1. Web Data Mining().
As one of three web data ming aspects, Web Usage Ming has not been devoted much attention as well as Web Content Ming and Web Structure Ming.
Web Content Ming and Web Structure Ming can be implemented without any configeration in target webs. For example, we want to ming content of sina, We don't need to tell sina because we don't need any help from sina if there is not any properties issuses.
But Web Usage Ming is different from all of two.  Usage Ming needs to be deployed in target servers. or need to modify pages in target website.

2. Project Manage. (NO)-- Risk Control or Configration Management
 After try BT software, I want to develop a new version of pm software.
 Currently , I just want to do a software which can improve the communication level in a team. Just as a instant messager, my software can find all the users who is online with the p2p protocal. their talks will be saved and categried so that it can be  review by others. All the content will be show in web.
So, It makes no sense. It can be a tool but not a paper.

3. UI Friendness.(NO)
UI , User Interface , a good ui can make the software more popular and take more market share. But I don't have any experience in UI design, not to mention that I can produce some new ideas.

4. Web Monitor.
There are some same projects on the Internet.
Web Monitor is focus on following topics:
         a. Web Visiting Count. 
         b. Visiting Users Anaytis( Location, Habit, ....)

4. Plugin-able Software Design.
IOC Pattern
5. Project Management with RCP tools support.(project agend, task , report, bugs, tests report, collabarate, communication)
6. Configuaration Management , its spirit is Collabarate and Communication.
    Collabarate:  Concurrent Version Control,Bug Test and Report Recycle
    Communication: Talks and communication.

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