PhotoModeler Pro V5.23 3D 模型图制作 英文专业版


PhotoModeler Pro V5.23 3D 模型图制作 英文专业版


HoneRiSO Apps


软件名称: PhotoModeler Pro V5.23

语系版本: 英文专业版

光盘片数: 单片装

保护种类: 序号

破解说明: 见最底下

系统支持: Windows NT(SP6)/2000/XP


软件类型: 3D 模型图制作

更新日期: 2006.05.26

软件发行: Eos Systems(F.CNiSO)



软件简介: (以官方网站为)



的的点、线、面,即可建立出立体的 3D 模型,既快又简单,可以作绘图、动画

、网页、VRML 等各方面的应用。


制作 3D 动画最基本、也是最困难的大概是基本模型的制作,因这是将平面构想


现在有了 PhotoModeler 可以简化许多的工作,只要利用照片里物体的的点、线、

面即可建立出立体的 3D 模型,既快又简单。


PhotoModeler 是使用 Photogrammetry这们科学作为计算与分析的基础,提供无成

本、无风险的方法去评估与学习 photogrammetry 的威力。使用者可以体验建构真

实世界的物体与场景和相关的应用,像是绘图、动画、网页、VRML 等等。




VRML 等。贴图也只要利用原始的照片即可贴图,并具有自动相机校正的功能。


除了程序中内含的两个简单的教学之外,PhotoModeler  还有法拉利跑车及堂的

学范例,有兴趣的使用者不要忘记一起下载回来。Pro 版有更佳的精确度,没有






测试环境 Windows XP Service Pack 2 繁体中文专业版、P4-2.8G 中央处理器

  512Mb 内存、NTSF 格式 80.0Gb 硬盘。


见光盘 "中文说明.txt" 档案


V5.1.0 V5.2.3 级档版本



此套光盘售价 150

1       PhotoModeler Lite


1.1    Welcome to PhotoModeler Lite

1.2    PhotoModeler Pro

1.3    User Interface

1.4    Producing a 3D Model

1.5    Taking Photographs

1.6    Working with Measurement Projects

1.7    Working with Cameras

1.8    Importing and Using Photographs

1.9    Building a 3D Model

There are seven steps to producing a model with PhotoModeler:


1.    Take photographs of the object or scene,

2.    Create a camera description,

3.    Import the photographs into PhotoModeler,

4.    Mark features on the photographs,

5.    Identify which points are the same,



Referencing is the process of telling PhotoModeler that two points, marked on two different photographs, represent the same physical point in space. The user must reference each point in every photograph it is marked on, to every other instance of the same point, in all of the photographs it appears on.


Points must be referenced on at least two photographs, but can be referenced on as many photographs as there are in the project.


6.    Process the data, and



Auditing is the process of reviewing the project data that is important to the generation of the 3D model. The information provided by the Audit step can be instrumental in tracking down problems and in predicting the success of the processing stage. For identifying error in referencing specific points refer to the Point Audit section.


PhotoModeler performs a number of calculations with the Camera Station orientations and the marked and referenced points and presents the output in the Audit Summary Dialog.



7.    Export the resulting 3D data to a CAD or graphics program.


1.10       Using your 3D Model with another program

1.11       Improving your 3D Model

1.12       Troubleshooting

1.13       Menu and Toolbar Reference

1.14       Glossary术语表


posted on 2007-09-12 21:34  cutepig  阅读(3550)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
