1=b′−1b∈(B∗∩A∗)∩B=B∩A∗≤Dc′c−1=b′−1b∈(B∗∩A∗)∩B=B∩A∗≤D. It is routine to check that ff is a surjective homomorphism with kernel B(B∗∩A)B(B∗∩A). The first isomorphism theorem gives B(B∗∩A)⊲B(B∗∩A∗)B(B∗∩A)⊲B(B∗∩A∗) and
B(B∗∩A∗)B(B∗∩A)≅B∗∩A∗D.B(B∗∩A∗)B(B∗∩A)≅B∗∩A∗D.Transposing the symbols AA and BB gives A(A∗∩B)⊲A(A∗∩B∗)A(A∗∩B)⊲A(A∗∩B∗) and an isomorphism of the corresponding quotient group to (B∗∩A∗)/D(B∗∩A∗)/D. It follows that the two quotient groups in the statement are isomorphic.
Theorem 5.2.8 (Schreier Refinement Theorem) Every two normal series of an arbitrary group GG have refinements that are equivalent.
G=H0⊳H1⊳⋯⊳Hm=1G=H0⊳H1⊳⋯⊳Hm=1be normal series. Insert a "copy" of the second series between each GiGi and Gi+1Gi+1. More precisely, define Gi,j=Gi+1(Gi∩Hj)Gi,j=Gi+1(Gi∩Hj) for all 0≤j≤m0≤j≤m. Thus
Gi,j=Gi+1(Gi∩Hj)≥Gi+1(Gi∩Hj+1)=Gi,j+1.Gi,j=Gi+1(Gi∩Hj)≥Gi+1(Gi∩Hj+1)=Gi,j+1.Notice that Gi,0=GiGi,0=Gi because H0=GH0=G and that Gi,m=Gi+1Gi,m=Gi+1 because Hm=1Hm=1. Moreoever, setting A=Gi+1,A∗=Gi,B=Hj+1A=Gi+1,A∗=Gi,B=Hj+1, and B∗=HjB∗=Hj in the Zassenhaus lemma shows that Gi,j+1⊲Gi,jGi,j+1⊲Gi,j. It follows that the sequence
G0,0⊳G0,1⊳⋯⊳G0,m⊳G1,0⊳⋯⊳Gn−1,0⊳⋯⊳Gn−1,m=1G0,0⊳G0,1⊳⋯⊳G0,m⊳G1,0⊳⋯⊳Gn−1,0⊳⋯⊳Gn−1,m=1is a refinement of the first normal series (with mnmn terms). Similarly, if Hi,jHi,j is defined to be Hj+1(Hj∩Gi)Hj+1(Hj∩Gi), then Hi,j≥Hi+1,jHi,j≥Hi+1,j and
H0,0⊳H1,0⊳⋯⊳Hn,0⊳H0,1⊳⋯⊳H0,m−1⊳⋯⊳Hn,m−1=1H0,0⊳H1,0⊳⋯⊳Hn,0⊳H0,1⊳⋯⊳H0,m−1⊳⋯⊳Hn,m−1=1is a refinement of the second normal series (with mnmn terms). Finally, the function pairing Gi,j/Gi,j+1Gi,j/Gi,j+1 with Hi,j/Hi+1,jHi,j/Hi+1,j is a bijection, and the Zassenhaus lemma (with A=Gi+1,A∗=Gi,B=Gj+1A=Gi+1,A∗=Gi,B=Gj+1, and B∗=HjB∗=Hj) shows that corresponding factor groups are isomorphic. Therefore, the two refinements are equivalent.
Theorem 5.2.9 (Jordan-Hölder) Every two composition series of a group GG are equivalent.
Composition series are normal series, so that every two composition series of GG have equivalent refinements. But a composition series is a normal series of maximal length; a refinement of it merely repeats several of its terms, and so its new factor groups have order 11. Therefore, two composition series of GG are equivalent.
Definition 5.2.10 If GG has a composition series, then the factor groups of this series are called the composition factors of GG.
Remark The Jordan-Hölder Theorem can be regarded as a unique factorization theorem.
Proposition 5.2.11 Let GG and HH be finite groups. If there are normal series of GG and of HH having the same set of factor groups, then GG and HH have the same composition factors.
Proposition 5.2.12 If n≥5n≥5, then SnSn is not solvable.
Proposition 5.2.13 Assume that G=H1×⋯×Hn=K1×⋯×KmG=H1×⋯×Hn=K1×⋯×Km, where each HiHi and KjKj is simple. Then we have that m=nm=n and there is a permutation ππ of {1,2,…,n}{1,2,…,n} with Kπ(i)≅HiKπ(i)≅Hi for all ii.
Solvable Groups
Definition 5.3.1 A solvable series of a group GG is a normal series all of whose factor groups are abelian. A group GG is solvable if it has a solvable series.
Remark Previously we have defined a "solvability" in Definition 5.1.18. The equivalence of these two definitions can be easily seen since we can always find in any abelian group GG a cyclic subgroup of some prime order, which is also a normal subgroup of GG.
Theroem 5.3.2 Every subgroup HH of a solvable group GG is itself solvable.
