Introduction to the QML language


Objects are specified by their type, followed by a pair of braces. Object types always begin with a capital letter.

Objects 类型都是大写开头。


Property naming
Properties begin with a lowercase letter (with the exception of Attached Properties).

全部小写开头,除了Attatched properties


List properties

Item {
    children: [
        Image {},
        Text {}

Grouped Properties

Attached Properties




Signal Handlers

All signal handlers begin with "on".

MouseArea {
    acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
    onPressed: if (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton) console.log("Right mouse button pressed")

posted on 2011-07-26 17:51  katago  阅读(218)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报