When I was a sophomore student in btbu( beijing technology and bussiness university), I get my first software development project.
At that time, our school ministry of personnel( MoP) need a program to perform the action of printing vote cards and stating result. I got the project by coincidence I know the administrator of MoP. When I fully understand the requirement of software, I feel a great of stress. This is my first project which I must try my best to finish it in the condition that I had no any experiences.
1. Manage the data of all the voteor in my school. Support excel import and export.
2. Automation of Print the vote cards according to the design of MoP .
3.Statistic the result and then publish to public.
(Now , I think all the functions are very basic and fundamental)
After I take a good grasp of requirement, the development work started.
I choose Visual Basic programe language, which is suit to fast develop. and With the help of Visual Studio (Version Six, Unauthorization Software), I drag the project forward.
In the process, I deal with many problems ,without experience is the biggest! I spent much time on find reference and search problem solution. Under the pressure of mass work , I find I gradully grown and strong.
After one month later, I send my alpha Voting System to MoP. you can imagine the response of MoP: Software need much time to debug and refactor, some requirement are not implement. I feel sad and disappointment. But I must do the follow job. A another month spend on this project.

After so many years, I have lost all the data of the Voting System. What a pit! Since it was designed badly , it is my first project.