If G=G0⊳G1⊳⋯⊳Gn=1G=G0⊳G1⊳⋯⊳Gn=1 is a solvable series, consider the series H=H0≥(H∩G1)≥⋯≥(H∩Gn)=1H=H0≥(H∩G1)≥⋯≥(H∩Gn)=1. This is a normal series of HH, for the second isomorphism theorem gives H∩Gi+1=(H∩Gi)∩Gi+1⊲H∩GiH∩Gi+1=(H∩Gi)∩Gi+1⊲H∩Gi for all ii. Now (H∩Gi)/(H∩Gi+1)≅Gi+1(H∩Gi)/Gi+1≤Gi/Gi+1(H∩Gi)/(H∩Gi+1)≅Gi+1(H∩Gi)/Gi+1≤Gi/Gi+1; as Gi/Gi+1Gi/Gi+1 is abelian, so is any of its subgroups. Therefore, HH has a solvable series.
Theroem 5.3.3 Every quotient of a solvable group is solvable.
It suffices to prove that if GG is a solvable group and f:G→Hf:G→H is a surjection, then HH is a solvable group. If
G=G0⊳G1⊳⋯⊳Gt=1G=G0⊳G1⊳⋯⊳Gt=1is a solvable series, then
H=f(G0)⊳f(G1)⊳⋯⊳f(Gt)=1H=f(G0)⊳f(G1)⊳⋯⊳f(Gt)=1is a normal series for HH: if f(xi+1)∈f(Gi+1)f(xi+1)∈f(Gi+1) and f(xi)∈f(Gi)f(xi)∈f(Gi), then f(xi)f(xi+1)f(xi)−1=f(xixi+1x−1i)∈f(Gi+1)f(xi)f(xi+1)f(xi)−1=f(xixi+1x−1i)∈f(Gi+1), and so f(Gi+1)⊲f(Gi)f(Gi+1)⊲f(Gi) for every ii. The map φ:f(Gi)/f(Gi+1)φ:f(Gi)/f(Gi+1), defined by xi↦f(xi)/f(Gi+1)xi↦f(xi)/f(Gi+1), is a surjection, for it is the composite of the surjections Gi→f(Gi)Gi→f(Gi) and the natural map f(Gi)→f(Gi)/f(Gi+1)f(Gi)→f(Gi)/f(Gi+1). Since Gi+1≤kerφGi+1≤kerφ, this map φφ includes a surjection Gi/Gi+1→f(Gi)/f(Gi+1)Gi/Gi+1→f(Gi)/f(Gi+1), namely, xiGi+1↦f(xi)f(Gi+1)xiGi+1↦f(xi)f(Gi+1). Now f(Gi)/f(Gi+1)f(Gi)/f(Gi+1) is a quotient of the abelian group Gi/Gi+1Gi/Gi+1, and so it is abelian. Therefore, HH has a solvable series, and hence it is a solvable group.
Theorem 5.3.4 If H⊲GH⊲G and if both HH and G/HG/H are solvable, then GG is solvable.
G/H⊳K∗1⊳K∗2⊳⋯⊳K∗n=1G/H⊳K∗1⊳K∗2⊳⋯⊳K∗n=1be a solvable series. By the correspondence theorem, we can construct a sequence looking like the beginning of a solvable series from GG to HH; that is, there are subgroups KiKi (with H≤KiH≤Ki and Ki/H≅K∗iKi/H≅K∗i) such that
G⊳K1⊳K2⊳⋯⊳Kn=H,G⊳K1⊳K2⊳⋯⊳Kn=H,and Ki/Ki+1(≅K∗i/K∗i+1)Ki/Ki+1(≅K∗i/K∗i+1) is abelian. Since HH is solvable, it has a solvable series; if we splice these two sequences together at HH, we obtain a solvable series for GG.
Corollary 5.3.5 If HH and KK are solvable groups, then H×KH×K is solvable.
Theorem 5.3.6 Every finite pp-group GG is solvable.
The proof is by induction on |G||G|. By Theorem 4.1.6, |Z(G)|≠1|Z(G)|≠1. Therefore, G/Z(G)G/Z(G) is a pp-group of order <|G|<|G|, and hence it is solvable, by induction. Since every abelian group is solvable, Z(G)Z(G) is solvable. Therefore, GG is solvable, by Theorem 5.3.4.
Definition 5.3.7 The higher commutator subgroups of GG are defined inductively:
that is, G(i+1)G(i+1) is the commutator subgroup of G(i)G(i). The series
is called the derived series of GG.
Definition 5.3.8 An automorphism of a group GG is an isomorphism φ:G→Gφ:G→G. A subgroup HH of GG is called characteristic in GG, denoted by H char GH char G, if φ(H)=Hφ(H)=H for every automorphism φφ of GG.
If φ(H)≤Hφ(H)≤H for every automorphism φφ, then H char GH char G. For each a∈Ga∈G, conjugation by aa (i.e., x↦axa−1x↦axa−1) is an automorphism of GG; it follows at once that every characteristic subgroup is a normal subgroup.
Lemma 5.3.9
- If H char KH char K and K char GK char G, then H char GH char G.
- If H char KH char K and K⊲GK⊲G, then H⊲GH⊲G.
- If φφ is an automorphism of GG, then φ(K)=Kφ(K)=K, and so the restriction φ|K:K→Kφ∣∣K:K→K is an automorphism of KK; since H char KH char K, it follows that φ(H)=(φ|K)(H)=Hφ(H)=(φ∣∣K)(H)=H.
