task optimization
Tasks have Dependencies
Running the task in Multi thread
LEMON is an open source graph library written in the C++ language providing implementations of common data structures and algorithms with focus on combinatorial optimization tasks connected mainly with graphs and networks. The library is part of the COIN-OR project.
LEMON is an abbreviation of Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks.
StarPU is a task programming library for hybrid architectures
1.The application provides algorithms and constraints
?CPU/GPU implementations of tasks
?A graph of tasks, using either the StarPU's high level GCC plugin pragmas or StarPU's rich C API
2.StarPU handles run-time concerns
?Task dependencies
?Optimized heterogeneous scheduling
?Optimized data transfers and replication between main memory and discrete memories
?Optimized cluster communications
COMP Superscalar http://www.bsc.es/computer-sciences/grid-computing/comp-superscalar
COMP Superscalar (COMPSs) is a programming model which aims to ease the development of applications for distributed infrastructures, such as Clusters, Grids and Clouds. COMP superscalar also features a runtime system that exploits the inherent parallelism of applications at execution time.
CppSs C++ super-scalar
No place to download, just a pdf
SuperGlue is a C++ library for task-parallelism, with data-dependent tasks.
Data-Dependency Driven Task Parallelism
QuickSched: Task-based parallelism with dependencies ...
Wool - a C library for fine grained independent task ... - SICS
tillenius · GitHub