- Let a∈Ga∈G and let φ:G→Gφ:G→G be conjugation by aa. Since K⊲GK⊲G, φ|Kφ∣∣K is an automorphism of KK; since H char KH char K, (φ|K)(H)≤H(φ∣∣K)(H)≤H. This says that if h∈Hh∈H, then aha−1=φ(h)∈Haha−1=φ(h)∈H.
Theorem 5.3.10 For every group GG, the higher commutator subgroups are characteristic, hence normal subgroups.
The proof is by induction on i≥1i≥1. Recall that the commutator subgroup G′=G(1)G′=G(1) is generated by all commutators; that is, by all elements of the form aba−1b−1aba−1b−1. If φφ is an automorphism of GG, then φ(aba−1b−1)=φ(a)φ(b)φ(a)−1φ(b)−1φ(aba−1b−1)=φ(a)φ(b)φ(a)−1φ(b)−1 is also a commutator, and so φ(G′)≤G′φ(G′)≤G′. For the inductive step, we have just shown that G(i+1) char G(i)G(i+1) char G(i); since G(i) char GG(i) char G, by induction, Lemma 5.3.9(i) shows that G(i+1)G(i+1) is characteristic in GG.
Lemma 5.3.11 If G=G0⊳G1⊳⋯⊳Gn=1G=G0⊳G1⊳⋯⊳Gn=1 is a solvable series, then Gi≥G(i)Gi≥G(i) for all ii.
The proof is by induction on i≥0i≥0. If i=0i=0, then G0=G=G(0)G0=G=G(0). For the inductive step, Theorem 2.5.4 gives Gi+1≥G′iGi+1≥G′i, since Gi/Gi+1Gi/Gi+1 is abelian. The inductive hypothesis gives Gi≥G(i)Gi≥G(i), so that G′i≥G(i)′=G(i+1)G′i≥G(i)′=G(i+1). Therefore, Gi+1≥G(i+1)Gi+1≥G(i+1), as desired.
Theorem 5.3.12 A group GG is solvable if and only if G(n)=1G(n)=1 for some nn.
Definition 5.3.13 A normal subgroup HH of a group GG is a minimal normal subgroup if H≠1H≠1 and there is no normal subgroup KK of GG with 1<K<H1<K<H.
Theorem 5.3.14 If GG is a finite solvable group, then every minimal normal subgroup is elementary abelian.
Let VV be a minimal normal subgroup of GG. Now Lemma 5.3.9(ii) says that if H char VH char V, then H⊲GH⊲G; since VV is minimal, either H=1H=1 or H=VH=V. In particular, V′ char VV′ char V, so that either V′=1V′=1 or V′=VV′=V. Since GG is solvable, so is its subgroup VV. It follows from Theorem 5.3.12 that V′=VV′=V cannot occur here, so that V′=1V′=1 and so VV is abelian. Since VV is abelian, a Sylow pp-subgroup PP of VV, for any prime pp, is characteristic in VV; therefore, VV is an abelian pp-group. But {x∈V:xp=1} char V{x∈V:xp=1} char V, and so VV is elementary abelian.
Theorem 5.3.15 A finite group GG with no characteristic subgroups other than GG and 11 is either simple or a direct product of isomorphic simple groups.
Choose a minimal normal subgroup HH of GG whose order is minimal among all nontrivial normal subgroups. Write H=H1H=H1, and consider all subgroups of GG of the form H1×H2×⋯×HnH1×H2×⋯×Hn, where n≥1n≥1, Hi⊲GHi⊲G, and Hi≅HHi≅H. Let MM be such a subgroup of largest possible order. We know that M=GM=G by showing that M char GM char G; to see this, it suffices to show that φ(Hi)≤Mφ(Hi)≤M for every ii and every automorphism φφ of GG. Of course, φ(Hi)≅H=H1φ(Hi)≅H=H1. We show that φ(Hi)⊲Gφ(Hi)⊲G. If a∈Ga∈G, then a=φ(b)a=φ(b) for some b∈Gb∈G, and aφ(Hi)a−1=φ(b)φ(Hi)φ(b)−1=φ(bHib−1)≤φ(Hi)aφ(Hi)a−1=φ(b)φ(Hi)φ(b)−1=φ(bHib−1)≤φ(Hi), because Hi⊲GHi⊲G. If φ(Hi)≰Mφ(Hi)≰M, then φ(Hi)∩M≰φ(Hi)φ(Hi)∩M≰φ(Hi) and |φ(Hi)∩M|<|φ(Hi)|=|H||φ(Hi)∩M|<|φ(Hi)|=|H|. But φ(Hi)∩M⊲Gφ(Hi)∩M⊲G, and so the minimality of |H||H| shows that φ(Hi)∩M=1φ(Hi)∩M=1. The subgroup ⟨M,φ(Hi)⟩=M×φ(Hi)⟨M,φ(Hi)⟩=M×φ(Hi) is a subgroup of the same type as MM but of largere order, a contradiction. We conclude that M char GM char G, and so M=GM=G. Finally, H=H1H=H1 must be simple: if NN is a nontrivial normal subgroup of HH, then NN is a normal subgroup of M=H1×H2×⋯×Hn=GM=H1×H2×⋯×Hn=G, and this contradicts the minimal choice of HH.
Corollary 5.3.16 A minimal normal subgroup HH of a finite group GG is either simple or a direct product of isomorphic simple subgroups.
Proposition 5.3.17 If SS and TT are solvable subgroups of GG with S⊲GS⊲G, then STST is solvable.
Proposition 5.3.18 Every finite group GG has a unique maximal normal solvable subgroup S(G); moreover, G/S(G) has no nontrivial normal solvable subgroups.
Proposition 5.3.19 Let G be a finite group of order >1. If G is solvable, then G contains a nontrivial normal abelian subgroup; if G is not solvable, then G contains a nontrivial normal subgroup H with H=H′.
Theorem 5.3.20 (Burnside's Theorem) If p and q are primes, then every group of order pmqn is solvable.
Proposition 5.3.21
- If H⊲G and (|H|,[G:H])=1, then H char G.
- If H char G and H≤K≤G, then K/H char G/H implies K char G.
Proposition 5.3.22 Let G be a group, then Z(G) char G.
Two Theorems of P.Hall
Theorem 5.4.1 (P.Hall) If G is a solvable group of order ab, where (a,b)=1, then G contains a subgroup of order a. Moreover, any two subgroups of order a are conjugate.
The proof is by induction on |G|; the base step is trivially true.
Case 1. G contains a normal subgroup H of order a′b′, where a′|a,b′|b, and b′<b.
Existence. In this case, G/H is a solvable group of order (a/a′)(b/b′), which is strictly less than ab; by induction, G/H has a subgroup A/H of order a/a′. Now A has order (a/a′)|H|=ab′<ab; since A is solvable, it has a subgroup of order a, as desired.
Conjugacy. Let A and A′ be subgroups of G of order a, and let k=|AH|. Since AH≤G, Lagrange's theorem gives |AH|=αβ, where α|a and β|b, we have a′b′|αβ, so that b′|β. But the product formula gives k|aa′b′, so that β|b′. We conclude that |AH|=k=ab′. A similar calculation shows that |A′H|=ab′ as well. Thus, AH/H and A′H/H are subgroups of G/H of order a/a′. As |G/H|=(a/a′)(b/b′), these subgroups are conjugate, by induction, say by xH∈G/H. It is quickly checked that xAHx−1=A′H. Therefore, xAx−1 and A′ are subgroups of A′H of order a, and so they are conjugate, by induction.
If there is some proper normal subgroup of G whose order is not divisible by b, then the theorem has been proved. We may, therefore, assume that b||H| for every proper normal subgroup H. If H is a minimal normal subgroup, however, then Theorem 5.3.14 says that H is an (elementary) abelian p-group for some prime p. It may thus be assumed that b=pm, so that H is a Sylow p-subgroup of G. Normality of H forces H to be unique (for all Sylow p-subgroups are conjugate). The problem has now been reduced to the following case.
Case 2. |G|=apm, where p∤a, and G has a normal abelian Sylow p-subgroup H, which is the unique minimal normal subgroup in G.
Existence. The group G/H is a solvable group of order a. If K/H is a minimal normal subgroup of G/H, then |K/H|=qn for some prime q≠p, and so |K|=pmqn; if Q is a Sylow q-subgroup of K, then K=HQ. Let N∗=NG(Q) and let N=N∗∩K=NK(Q). We claim that |N∗|=a.
The Fratiini argument gives G=KN∗. Since G/K=KN∗/K≅N∗/(N∗∩K)=N∗/N, we have |N∗|=|G||N|/|K|. But K=HQ and Q≤N≤K gives K=HN; hence |K|=|HN|=|H||N|/|H∩N|, so that
|N∗|=|G||N|/|K|=|G||N||H∩N|/|H||N|=(|G|/|H|)|H∩N|=a|H∩N|.Hence |N∗|=a if H∩N=1. We show that H∩N=1 in two stages: (i) H∩N=Z(K); and (ii) Z(K)=1.
(i). Let x∈H∩N. Every k∈K=HQ has the form k=hs for h∈H and s∈Q. Now x commutes with h, for H is abelian, and so it suffices to show that x commutes with s. But (xsx−1)s−1∈Q, because x normalizes Q, and x(sx−1s−1)∈H, because H is normal; therefore, xsx−1s−1∈Q∩H=1.
(ii). By Lemma 5.3.9(ii), Z(K)⊲G. If Z(K)≠1, then it contains a minimal subgroup which must be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Hence H≤Z(K), for H is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G. But since K=HQ, it follows that Q char K. Thus Q⊲G, by Lemma 5.3.9(ii), and so H≤Q, a contradiction. Therefore, Z(K)=1,H∩N=1, and |N∗|=a.
Conjugacy. We keep the notation of the existence proof. Recall that N∗=NG(Q) has order a; let A be another subgroup of G of order a. Since |AK| is divisible by a and by |K|=pmqn, it follows that |AK|=ab=|G|,AK=G, and G/K=AK/K≅A/(A∩K), and |A∩K|=qn. By the Sylow theorem, A∩K is conjugate to Q. As conjugate subgroups have conjugate normalizers, by Proposition 3.1.9(i), N∗=NG(Q) is conjugate to NG(A∩K), and so a=|N∗|=|NG(A∩K)|. Since A∩K⊲A, we have A≤NG(A∩K) and so A=NG(A∩K) since they both have order a. Therefore, A is conjugate to N∗.
Definition 5.4.2 If G is a finite group, then a Hall subgroup H of G is a subgroup whose order and index are relatively prime; that is, (|H|,[G:H])=1.
Definition 5.4.3 If π is a set of primes, then a π-number is an integer n all of whose prime factors lie in π; the complement of π is denoted by π′, and so a π′-number is an integer n none of whose prime factors lies in π.
Definition 5.4.4 If π is a set of primes, then a group is a π-group if the order of each of its elements is a π-number; a group is a π′-group if the order of each of its elements is a π′-number.
Remark It is obvious that every Sylow p-subgroup in a finite group is a Hall p-subgroup, and Hall's theorem says that Hall π-subgroups always exists in finite solvable groups. However, Hall π-subgroups with |π|≥2 of a group G need not exist.
Definition 5.4.5 If p is a prime, and G is a finite group of order apn, where a is a p′-number, then a p-complement of G is a subgroup of order a.
Hall's theorem implies that a finite solvable group has a p-complement for every prime p.
Theorem 5.4.6 (P.Hall) If G is a finite group having a p-complement for every prime p, then G is solvable.
We proceed by induction on |G|; assume, on the contrary, that there are nonsolvable groups satisfying the hypotheses, and choose one such, say, G, of smallest order. If G has nontrivial normal subgroup N, and if H is any Hall p′-subgroup of G, then checking orders shows that H∩N is a Hall p′-subgroup of N and HN/N is a Hall p′-subgroup of G/N. Since both N and G/N have order smaller than |G|, it follows that both N and G/N are solvable. But Theorem 5.3.4 now shows that G is solvable, a contradiction.
We may assume, therefore, that G is simple, Let |G|=pe11…penn, where the pi are distinct primes and ei>0 for all i. For each i, let Hi be a Hall p′i-subgroup of G, so that [G:Hi]=peii, and thus |Hi|=∏j≠ipejj. If D=H3∩⋯∩Hn, then [G:D]=∏ni=3peii, by Proposition 3.4.12, and so |D|=pe11pe22. Now D is a solvable group, by Burnside's theorem. If N is a minimal normal subgroup of D, then Theorem 5.3.14 says that N is elementary abelian; for notation, assume that N is a p1-group, then Proposition 3.4.12 shows that [G:D∩H2]=∏ni=2peii, so that |D∩H2|=pe11 and D∩H2 is a Sylow p1-subgroup of D. By Proposition 4.2.10, N≤D∩H2 and so N≤H2. But, as above, |D∩H1|=pe22, and comparison of orders gives G=H2(D∩H1). If g∈G, then g=hd, where h∈H2 and d∈D∩H1; if x∈N, then gxg−1=hdxd−1h−1=hyh−1 (where y=dxd−1∈N, because N⊲D) and hyh−1∈H2 (because N≤H2). Therefore, NG≤H2, where NG is the normal subgroup of G generated by N. Since H2<G, NG≠1 is a proper normal subgroup of G, and this contradicts the assumption that G is simple.
Proposition 5.4.7 If G is a finite group and H is a normal Hall subgroup, then H char G.
Definition 5.4.8 Let G be a finite group. If π is a set of primes, define Oπ(G) to be the subgroup of G generated by all the normal π-subgroups of G.
By definition we know that Oπ(G) is a characteristic subgroup of G.
Proposition 5.4.9 Let G be a finite group, then Oπ(G) is the intersection of all the maximal π-subgroups of G.
Central Series and Nilpotent Groups
Definition 5.5.1 If H,K≤G, then
where [h,k] is the commutator hkh−1k−1.
It is easily observed that [H,K]≤G, and G(i+1)=[G(i),G(i)].
We say that a subgroup K normalizes H if K≤NG(H). It is easy to see that K normalizes H if and only if [H,K]≤H.
We say that a subgroup K centralizes H if K≤CG(H). It is easy to see that K centralizes H if and only if [H,K]=1.
If x,y∈G and [x,y]∈K, where K⊲G, then x and y "commute mod K"; that is, xKyK=yKxK in G/K.
Lemma 5.5.2
- If K⊲G and K≤H≤G, then [H,G]≤K if and only if H/K≤Z(G/K).
- If H,K≤G and f:G→L is a homomorphism, then f([H,K])=[f(H),f(K)].
- If h∈H and g∈G, then hKgK=gKhK if and only if [h,g]K=K if and only if [h,g]∈K.
- Both sides are generated by all f([h,k])=[f(h),f(k)].
Definition 5.5.3 Define characteristic subgroups Ci(G) of G by induction:
It is easy to check that C1(G)=G′=G(1) and Ci+1(G)≤Ci(G). Moreover, Lemma 5.5.2(i) shows that [Ci(G),G]=Ci+1(G) gives Ci(G)/Ci+1(G)≤Z(G/Ci+1(G)).
Definition 5.5.4 The lower central series (or descending central series) of G is the series
(this need not be a normal series because it may not reach 1).
Definition 5.5.5 The higher centers Ci(G) are the characteristic subgroups of G defined by induction:
that is, if νi:G→G/Ci(G) is the natural map, then Ci+1(G) is the inverse image of the center.
It is obvious that C1(G)=Z(G).
Definition 5.5.6 The upper central series (or ascending central series) of G is
Theorem 5.5.7 If G is a group, then there is an integer n with Cn(G)=G if and only if Cn(G)=1. Moreover, in this case, Ci(G)≤Cn−i(G) for all i.
Assume that Cn(G)=G, and let us prove that the inclusion holds by induction on i. If i=0, then C0(G)=Cn(G). If Ci(G)≤Cn−i(G), then
Ci+1(G)=[Ci(G),G]≤[Cn−i(G),G]≤Cn−i−1(G)the last inclusion follwing from Lemma 5.5.2. In particular, if i=n, then Cn(G)≤C0(G)=1.
Assume that Cn(G)=1, and let us prove that Cn−j(G)≤Cj(G) by induction on j. If j=0, then Cn(G)=1=C0(G). If Cn−j(G)≤Cj(G), then the third isomorphism theorem gives a surjective homomorphism G/Cn−j(G)→G/Cj(G). Now [Cn−j−1(G),G]=Cn−j(G), so that Lemma 5.5.2 gives Cn−j−1(G)/Cn−j(G)≤Z(G/Cn−j(G)). So we have
Cn−j−1(G)Cj(G)/Cj(G)≤Z(G/Cj(G))=Cj+1(G)/Cj(G).Therefore, Cn−j−1(G)≤Cn−j−1(G)Cj(G)≤Cj+1(G), as desired. In particular, if j=c, then G=C0(G)≤Cn(G).
Theorem 5.5.8 (Schur) If G is a group with G/Z(G) finite, then G′ is also finite.
Let g1,…,gn be representatives of the cosets of Z(G) in G; that is, each x∈G has the form x=giz for some i and some z∈Z(G). For all x,y∈G, we have [x,y]=[giz,gjz′]=[gi,gj]. Hence, every commutator has the form [gi,gj] for some i,j, so that G′ has a finite number (<n2) of generators.
Each element g′∈G′ can be written as a word c1⋯ct, where each ci is a commutator. It suffices to prove that if a factorization of g′ is chosen so that t=t(g′) is minimal, then t(g′)<n3 for all g′∈G′.
We prove first, by induction on r≥1, that if a,b∈G, then [a,b]r=(aba−1b−1)r=(ab)r(a−1b−1)ru, where u is a product of r−1 commutators. This is obvious when r=1. Note, for the inductive step, that if x,y∈G, then xy=yxx−1y−1xy=yx[x−1,y−1]; that is, xy=yxc for some commutator c. Thus, if r>1, then
(aba−1b−1)r+1=aba−1b−1(aba−1b−1)r=ab(a−1b−1)((ab)r(a−1b−1)r)u=ab((ab)r(a−1b−1)r)(a−1b−1)cufor some commutator c, as desired.
Since yx=x−1(xy)x, we have (yx)n=x−1(xy)nx=(xy)n, because [G:Z(G)]=n implies (ab)n∈Z(G). Therefore, (a−1b−1)n=((ba)−1)n=((ba)n)−1=((ab)n)−1. It follows that [a,b]n is a product of n−1 commutators.
Now xyx=(xyx−1)x2, so that two xs can be brought together at the expense of replacing y by a conjugate of y. Take an expression of an element g′∈G′ as a product of commutators c1,…,ct, where t is minimal. If t>n3, then there is some commutator c occuring m times, where m>n (for there are fewer than n2 distinct commutators). But all such factors can be brought together to cm at the harmless expense of replacing commutators by conjugates (which are still commutators); that is, the number of commutator factors in the expression is unchanged. And we have proven that the length of the minimal expression for g′ is shortened, and this is a contradiction. Therefore, t<n3, and so G′ is finite.
Definition 5.5.9 A group G is nilpotent if there is an integer n such that Cn(G)=1; the least such n is called the class of the nilpotent group G.
Theorem 5.5.7 shows, for nilpotent groups, that the lower and upper central series are normal series of the same length.
A group is nilpotent of class 1 if and only if it is abelian. By Theorem 5.5.7, a nilpotent group G of class 2 is described by C1(G)=G′≤Z(G)=C1(G). Every nonabelian group of order p3 is nilpotent of class 2, by Proposition 4.1.15.
Theorem 5.5.10 Every finite p-group is nilpotent.
By Theorem 4.1.6, every finite p-group has a nontrivial center. If, for some i, we have Ci(G)<G, then Z(G/Ci(G))≠1 and so Ci(G)<Ci+1(G). Since G is finite, there must be an integer i with Ci(G)=G; that is, G is nilpotent.
Theorem 5.5.11
- Every nilpotent group G is solvable.
- If G≠1 is nilpotent, then Z(G)≠1.
- An easy induction shows that G(i)≤Ci−1(G) for all i. It follows that if Cn(G)=1, then G(n+1)=1; that is, if G is nilpotent (of class ≤n), then G is solvable (with derived length ≤n+1).
- Assume that G≠1 is nilpotent of class c, so that Cn(G)=1 and Cn−1(G)≠1. By Theorem 5.5.7, 1≠Cn−1(G)≤C1(G)=Z(G).
Theorem 5.5.12 Every subgroup H of a nilpotent group G is nilpotent. Moreoever, if G is nilpotent of class n, then H is nilpotent of class ≤n.
It is easily proved by induction that H≤G implies Ci(H)≤Ci(G) for all i. Therefore, Cn(G)=1 forces Cn(H)=1.
Theorem 5.5.13 If G is nilpotent of class n and H⊲G, then G/H is nilpotent of class ≤n.
If f:G→L is a surjective homomorphism, then Lemma 5.5.2 gives Ci(L)≤f(Ci(G)) for all i. Therefore, Cn(G)=1 forces Cn(L)=1. The theorem follows by taking f to be the natural map.
Remark If H⊲G and both H and G/H are nilpotent, then G need not be nilpotent. For example, S3 is not nilpotent, but both A3≅Z3 and S3/A3≅Z2 are abelian, hence nilpotent.
Theorem 5.5.14 If H and K are nilpotent, then their direct product H×K is nilpotent.
An easy induction shows that Ci(H×K)≤Ci(H)×Ci(K) for all i. If M=max{n,m}, where Cn(H)=1=Cm(K), then CM(H×K)=1 and H×K is nilpotent.
Theorem 5.5.15 If G is nilpotent, then it satisfies the normalizer condition: if H<G, then H<NG(H).
There exists an integer i with Ci+1(G)≤H and Ci(G)≰H. Now [Ci,H]≤[Ci,G]=Ci+1≤H, so that Ci normalizes H; that is, Ci≤NG(H) Therefore, H is a proper subgroup of NG(H).
Proposition 5.5.16 The following conditions on a finite group G are equivalent:
- G is nilpotent;
- G satisfies the normalizer condition;
- Every maximal subgroup of G is normal.
- Every Sylow p-subgroup of some prime p is normal.
Proposition 5.5.17
- If G is nilpotent of class n, then G/Z(G) is nilpotent of class n−1.
- If H≤Z(G) and if G/H is nilpotent, then G is nilpotent.
- If G is a nilpotent group and H is a minimal normal subgroup of G, then H≤Z(G).
Theorem 5.5.18 A finite group G is nilpotent if and only if it is the direct product of its Sylow subgroups.
If G is the direct product of its Sylow subgroups, then it is nilpotent, by Theorems 5.5.10 and 5.5.14.
For the converse, let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of G for some prime p. By Proposition 4.2.13, NG(P) is equal to its own normalizer. On the other hand, if NG(P)<G, then Theorem 5.5.15 shows that NG(P) is a proper subgroup of its own normalizer. Therefore, NG(P)=G and P⊲G, which shows that G have a unique Sylow p-subgroup for every prime p||G|. Since the intersection of any Sylow p-subgroup and Sylow q-subgroup is always trivial, we know that G equals to the direct product of its Sylow subgroups.
Corollary 5.5.19 Let G be a finite nilpotent group of order n. If m|n, then G has a subgroup of order m.
Theorem 5.5.20 If G is a nilpotent group, then every maximal subgroup H is normal and has prime index.
By Theorem 5.5.15, H<NG(H); since H is maximal, NG(H)=G, and so H⊲G. Proposition 2.7.4 now shows that G/H has prime order.
Theorem 5.5.21 Let G be a nilpotent group.
- If H is a nontrivial normal subgroup, then H∩Z(G)≠1.
- If A is a maximal abelian normal subgroup of G, then A=CG(A).
- Since C0(G)=1 and G=Cn(G) for some n, there is an integer i for which H∩Ci(G)≠1; let m be the minimal such i. Now [H∩Cm(G),G]≤H∩[Cm(G),G]≤H∩Cm−1(G)=1, because H⊲G, and this says that 1≠H∩Cm(G)≤H∩Z(G).
- Since A is abelian, A≤CG(A). For the reverse inclusion, assume that g∈CG(A) and g∉A. It is easy to see, for any subgroup H (of any group G) and for all g∈G, that gCG(H)g−1=CG(g−1Hg). Since A⊲G, it follows that gCG(A)g−1=CG(A) for all g∈G, and so CG(A)⊲G. Therefore, CG(A)/A is a nontrivial normal subgroup of the nilpotent group G/A; by (i), there is x∉A with Ax∈(CG(A)/A)∩Z(G/A). The correspondence theorem gives ⟨A,x⟩ a normal abelian subgroup of G strictly containing A, and this contradicts the maximality of A.
Definition 5.5.22 A normal series
with each Gi⊲G and Gi/Gi+1≤Z(G/Gi+1) is called a central series.
Proposition 5.5.23
- If G is nilpotent, then both the upper and the lower central series of G are central series.
- A group G is nilpotent if and only if it has a central series G=G0⊳G1⊳⋯⊳Gn=1. Moreover, if G is nilpotent of class n, then Ci(G)≤Gi≤Cn−i(G) for all i.
Proposition 5.5.24 If H and K are normal nilpotent subgroups of a finite group G, then HK is a normal nilpotent subgroup.
Proposition 5.5.25 Let G be a finite group, then G has a unique maximal normal nilpotent subgroup F(G), which is called the Fitting subgroup of G, and we have F(G) char G when G is finite.
Proposition 5.5.26 Let G be a group, then [Ci(G),Cj(G)]≤Ci+j+1(G) for all i,j.
Frattini Subgroup
Definition 5.6.1 If G is a group, its Frattini subgroup Φ(G) is defined as the intersection of all the maximal subgroups of G. If G is an infinite group with no maximal subgroups, we define Φ(G)=G.
It is clear that Φ(G) char G, and so Φ(G)⊲G.
Definition 5.6.2 An element x∈G is called a nongenerator if it can be omitted from any generating set: if G=⟨x,Y⟩, then G=⟨Y⟩.
Theorem 5.6.3 For every group G, the Frattini subgroup Φ(G) is the set of all nongenerators.
Let x be a nongenerator of G, and let M be a maximal subgroup of G. If x∉M, then G=⟨x,M⟩=M, a contradiction. Therefore, x∈M, for all M, and so x∈Φ(G). Conversely, if z∈Φ(G), assume that G=⟨z,Y⟩. If ⟨Y⟩≠G, then there exists a maximal subgroup M with ⟨Y⟩≤M. But z∈M, and so G=⟨z,Y⟩≤M, a contradiction. Therefore, z is a nongenerator.
Theorem 5.6.4 Let G be a finite group. Then,
- Φ(G) is nilpotent;
- if G is a finite p-group, then Φ(G)=G′Gp, where Gp is the subgroup of G generated by all p-th powers;
- if G is a finite p-group, then G/Φ(G) is a vector space over Zp.
- if G is a finite p-group, then G is cyclic if and only if G/Φ(G) is cyclic.
- Let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of Φ(G) for some p. Since Φ(G)⊲G, the Frattini argument gives G=Φ(G)NG(P). But Φ(G) consists of nongenerators, and so G=NG(P); that is, P⊲G and hence P⊲Φ(G). Therefore, by Proposition 5.5.16, Φ(G) is nilpotent.
- If M is a maximal subgroup of G, where G is now a p-group, then Theorem 5.5.20 gives M⊲G and [G:M]=p. Thus, G/M is abelian, so that G′≤M; moreover, G/M has exponent p, so that xp∈M for all x∈G. Therefore, G′Gp≤Φ(G). For the reverse inclusion, observe that G/G′Gp is an abelian group of exponent p, hence is elementary abelian, and hence is a vector space over Zp. Clearly Φ(G/G′Gp)=1. If H⊲G and H≤Φ(G), then it is easy to check that Φ(G) is the inverse image of Φ(G/H) under the natural map (for maximal subgroups correspond). It follows that Φ(G)=G′Gp.
- Since G′Gp=Φ(G), the quotient group G/Φ(G) is an abelian group of exponent p; that is, it is a vector space over Zp.
- Let |G|=pn. If G≅Zpn, then G has only one maximal subgroup and Φ(G)≅Zpn−1, which gives that G/Φ(G)≅Zp. Conversely, If G/Φ(G) is cyclic, then G/Φ(G)≅Zp since G/Φ(G) has exponent p. So we have |Φ(G)|=pn−1. But any maximal subgroup M of G has order pn−1, which gives that G has only one maximal subgroup. By Proposition 2.3.4, G is cyclic of order pn.
Theorem 5.6.5 For every (possible infinite) group G, one has G′∩Z(G)≤Φ(G).
Denote G′∩Z(G) by D. If D≰Φ(G), there is a maximal subgroup M of G with D≰M. Therefore, G=MD, so that each g∈G has a factorization g=md with m∈M and d∈D. Since d∈Z(G), gMg−1=mdMd−1m−1=mMm−1=M, and so M⊲G. By Proposition 2.7.4, G/M has prime order, hence is abelian. Therefore, G′≤M. But D≤G′≤M, contradicting D≰M.
Proposition 5.6.6 (Wielandt) A finite group G is nilpotent if and only if G′≤Φ(G).
Proposition 5.6.7
- A finite group G is nilpotent if and only if G/Φ(G) is nilpotent.
- Let N be a normal subgroup of a finite group G. If G/Φ(N) is nilpotent, then G is nilpotent.
- Let G be a finite group. If Z(G)≤Φ(G), and G/Z(G) is nilpotent, then G is nilpotent.
Definition 5.6.8 A minimal generating set of a group G is a generating set X such that no proper subset of X is a generating set of G.
Theorem 5.6.9 (Burnside Basis Theorem) If G is a finite p-group, then any two minimal generating sets have the same cardinality, namely, dimG/Φ(G). Moreover, every x∉Φ(G) belongs to some minimal generating set of G.
If {x1,…,xn} is a minimal generating set, then the family of cosets {ˉx1,…,ˉxn} spans G/Φ(G) (where ˉx denotes the coset xΦ(G)). If this family is dependent, then one of them, say ˉx1, lies in ⟨ˉx2,…,ˉxn⟩. There is thus y∈⟨x2,…,xn⟩≤G with x1y−1∈Φ(G). Clearly, {x1y−1,x2,…,xn} generates G, so that G=⟨x2,…,xn⟩, by Theorem 5.6.3, and this contradicts minimality. Therefore, n=dimG/Φ(G), and all minimal generating sets have the same cardinality.
If x∉Φ(G), then ˉx≠0 in the vector space G/Φ(G), and so it is part of a basis {ˉx,ˉx2,…,ˉxn}. If xi represents the coset ˉxi, for i≥2, then G=⟨Φ(G),x,x2,…,xn⟩=⟨x,x2,…,xn⟩. Moreover, {x,x2,…,xn} is a minimal generating set, for the cosets of a proper subset do not generate G/Φ(G).
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